Saturday, February 28, 2009

Instead of tilting at windmills... Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Nuking Clean Power

The Journal is HOT.

Barack Obama's Expensive Domestic Agenda Will Cost America's Middle Class -

Barack Obama's Budget Proposal Will Expand Government Permanently -

Barack Obama Commits to a U.S. Transitional Force in Iraq -

The right is finding its voice of opposition. I hope we succeed before this B-----d completely bankrupts our country.

OK, blog readers, show of hands (metaphorical, I mean, please comment), how many intend to change economic behaviour and financial planning (read tax avoidance) in response to the new "O" taxes and welfare state?

Thomas Fleming Asks Whether George W. Bush Was the Worst President -

Longing for a Different Era?

There is a Ronald Reagan marathon this week on Turner Classic Movies - TCM.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Give Up and So Should You

The healthcare system is a mess so it's only natural for the government to take it over and run the thing. It's already begun. The banks are also a mess so, whad'ya say, let's have the government take that over as well--it's already begun. Let's not forget about the car industry. You know where I'm headed here, don't you. Think I'm paranoid? Take a good look at the smiling faces at the Department of Motor Vehicles the next time you need your license renewed, because that's where our kids will be working in a few years, or the Department of Health, or the Department of Finance, or the Department of WalMart, er Home Supplies. I wish I were trying for humor here, but I'm funnier than that.
Hmm, maybe I'll apply for a job down at the Department of Stand-Up?
The B-----d is truly going to socialize our country and penalize the successful.

Those of you naive enough to think this will have no effect on the earnings and activity of the "rich" are sadly mistaken.

Looking at the deficit projections dwarfing those of the Bush years. I laugh, how Mr. Baxter thinks this is somehow a good thing. I guess he is a deficit hawk only when Republicans are in charge. And before you start, as the article says, it is going to get worse, not better, when the BB move through the system. Would that not argue to save some money now?

Obama Delivers $3.6 Trillion Budget Blueprint -

Stop and Think

Got this the other day and found it a little disturbing...I would assume everyone else would agree

Obama's Salary Cap

I heard Obama claim that people who make more than 250K will pay higher taxes to help pay for healthcare for the other 95% of hard-working Americans. I had no idea that anyone who made more than 250K were such lazy slugs who inherited all of their wealth. Really? Well, guess how some people who flirt with that watermark might react. Tuesday night our son goes to a church activity and my wife and I normally go out to eat while we have a quiet moment together. Not this Tuesday. As a matter of fact we've taken it out of our budget and eat at home. Too bad local restaurant owner, we're on a budget now. Obama's budget. Guess who's going to start mowing his lawn now. Sorry small business lawn care service, we're on a budget now. Obama's budget. You get the idea? Get used to this recession, because the people who can help most are on a budget and their not going to be spending any of their precious overtaxed incomes any time soon.
Go Liberals!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No tingle up my legs, nothing.

America we are broke and need to get back to work. So I am going to sign a Pork laden budget bill, after signing a Pork laden stimulus then, of course I am going to Nationalize a large, important part of our economy (health care) and implement a dramatic new system of economic management (Carbon offsets) to cure a problem which may or may not be present.

Basically, I am taking over.

And fun? No mas. No corporate travel anymore. Don't you understand? It is my job to decide how much fun these Government run financial institutions get to have and besides it gets me populist votes. What? The resorts? I will just keep staying at the bankrupt ones, just my presence will fill their rooms.

And CEO pay? You bet! They are the worst aren't they? As always, if we have a significant distortion in the free market which fits our recipe for stoking the fire of class warfare, we will use it as an excuse to take over rather than let free people in a free market correct the problem. That guy in AZ, Terry, who just loves me, really loves this kind of stuff.

Last night was a real winner, did you see how in the spirit of Bipartisanship the first thing I said was that we spent the surplus on the "rich"? Everyone knows we should have kept the money and spent it on "social justice". Yes, yes I know that letting the "rich" keep their money really just puts it directly in the economy rather than through the government filter, but hey, we are just so much better at knowing where it should go.

