Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thomas Friedman ALL FALL DOWN

Published: November 25, 2008
I spent Sunday afternoon brooding over a great piece of Times reporting by Eric Dash and Julie Creswell about Citigroup. Maybe brooding isn’t the right word. The front-page article, entitled “Citigroup Pays for a Rush to Risk,” actually left me totally disgusted.

Why? Because in searing detail it exposed — using Citigroup as Exhibit A — how some of our country’s best-paid bankers were overrated dopes who had no idea what they were selling, or greedy cynics who did know and turned a blind eye. But it wasn’t only the bankers. This financial meltdown involved a broad national breakdown in personal responsibility, government regulation and financial ethics.

worth taking the time to read

The Libertarian Moment: Despite all leading indicators to the contrary, America is poised to enter a new age of freedom. - Re.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

GWB Presidential Library

A "solicitation" I received today...

Does anyone else detect a tad bit of bias in the title of this article?

Uneasiness grows over how Brewer might cut budget

Gosh, she may cut the budget! How terrible! And she may even cut taxes! Hide the children!

Monday, November 24, 2008


It finally dawned on the genius's behind GM that Tiger was not selling Buick's that well. And since we are hat in hand at Washington asking for welfare it might dawn on them don't drive the private G-5 jets to pick up the welfare check. Oh I forgot it was the worker's fault.

A very interesting quiz: more on getting the government we deserve

American elected officials showed a shocking lack of knowledge about government, history, and basic constitutional principles in a national survey. They scored a failing grade of just 44 percent on a basic test of knowledge of our nation in a quiz by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). Average citizens scored 49 percent. Note: many of these people scored less than a random or blind selection of answers — quite an achievement.

Here is the quiz. Please take it without cheating. I scored a 31 out of 33 and the ones I got wrong I though I had right so I must have guessed well on a couple.

Here is a link to the article.

The government we deserve

Alexis de Tocqueville stated in the early 1800's that "in a Democracy we get the government we deserve".


As they jet into Washington on their private jets to ask for help, I am reminded of the great quote "Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.
~F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Rich Boy, All the Sad Young Men

Friday, November 21, 2008

Global Trends

A Prediction

The stock market is going to bottom next week (or so), oil is down and the economy is going to take off very soon. The "O" will get credit.

We, the U.S., are just looking for some good news. Some event will right the ship.


Our friend Terry has much to say about compassionate economics, most of it malarkey when in circumstances such as these, the rubber meets to road.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Must view

Fascinating look at the average American voter.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Detroit 3 and BK

There seems to me to be a lot that most people don't know about bankruptcy.  I don't know it all, by any means, but I have managed a company through bankruptcy and sold it to a competitor, thereby SAVING 90% OF THE JOBS.  BK does not necessarily mean things stop.  Hardly.  The airlines have been going in and out of BK, and the ones that have a viable strategy re-emerge.

A fundamental part of the process for the success of capitalism is that failed companies go away.  Keeping brain-dead management and benefit-saturated unions on life support is not a good use of anyone's money.  If there is no private capital that will to come forward then we should take as a hint that there has yet to emerge a viable plan.

Terry thought it was harsh to say, "Life is hard, get a helmet."  I spent a career in manufacturing.  I have laid off many, many people and created profitable businesses out of bankrupt situations.  In one case we went from 2,100 people to 1,100 people and went from losing $2 million a month to profitability in just 9 months time.  Small potatoes compared to Detroit, but enough of an experience to learn a few lessons.  I have negotiated wage and benefits cuts with unions after having first taken a larger cut in my compensation than I was asking of the troops.  I have faced tears and screams, and, later, heart-felt handshakes when we became profitable and SAVED THE JOBS WE COULD.  

