Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Obama and Birth Certificate/Cap and Trade Bill/Health Care
I have been getting emails for the last several months in regards to the Big "O" and his problems with producing a birth cirtificate, not really sure what the status of this situation is, but wouldn't everyone that has a brain think that it could be solved so simply by the Big"O" just producing his original birth cirtificate...I mean what seems to be the problem here, of couse that is if he can produce a birth cirticate proving that he is a US citizen...I guess we need to go back to that stand up guy thing...Come'On O be a man and show us that you are US citizen...and by the way why don't we demand it under the freedom of information act...YIKES back to that stand up guy thing.
OH yea how many of you think that the clowns in the House read that 1300 page document on the Cap and Trade thing...seeing as how they got it about 12 hourse before they voted on it...OMG does it not scare anyone that these people are going to control our lives...tell me how successful they have been on the post office, medicare, medicade, Social Security, all the Stimulus money, and the proposed health care plan OH does anyone know how much that is going to cost YET, and have all of you written your represenatives in the congress and the senate to ask them if they are going to get on the same health care program they are asking the American people to accept...if not I might suggest that you do so
OH yea how many of you think that the clowns in the House read that 1300 page document on the Cap and Trade thing...seeing as how they got it about 12 hourse before they voted on it...OMG does it not scare anyone that these people are going to control our lives...tell me how successful they have been on the post office, medicare, medicade, Social Security, all the Stimulus money, and the proposed health care plan OH does anyone know how much that is going to cost YET, and have all of you written your represenatives in the congress and the senate to ask them if they are going to get on the same health care program they are asking the American people to accept...if not I might suggest that you do so
Friday, June 26, 2009
When Terry says stupid crap, with passion, it remains...crap
Terry...says...no president should be forced to testify. Well...no...um Terry...the supreme court, you know, the highest in the land and decider of such things ruled otherwise. When Billy refused to testify in a deposition in the sexual harassment claim by Paula Jones, the Court said...No, Billy, you gotta talk, no hiding behind the Presidential skirt. Remember Terry? Billy exposed himself to her and asked for a hummer (no Terry not the Evil SUV). Can't do that Terry, not even the President of the United States. The Republicans did not force this issue.
Now testify Billy did and boy did he tell a whopper, which is well...perjury. Terry, you know, lying to the court is perjury and it turns out the POTUS can't do that either, just like the rest of us giving uncomfortable depositions.
So the Congress, responding to a President being forced to testify (by the SCOTUS) and then lying during the testimony, properly impeached the SOB just as their duties compelled them to do. Oh, and Billy lost his legal licence.
Terry, the Clinton impeachment was not about sex, it was about holding those of high office to the same standard as the rest of the citizens and if you don't think your ass would be sitting in jail for the same offence, I refer you to Mr. Libby (pardon not withstanding)
Mr. Clinton will be the first President ever to have been compelled to testify as a defendant in such a proceeding while in office. Previously, he offered taped testimony in Whitewater proceedings, but as a witness, not a defendant. His effort to delay Ms. Jones suit until after he left office was rejected by the Supreme Court last May.
Now testify Billy did and boy did he tell a whopper, which is well...perjury. Terry, you know, lying to the court is perjury and it turns out the POTUS can't do that either, just like the rest of us giving uncomfortable depositions.
So the Congress, responding to a President being forced to testify (by the SCOTUS) and then lying during the testimony, properly impeached the SOB just as their duties compelled them to do. Oh, and Billy lost his legal licence.
Terry, the Clinton impeachment was not about sex, it was about holding those of high office to the same standard as the rest of the citizens and if you don't think your ass would be sitting in jail for the same offence, I refer you to Mr. Libby (pardon not withstanding)
Mr. Clinton will be the first President ever to have been compelled to testify as a defendant in such a proceeding while in office. Previously, he offered taped testimony in Whitewater proceedings, but as a witness, not a defendant. His effort to delay Ms. Jones suit until after he left office was rejected by the Supreme Court last May.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sanford, Ensign or Issa?