Question? Sure. Halving the debt? Yes I said that. Only increasing taxes on a small portion of the population? Well of course, they are the "rich" you know. Shared sacrifice? Another day.

What? Well of course, we can halve the deficit by stopping the war in Iraq and taxing 5% of the country and micromanaging the economy

Holman Jenkins Says Barack Obama's Ideas on the Environment, Social Security and Taxes Are Democratic Indulgences -

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Distortion" that the Right Might Like

Rich Baxter's Plan to Rescue Housing, Commercial Real Estate, + Ultimately the Economy:

One Year Window: 10% tax credit on all existing single family purchases, no caps, primary, vacation or income property. NO new construction - the idea is to cut inventory in half. Five year hold requirement or prorated reduction of tax credit. Cost to Treasury? $90B - $140B one year.

Two Year Window:  Permit passive income depreciation on real estate for all investment properties purchased over two years, no caps. Tax advantage remains for the life of the investment but cannot be transferred. Existing stock only - again - no new construction - the purpose is to mop up inventory. Cost to Treasury? Hard to score - possibly $25B per year for two years and then a gradual reduction every year as qualifying properties are sold off.  

There is a tremendous amount of commercial property likely to default in the next two years. Purchase + refi loans are extremely hard to obtain. This would bring a great deal of equity ownership to the marketplace. Doctors and lawyers would be back in syndications, offsetting their healthy incomes with paper losses.

What say you?

The Stimulus Plan is Working

The moment Obama signed that stimulus plan I found that my allergies seemed to clear up. Suddenly my eyes didn't water and my nose didn't run. Then my bursitis went away and my tennis elbow disappeared. That afternoon my wife came into my office wearing only a robe and a smile. Talk about stimulus.
Then the next day I opened the newspaper and saw what the stock market did.

Op-Ed Columnist - Banking on the Brink -

Al, of Rant, did call you would blame the stock market on Bush. It's forward looking baby.

Anyway, about this article. For a moment of serious discussion. Part of the suspicion towards stuff like this is the obvious hostility towards stockholders, which I do not understand being that their stock is only valued at $1 per share. Honestly don't get it. Why not just pay off the shareholders and then reissue the stock to solve this issue?

Second, contrasting this with establishing a toxic bank which acquires these assets and cleans the balance sheets.

Lastly, if only 8% of Mortgages have defaulted (as is frequently said), how can this relatively small number affect such a large portion of banks? I smell a rat.

I knew you guys liked the Clinton era but...

Did you really want us to revisit the same Dow levels?

Money - AOL Money & Finance

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obama Budget Plan Aims to Lower Deficit -

Matthew Kaminski Says Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's California Is Verging on Fiscal Insolvency -

Stated in the above article, I could not say it better, some point the well of the successful will drain.

California is in a French-like bind: unable to afford a welfare-type state, and unable to overhaul it. "The people say they want all these programs, then there's nothing they want to pay for," says Hector De La Torre, a Democratic assemblyman. "The schizophrenia in the legislature reflects the peoples'."

And the following, which continues to ignore economic reality.

National Journal Magazine - How The Stimulus Falls Short
Investigating Bush's Crimes

And after this he can address... reparations!

Go team "O"!

So much of Liberal/Socialist agenda to address, so little time (hopefully just 4 years). Let's put it all out there for the American people to examine.

It is not that we, Pro Business, Fiscal Conservatives, want him to fail, its is that he is failing and fast! Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Is It Any Wonder The Market Co.

This article exactly states the boondoggle which is the start of the "O" Presidency.

Terry, you can only demagogue the successful for so long, at some point we have to support business. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts (and other business incentives). Not these BS, make work jobs contained in the Porkulus bill. Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Mortgage Plan Is Rewarding Bad.

The only way out of this crisis is free market Capitalism. Let these companies fail, other better companies will take their place. Let foreclosures proceed, it will be very painful, but the recovery is already underway, if we get government out of the way.

And for balance:

Stimulus: Good Money After Bad

Although if I were in charge of a large corporation and had do decide which environment to place my company, I would go with the former. The contrasts are stark.