Manufacturing in America has been a bitch for about 40 years, but the folks at the Big 3 have barely participated in the pain.  $70+ per hour  AVERAGE pay (that's well over $140,00 per year) to put a car together is simply dumb.  It cannot compete.  Job banks (approximately 9,500 persons?) where "laid off" workers collect 95% of their pay is non-competitive and dumb.  These workers are not victims.  They have lived off the fat of the land because they could and because management struck an unholy alliance with the unions.  

Management lacked the courage to call bullshit.   They spent 30 years to get to leadership positions, and then they struck deals to keep the game going until they got their bonuses and retirement packages.  They suck and they must be replaced.

Americans will stand in line to buy a competitive American-designed and American-built car.  There will be an American auto industry.  Do not fear the change necessary to create a viable industry, and, in my view, the best path to follow is BK.


In fact, one can bet Richie is tingling with excitement.

'No Excuses' for Liberals -

I know the "O" us so smart that he will save us but the devil is in the details.

Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One More for the Good Guys!

The AP says Begich beat Stevens in Alaska. We now have 56 + 2 = 58. I predict Franken takes MN, Chambliss wins in GA.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Right wing Republican think tanks have been working on trying to reverse affirmative action for over 30 years. Affirmative action has been fundamental to the progress that we have seen recently. From Justice Clarence Thomas to Barack Obama, affirmative action has begun to equalize the playing field. Thomas came from a small town in Georgia. Why would Holy Cross take him in 1967? He wasn’t a great student from a small Georgia town. In college, he did well then went on to Yale. Remember before affirmative action, colleges would simply pass over Blacks and other minorities. Whether they were qualified or not. No matter how some folks try to spin affirmative action, it is an excellent program that has benefitted Blacks, Whites, Latinos … Americans.

Financial Clowns

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bailing out the rich

Let me undersatnd this in plain simple language. We need to bailout Wall Street, Buy Bank stock, so money will flow again. They the Banks and Wall Street made up a product and sold it around the world and now the product is almost worthless. Then they made up a product called Credit Defaults that insured the product that was worthless and those people made Billions. Let's try that again with small town America. A small factory worker who gives his blood and sweat for over 40 years which is "his product" Then the owner of the Factory (Wall Street) introduces (or makes up) a new product which is worthless and now he needs money because he made a bad decision and if He doesn't get the bailout the factory will close and the worker will lose his job even tho he did nothing wrong. So let's give them more money and trust them this time. Do I have it right Jim G?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary to Foggy Bottom?

I love the idea of Hill running the State Dept provided that there is never a question as to who is ultimately in charge. 

Who would Governor Paterson appoint to fill her seat? Could it be Bill Clinton!? One can only hope...


Senate Rules Changes?

So - now that the Democrats have a near-Filibuster proof majority in the Senate, isn't it a good time for the majority to change the rules? I think that now is an excellent time for the change as it will not appear cynical. One side won't be gaining much on the other, if at all. Depending on the legislation, rounding up 60 votes will be easier than it has been since the '70s.

I'd like to see an end to the Filibuster. It is not being used as it was originally intended. Both parties have used the very undemocratic tool whenever it was convenient. I think a presidential signature and majority vote in two separate bodies, subject to judicial review, is all the check and balance we need. Effectively placing the minority in control of the Senate is no way to govern.

In the recent past the Republicans have threatened the "constitutional option" (aka "nuclear option") when Democrats threatened to Filibuster SC appointments. Tell me please, why should a president need to get 60 votes to approve an appointment when the constitution makes no mention of such a super majority?    

Until the early 1980's, senators had to continuously speak from the Senate floor in order to maintain the Filibuster. Consequently, they were rare and usually ony applied to matters in which members held deep philosophical convictions. Then, the rules were changed such that  one need only prove it had 41+/= votes to prevent a vote. I don't think going back to this policy is the best approach. Thanks to C-Span, politicians from both sides would be dying to have hours on the floor to themselves. 