Friday, February 20, 2009 Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Fool's Golden State

Honestly, is not the whole country headed in the same direction as California under this administration? Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Reality Sets In

Told you, the "O"s policies are the same as "W". Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- In Order To Be Loyal, Oppositi.

All this is, is a power grab to control our country. It sure has not helped resolve this crisis.

As the Dow gently weeps. Acutally cries a river.

Perhaps the "O" and the Socialists/Liberals on this blog will wake up to the hostility they are extending to American business.

says it all.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I don't know if this is true, would not surprise me. I will leave it to Mr. Mark to opine.

The highest levels of the "new" administration.
Subject: Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff
Why doesn't Rahm Emanuel pay property taxes?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In case there was any doubt. Newsweek Feb 16

We Are All Socialists Now
Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas
In many ways our economy already resembles a European one. As boomers age and spending grows, we will become even more French.
Preview Article

Guess I hit a nerve.

The two Richies and Terry have been apoplectic about some of my recent musings. RM after months of quiet finally writes. I am perplexed by their venom. There is no basis for their angst (except that I called them idiots, but hey this ain't bean bag:),. One ponders why? I think I understand, they don't want their boy criticized, you know he is just soooo smart.

First, I have not attacked the "O" personally although I do find his political development in the corrupt Chicago environment troubling.

Second, and this is easy to see coming:

Illegitimate presidency, stupid, dad got him into Harvard, Bush lied people died, no war for oil, war to avenge the assassination attempt on his dad, tax cuts for the rich, cocaine addict. Hummm....

We, the Conservatives, vehemently oppose these programs which are corrupting our country.
I have no issue that the "O" is not telling the truth. He talked about Socialism during his campaign and is now implementing it as a way of life.

I would have been at today's protest if I could have afforded the time away.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jim still supports Privitizeing Social Security

Jim let me ask you since you still think its a great idea. Let's give my social security money to whom: please pick of the following choices:
Lehman Bros. Merrill Lynch, Wachovia, Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Bernie Madehof, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citi Group, or Smith Barney. Lets try and give those honest Wall Street guys another chance, I am sure they won't piss it away.

Richard Miller Sets the Record Straight!


You are really getting over the top lately.  You conveniently forget that Dubya’s tax cut put us 1.3 trillion in the hole..and his crazy war will cost another trillion.  You pronounced Obie the worst president ever after 2 weeks in the oval office…you forget the right had it’s own stimulus plan that would have cost roughly the same…you give no credit to Larry Summers..likely the smartest (Harvard educated..worked for both parties) economist in the nation…apparently J. Ganem knows a great deal more about international/micro/macro economics then any of our best and brightest….you continue to pat yourself on the back for creating a few jobs though thousands lose theirs daily..bottom line if they don’t make six figures..fuck them.  You seem to be in the Rush Limbaugh “I want this guy to fail” corner instead of America’s.  This plan may not work, but it will take years in any case.  You have been making statements lately as facts, when in truth they are your ill considered notions.  Here is a thought, why don’t we pay MDs the average of what the top 20 industrialized nations pay their doctors to offset the oceans of red ink that represents Medicare.  Your constant rants against the left and those that support it reduce the importance of your words.


Yes Terry we should privatize Social Security.

As the Democrats bankrupt our country Terry now asks how come we don't talk about privatizing Social Security anymore.

Terry... economic genus that we all are you of course realize we are using the S.S. fund to pay for current obligations. We have no money to pay for the coming Baby Boomers without huge tax increases.

So yes, it would have been great to allow folks to place a portion of their S.S. in an investment which they truly own. Remember, this was not directed towards current retirees.

And yes the current environment would have been difficult but it still would be better than having nothing which in truth is currently the case. If you believe in the American Economy then you must believe in the long term growth of its capital markets.

Your side, too busy being demagogue's, offered no alternative. The bankruptcy of our country is preceded by the bankruptcy of the left.

Monday, February 16, 2009

These Are Not Warning Signs of Inflation - Quite the Opposite

Terry and Rich, God bless you, stand up... you are Economic idiots.