I also think the ability of individual senators to put a "hold" on legislation (short term) or an appointment (potentially long term) is unconscionable. Apparently, it takes over a year to fill all of the administration's appointed positions (3,000 +/-) as various senators will hold up the show in an effort to gain concessions on pet legislation and/or personnel. Really, it is just as corrupt as the earmark system.

Perhaps this question will pull our M Law grad out of his undisclosed location: Would a constitutional challenge to the "hold" and Filibuster systems prevail? The consititution calls for each body to make it own rules, but is this discretion unlimited? Shouldn't a constitutional amendment be required for anything that would require a super majority vote?  


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh, and when they close Gitmo, I think they should send them all to Richie, Rich and Terry's house.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the reality of governing and securing our nation hits the "O" right in the smacker. Where O' where are they going to stick these terrorists?

BS part II

Another pompous rant from this arrogant journalist.

Hey Nancy, Hey Tom, Hey "O", Hey Richie: You don't know how to make or market cars!

Explaining away the legacy costs (read Union) by faulting the industry for not supporting "universal health care", is outrageous.

I think what the government needs to to is to "help" the real estate industry and golf industry. They should take over and decide how much golf pros and agents make and pretty much run their business. They are much better at it than "you know who's".

Nobody makes better cars than the "car industry", who will make up the car industry is TBD.

This is not raising marginal tax rates, this is full fledged socialism.


Op-Ed Columnist - How to Fix a Flat -

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Why don't we call the potential bailout of the Auto Industry just what it is...EXTORTION. They are saying in reality "If you don't give us the money we will have to shut down our plants and put 3+ million people connected with our industry out of work" You can call it a threat...I call it EXTORTION. Bigger is not better...Bigger is dangerous. OH by the way...seeing the Governor of Michigan on Obama's Economic advisory panel should make everyone sick...she is in the pockets of the Unions. Speaking of the Unions in this potential bailout...what are they going to sacrifice in the deal..commitment to lower wages, better unit per man our production, better quality..lets hear their plan.
Riegels Rants

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I call BS

Anyone else noticing how now the press notes that we need to treat our President with respect and give him a chance with all the problems our ongoing problems?

Just precious.


General Motors and Ford burned through a stunning $14.6 billion in cash last quarter. G.M.'s stock has sunk so low that you could buy the entire company for $2 billion. Bankruptcy seems all but inevitable. Why are "we the people" bailing these blunder heads out? I thought the bailout was for BANKS so they could loan money to business's they thought might be able to repay. That's called BANKING. When Billy Ford and the CEO's at GM are willing to take a pay cut and show they CARE then will talk. And don't tell me the worker's benefits and health care are part of the problem, the Problem is you chose to make the the wrong SIZE cars. I doubt Bubba on the line made the decision to make Gas Guzzlers. How did Toyota figure it out.

Great, they like us better!

Could we discuss whether or not a country "likes" us means anything.

I say not much.
The Republican approach is bankrupt and has led us to where we are today. And you will not acknowledge the Democratic involvement in the mortgage crisis. Yes - Bush sucked and EVERYBODY knows it - except Jim Ganem. In fact, he compared him to Churchill I did, I compared his steadfastness in face of evil. Yep, I did. Time will tell. I too am a well paid capitalist and I look forward to paying higher taxes. See I said you were a dope, and even you will do a better job with your money than the "O". when Obama rebuilds international relationships and alliances that had been torn asunder over the past seven years. That is what the world needs, is love. I love watching the righties go apoplectic over card check. Perhaps that is why their real wages have dropped considerably over the past 30 years. In the past 30 years there are plasma TVs, computers and enough food for all (in fact too much). So what you are arguing against is too much success. Hey let's check with GM, boy that card check. what a deal. You are right, Hags. That was fun! And you are still a dope.November 11, 2008 9:15 AM
Baxter said...
Wow, Hags! That was a rant! And you Richie are a dope.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Valerie Jarrett on MTP

If one watched MTP this morning they had to come away very impressed with Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of the transition. Man, we she refreshing! If  Blagojevich can't practically appoint Michelle as Obama's successor in the Senate, I hope he chooses Jarrett. She is on the short list.