Terry at least you admit you have no idea. Rich, this crap you come up with... might I add that you are no economist by degree or training and neither of you has run a business. You have no idea if inflation, deflation or a ham sandwich is coming our way. I do know that a free market and self responsibility is the best way out of this mess.

Continued under comments.

Let us not forget the coming of Sharia Law in the US and the end of free speech in the west

Let's see how much main stream press this story gets. I am willing to bet very little.

How about this one.

I am willing to bet if his views were anti-Christian that he would be allowed in. You should google his film "Fitna". A very powerful documentary film. Much of it is obviously based on fact. What ever happened to "freedom of speech"? If there was to be any rioting it would be by radical islamists and would again show their intolerance to others views and their support for terrorism. If you watch the film and you see the parts where little kids are interviewed and the hate that spews from their mouths you will wonder why our governments and the media continue to try and hide these things from us.

The wisdon of the Obamamessiah

It sure is starting too appear like there are going to be lots of disappointed children of FDR in the near future. Hearing so may brain dead Americans making comments the morning after the election like "for the first time I have woken up with hope for a future" is really laughable. There were so many comments about how smart the Obamamessiah is. But I said it a while back "there is a big difference between being smart and having wisdom.

Money Supply and Huge Inflation

Please take a look at the unprecedented growth in the money supply. The printing presses are working overtime. What do we think is going to be the long term result of this madness? My prediction is massive inflation like the kind we had during the Carter years. Possibly in excess of 20%. Too many dollars chasing too few goods. Interest rates will follow and we will see the US government paying massive amounts of interest to keep on financing the multi trillion dollar debt that we are accumulating.

Pay People More

Leaving aside more gov't debt, if you pay people more (especially in real terms), they can BOTH spend and save. WOW! What a concept!
So after posting the question: What is the purpose of this bill? Our friends (the Socialists/liberals) note that to fix our problems of over leveraging we should mega over-leverage. And..admitted by the golf pro...we are using the next generations money to pay back supporters of this Democratic President.

Again, how about nothing? Cut taxes and accelerate depreciation. Foster business activity. The country and world are economic cocooning, how does this bill address this issue? I know! By limiting executive pay of banks that accept TARP funds...that is the ticket to economic prosperity. It would be LOL funny were it not so economically dangerous.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

G.O.P. Largely White Southern Party

After FDR took over from Hoover, the Republican Party fell to 16 seats in the Senate and to 88 seats in the House.They may want to believe the New Deal did not work, it was only the WAR that saved us, but it did not save them GET on with Obama, and the country (over 50% favor) the Stimulus Package. The biggest mistake we can make now is to be too timid, no new deal lite, but a large enough stimulus package to do something.
The Bush era Republicans have no moral authority to lecture about deficits. And the small goverment, less taxes, party short on ideas and leaders is moving to less seats in Goverment, so I guess their winning on the small goverment idea.

Friday, February 13, 2009

would one of our LIberal friends tell us what this 1 trillion bill is for?

Let's be clear, you only liked Bush because he cried.

Lower in this beloved blog, a discussion ensues about how much understanding (read rope) we on the right, should give the "O", especially considering the good feelings given to President Bush by the American people, including the left, after 9-11. To which I reply... Really?

The only time a warm or good feeling was extended to Bush was after he cried when the chick reporter asked him a question about the loss of lives and their families. The touchy, feely left just eats up that crap. While empathy is nice, what a world power needs after it has been attacked is decisive thought and action. Bush admirably completed that mission and what he said that was really important after 9-11 was announcing the Bush Doctrine. Countries who harbor terrorists would not be tolerated and terrorist countries must renounce terrorism (he also said important things about non prejudice towards Muslims, but that is another story). Although there was lovey, dovey feelings for Bush after he cried, when he subsequently enforced his doctrine, he was excoriated by the left. So crying good, enforcing a policy of intolerance of terrorism or terrorists states that actually does something is bad. The left...hard to figure.

The Conservatives have been very clear regarding their opposition to this abortion of a bill. We oppose the creation of a socialist/Stalinist state which will be the logical outcome of the "O"s plans to "spread the wealth around". Now that this abortion looks like it is going to pass without any conservative support and frankly not a member of Congress aware of what is in this monstrosity, YES.... the "O" is the worst president ever! Didn't even take a month.