Emanuel a great pick

Republicans don't get it do you, He didn't pick Emanuel to deal with Republicans, he picked him to be a pit bull(if you will) so he can deal with his own party more effectively.
He is going to be pressured to do move far left and when he doesn't, he is going to need a tough chief of staff to back up his decisions to stay centered.
Emanuel has been the guy trying to recruit moderate liberals to run congressional and senate positions.
You all complaining about the guy hired to help Obama govern from the center.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today's dust up about Palin. I think it is mostly not true and shows Johnny Mac in a bad light no matter how it is played. Either he chose her and can be faulted or is being petty now and looks bad.

This is yet another example of how Johnny Mac is a disorganized fool.

By the way, administrations that are organized are inevitably labeled as secretive. I think "O" s will be labeled as such by the right.

Richie, this is just for discussion. Try and not go all Olberman on us.

A memo

Our friend Tom seems to announce something in the "A memo" post below.


I Hate Being Right- Market Down 10% in 2 Days;_ylt=Ag9Q8ms9bBZpeaJoqFf90jK7YWsA/*

Obama's Cabinet

Populating the Cabinet and Cabinet level positions is one of the most important things our new president will do. I have put my recommendatoions (not predictions) in the first comment. 

Why is it that the Left always resorts to the courts when they lose elections

It is so typical of the radical left Elitists. Whenever they lose on something they sue and hope to find a leftist judge to change the will of "The People". When they win everyone is all of a sudden so smart and the Earth is back in it's proper revolution around the Sun. They shouldn't be called Democrats because they are not truly for Democracy witness the unbeliveable amount of fraud perpetuated by ACORN and in the Obama fund raising mechanism. I believe the new name of this party that has now moved to the far left of the political spectrum as the "Hypocrites Party".

Those "Principled" Republicans!

I think it is instructive that one of our most conservative states - the people that give Sarah Palin an 80% approval rating - just reelected a convicted felon to the Senate. He was convicted of seven felonies concerning public corruption less than a week before the election. Nonetheless, those "principled" Republicans returned him to office! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gary you may be right.

9139.27 -486.01

Plus -$100 to R Miller for a bottle of wine.

Yep II

The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace -

Just like Churchill


Jeff Flake - A Way Out of the Wilderness -

Sent by our friend Rich

A Memo to the Left

Be careful what you wish for. Obama is a smart and genuinely caring person. I think he truly believes he can help people in this country, but historically more government is a scary concept. Make no mistake, your taxes will go up. And to everyone who wishes for the government to take care of them as Obama promises, good luck with that. More government invites more scrutiny into our personal lives and documentation why we need help in the first place. Fill out these forms and wait in line. Your wish has come true.

A true Conservative

I believe strongly that true conservatives are less likely to identify with a political party than a liberal. I also believe that a true conservative, like me, truly loves his country and would never wish that bad things happen to it even though bad things happening to the country would be good politically. A true conservative's love for his country and pride in being an American overrides the political.

I have spent the last 8 years watching liberals hope and pray that Americans would die in Iraq, that there would be national disasters that they could blame on republicans, that the Vice President would get killed while visiting Iraq and on and on. It has been shameful to me to see the radical left wish bad things to occur to the nation that they live in and breath the free air that has been provided to them by the shedding of American blood in the defense of this freedom.

I, as a conservative wish that President Obama will not make the kind of decisions that will bring the country that I love farther into economic disarray and possibly depression. I also hope and pray that he will make wise dicisions beyond his experience level so that my children will be able to grow up in the kind of country that has made me proud to be an American my entire life.