CNBC's "House of Cards"

For those that missed this special yesterday, it is must see TV. It is two hours dedicated the finance and housing collapse. It is fascinating. Though not the primary subject, it demonstrates the mere BIT PART played by Fannie/Freddie. The whole house of cards was constructed and operating long before FanFred took notice and bought a very limited amount of packaged sub-prime paper. They simply took notice at all the activity and decided to get a piece of it.

Again, it should be noted that FanFred, popular on both sides of the aisle, never originated a sub-prime loan. All FanFred loans are by defintion "agency paper" and were originated on a minimum 80/20 basis with fully documented borrowers. Disingenuous and (more often) uninformed Republicans have tried to take the heat off Bush and GOP Congress by blaming bipartisan FanFred for our predicament. It is simply not so.

CNBC - editorially conservative - put together a great special. I guarantee that all those reading this will fully enjoy it.  

Gosh I missed Mark. :)'

Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Brakes Needed On A Stimulus St.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Criticism From the Republicans

Criticism from the Republican's who spent us into the deficit,by the way inherited a surplus, and now want us to do nothing but sit back and wait for the almighty free economy by some majic formula I guess straighten itself out.
The same party that never vetoed a single spending bill in 8 years, somehow is now concerned about spending. Sorry that does not even pass the laugh test. Maybe your looking for a leader for your party, and your thinking is let's obstruct, obstruct, and wait for the next election. Let's not put a plan into action that is transparent, trackable, and actually helps people. I am so sick of these Republicans who think narrow mindness and intolerance is morality.

Barry coming to U of Michigan

I have heard that Barry Hussein will be making an appearance on April 1 at the University of Michigan. I guess he didn't want to miss the Hash Bash. My daughter is fulfilling a graduation requirement by taking the Psychology of Women. Thank God we have such great institutions of higher learning. Where else in the world can a sixties era radical lesbian make over 100K per year in a tenured position writing how Walt Disney movies are racist and sexist and should not be shown to young girls.

The spirit of Lincoln

So Barry wants us all to be like President Lincoln and live together in harmony singing Kumbia. This coming from a man with a record of being the most liberal Senator. Another case of do what I say not as I do. As he attempts to bankrupt the US and make us another Cuba anyone who disagrees with his proposals like Porkapalooza and Socialized medicine is unAmerican. Barry feels we should all pull together and each pull the oar in the boat that is about to go over the massive waterfall without any disagreement whatsoever. What hypocrits the Democrats are! Look at their track record of bipartizenship! Give me a break. It is sure going to be interesting when we finally feel the effects of this hyperspending and inflation screams to 20% while the average American workers wages get cut back. The future is getting more and more bleak. Of course the media will just blame it on Bush.


Well I have sat back and gave Barry Hussein a chance and he has shown the wisdom of a gnat. To allow his fellow cronies to load this nation up with this kind of wasted spending and then calling it a "stimulus" bill should call for impeachment proceedings. Let the call start now. Impeach Obama! Impeach Obama! Impeach Obama! Obama lied Americans cried!

Whatever happened to his promise of transparency? Have you seen a graph of the money supply lately? It is truly scary! H.L. Mencken said: "People deserve the government they get, and they deserve to get it good and hard." The majority of "We the People" are so stupid that they continue to vote for people like Barney Frank who never saw a page boy he didn't lust over, Christopher Dodd who swares he didn't get favorable treatment on his mortgage from Countrywide, Nancy "the wicked witch of the west with the face so stiff that she must buy Botox by the ton" Pelosi and Harry "open mouth and show us what an idiot you are" Reid. Who can forget "Roland Burris will never be sat here" or "the war in Iraq is lost". Now along with Barry we are asking the people who have more responsibility for the mess we are in to come up with a solution to get us out. Either these people are complete idiots or they feel their power is more important than what is good for this country. Please someone show me a time when Ãœberspending made a strong economy. Last time I saw a country try this type of stimulus the wall came down in Berlin.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Porkulus Bill will be the "O"s Iraq

When we went to war, there was stanch opposition. Believe it right or wrong, certainly the war was the start of the undoing of the Bush Presidency, in part by coalescing the opposition.