Losing with Honor

Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.—Sophocles

John McCain lost this election and a big reason he lost is due to his sense of Honor. He has exemplified the warrior code of "bushido" by refusing to bring the Reverend Wright controversy into the mix. He refused to take political contributions unless they were verified as coming from American citizens unlike the Obama campaign which raised untold millions from contributions with individuals with fictitious names by removing all of the security features on the Obama website.

Many have complained that he is not a true Conservative but I argue today that he displayed the conservative principle of honor right to the end. Honor is a quality that is quickly disappearing from the make up of this nation and true Conservatives believe you are nothing without honor.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have never been more proud

I have never been more proud. America said tonight race does not matter. Ideas matter.

Well that takes care of everything

We have arrived. Did you notice...the air is cleaner? The Homeless, they went home. Bigotry is a thing of the past. Other nations now love us and we are no longer under threat. If we need to mine data now, its OK. Obama will know what to do to save us.

I know these things because the last time the Democrats held power, those things somehow just mysteriously faded away. No one in the MSM was interested in the homeless anymore. I am not sure where they keep them during Democratic periods of rule. The Democratic President always faces tough decisions and when mistakes happen, they will have done their best; not making stupid mistakes like the Republican President's. When the Congress analyze the national security evidence, well Obama will have looked at it also, so it must be true.

Until the various crisis start, you know the ones, the health care crisis, the Union crisis, the Fairness doctrine crisis. Then things will start to look bad, you know, because the Republicans will stand in the way of progress and something must be done. The MSM will stand by their President and his agenda.

But you also know, the MSM will get bored...

The coming Facist tide

The first sign of facism, communism, socialism is silencing those who oppose your views. What would the left say if republicans had proposed regulating the main stream media both print and television plus movies to make sure that all of them gave equal time to conservative beliefs?

Socialism and Facism

Terry's post got me thinking about something concerning the political spectrum that most of us think about. It is usually thought of as being linear with Communist on the left and Facist on the right. This article argues that it is not a line but some other type of geometric shape. You will love this one Jim!

Here is an interesting political party

I think the libertarians of this group will be somewhat impressed.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Calling Obama a “socialist” simply isn’t logical. He doesn’t share the belief that industries should be nationalized by the government or even taken over by the workers as many American Marxists espouse. He may not be as wedded to the free market as a conservative but he doesn’t want to get rid of it. He wants to regulate it. He wants “capitalism with a human face.” He wants to mitigate some of the effects of the market when people lose. This is boilerplate Democratic party liberalism not radical socialism.
To Know Her Is To Respect Her
Sarah Palin's Future


ETHICAL PHILOSOPHY SELECTOR QUIZ philosophers: Aquinas Aristotle Ayn Rand Cynics David Hume Epicureans Jean-P.

How one can read this and not recognize a person of substance is beyond me.

The Weekend Interview -

Wow... 8 minutes.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It is Rush Limbaugh's fault.



I guess Paul wants us to lose gracefully and then just go away.

Op-Ed Columnist - The Republican Rump -

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Prediction for November 5th

I precict the day after Obama wins the election Tuesday (Jimmy G's B-day) the stock market will tumble. Even after all the selling that's already occured, anyone with investments who wanted to sell within the next 3 or 4 years will be crazy not to get out now and avoid paying another 13% capital gains tax that Obama promises to enforce. You want a recession, you haven't seen anything yet.

Have we forgotten Bin Laden?

What kind of tone-deaf panderer claims with a straight face that he knows how to win wars, knows how to capture Bin Laden and knows how to fix the economy, yet steadfastly refuses to offer any specifics of how he would do these things? The man actually claimed he know how to get Bin Laden in the debate. I guess he did not want to tell Bush at this time and you wonder why he is behind in the polls? This is doesn't even pass the laugh test. McCain is running the worst campaign since Muskie. And now the mantra is from the McCain campaign seems to be the Chicken little nursery ryme " the sky is falling, the sky is falling"

A great conversation is going on below with our newest blogger, Jimb at "the proof" below.