This abomination of a bill, which will undo years of welfare reform and has grown from $50 billion to over $800 billion (over a $trillion with tax consequences) and is laden with pork has unified the Conservative Movement and angered the American public. Schumer's comments today were the icing on the cake.

And because it is anti business and pro-paying back supporters it will not work.

This anvil will hang on the neck of the great "O" for the rest of his administration, as well as keep our children in debt forever.

And we still have Medicare and State bankruptcies to deal with. We do not have the money and we do not need this "stimulus" bill.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The "O" is sooo smart, he will save us.

Op-ed urges Obama to heed lessons learned from Canada's experience with government-run health insurance.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (2/9, A7, subscription required), Nadeem Esmail, director of Health System Performance Studies at Canada's Fraser Institute, suggests that the President and Congress examine "Canada's experience" as they inch "the US toward government-run health insurance." He asserts, "When individuals bear no direct responsibility for paying for their care, as in Canada, that care is rationed by waiting. Canadians often wait months or even years for necessary care." In 2005, the "Supreme Court of Canada found that Canadians suffer physically and psychologically while waiting for treatment in the public health care system, and that the government monopoly on essential health services imposes a risk of death and irreparable harm." Esmail argues that "the untold stories of" Canadian "citizens waiting a median of 17.3 weeks from mandatory general-practitioner referrals to treatment in 2008 show how miserable things can get when government is put in charge of managing health insurance," and he hopes that "Obama heeds the lessons that can be learned from Canadian hardships."

Blogger administrators note: Ya think that "when individuals bear no direct responsibility for paying" could apply to other aspects of life? Head long into Socialism the "O" way, get ready for some long lines.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Michael Steele!

How anyone can watch that group of Populist fools on MTP representing the Democrats and trust them to run the country is beyond me.

However, on This Week, my new man Michael Steele, talked true. Government jobs are not real, Government take over of industries is a fools gold.

My only regret is that the Republicans will not just say the truth. We are going to have a tough time but we will be through it if we leave you alone. We trust the American people to find their own jobs and invent their own industries.

A pulse, we have a pulse!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Some ASS named Jerry posted this in the AZ republic.

Tax cuts do not work to stimulate the economy. Yes they do, they always do and will again. Besides it is not tax cuts, it is letting people keep their money. We need direct relief to workers, homeowners, parents and teachers - the working class - to make this economy work. Jerry pretty much wants others money provided to....Jerry.
I still hold that if the stimulus were divided among all the people of the USA equally, our economy would immediately boom - mortgages would be paid, credit cards paid, loans paid off, etc. Banks would not fail as a result.Where are we going to get this money Jerry? From the money Fairy? We are going to get this money from our kids and their kids and from those who have more than... you guessed it...Jerry! Right Jerry?
Paying all this bailout money to the financial institutions is doing nothing but soothing our fears that if they fail, we all fail. So how about this Jerry, we let the magic of Capitalism work and respect property rights. We quit forcing banks to loan money to those who cannot afford the payments and we let failing companies fail!
Wake up. We are all failing because we don't have what we need to meet our financial obligations. If we had what we needed to pay off our debts of all kinds, the financial institutions would all benefit and we could move forward. - Jerry Foster-Pitts, Phoenix No Jerry, you wake up to the U.S. of Socialism that you are turning this country into... Heaven help us with your kind in charge.

Monday, February 2, 2009


As many of you know I have and continue to be an Obama supporter.
But I have to say I am "deeply disappointed" in the Daschle appointment.
Are you starting an administration with someone who FORGOT to pay taxes.
This is a former United States Senator who walked around the great statues in Congress of many great Americans in Washington D.C. proclaiming this is the greatest country in the world, and Daschle should be a role model for Americans and he does not pay his tax bill.
This is a joke, I am so sick of these guys ( politician's ) They are truly testing my belief that we all care. Obama shame on you, I truly thought you were different.