Okay - who shall be on the short list for 2012 GOP presidential candidates? Mark Sanford, Governor of SC and head of GOP Governor's Association? How about rising star john Ensign of Nevada, a good guy when he's not banging the wife of one of his staffers? Or Darrell Issa - California congressman that was instrumental in the recall that installed Schwarzenegger (Issa wanted the job and cried in public when he prematurely withdrew). Now Mr Issa wants to pillory Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulsen for rescuing the banking system of the western world.
So - which one is it? Which GOP leader will go up against Obama? My, what a deep bench!
So - which one is it? Which GOP leader will go up against Obama? My, what a deep bench!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Health Care Plan + Other stuff
Health Care
Well Riegel is back...yo Baxter, and Carlson I have a great couple of questions for you...If this proposed Health Care Program that the big O is trying to shove down everyones throat, then I would assume that he and every government worker, including Congress, would abandon the one they are on and go on the same plan as he is telling the American people they have to go on....second...If this man was a true stand up guy why does he not have Queen Nancy P. Barney Frank..Cris Dodd...Tim the Tax Cheat G. in front of his desk and demanding that these issues from the CIA to Great rates on mortages, to not paying your tax's until caught...and cooking the books at FANIE and FREDIE are cleared up...that is of course you believe the guy is a stand
Well Riegel is back...yo Baxter, and Carlson I have a great couple of questions for you...If this proposed Health Care Program that the big O is trying to shove down everyones throat, then I would assume that he and every government worker, including Congress, would abandon the one they are on and go on the same plan as he is telling the American people they have to go on....second...If this man was a true stand up guy why does he not have Queen Nancy P. Barney Frank..Cris Dodd...Tim the Tax Cheat G. in front of his desk and demanding that these issues from the CIA to Great rates on mortages, to not paying your tax's until caught...and cooking the books at FANIE and FREDIE are cleared up...that is of course you believe the guy is a stand
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Channel Surfing This AM on TV & Sirius
This morning I was pleased to see CNBC's Joe Kernan talking politics with Jack Welch. It was impressive to see ardent supply-sider, Reagan Republican Kernan actually comment thoughtfully on Obama. He pointed out that O's economic team is hardly radical - Summers has long been supported by both sides (including Kudlow), Geithner ran the NY Fed during Bush era, and Bernanke (independent from WH) is a Republican that this administration works very well with. Welch, a pragmatic moderate Republican agreed, but wished the WH would slow down with all the reforms. Both acknowledged that Bam inherited massive, growing deficits and an economy that would only make the deficits worse.
Kernan also pointed out that Obama has executed - or at least attempted everything he said he would. He, for one, takes Obama's pro-free market comments at face value.
CNN was closely covering the situation in Iran. They are all over this story like a cheap suit.
Fox News was covering the dead Continental pilot. I'm not kidding - shrill, urgent reporting with aviation experts brought in to discuss the pilot that passed away during flight. Never mind that the co-pilot was fine and had no trouble whatsoever bringing the flight in on time, as scheduled. The "Fourth Network" is not only rabidly right wing, they are truly "Tabloid TV" in the fine Murdoch tradition.
One more comment - Obama was interviewed this week by John Harwood who asked about a pliant press. To paraphrase our president, "one network is dedicated opposing our policies and if I watched that channel all day I probably would too." The right wingers really need to step back, get out of the echo chamber, and objectively look at what Bam is trying to do. He is on our side.
Kernan also pointed out that Obama has executed - or at least attempted everything he said he would. He, for one, takes Obama's pro-free market comments at face value.
CNN was closely covering the situation in Iran. They are all over this story like a cheap suit.
Fox News was covering the dead Continental pilot. I'm not kidding - shrill, urgent reporting with aviation experts brought in to discuss the pilot that passed away during flight. Never mind that the co-pilot was fine and had no trouble whatsoever bringing the flight in on time, as scheduled. The "Fourth Network" is not only rabidly right wing, they are truly "Tabloid TV" in the fine Murdoch tradition.
One more comment - Obama was interviewed this week by John Harwood who asked about a pliant press. To paraphrase our president, "one network is dedicated opposing our policies and if I watched that channel all day I probably would too." The right wingers really need to step back, get out of the echo chamber, and objectively look at what Bam is trying to do. He is on our side.
Why he was booed-IBD almost always gets it right, and did so again this time
Health Care: President Obama talked a lot about cutting medical costs during his 7,300-word speech to doctors Monday. But he rejected the only item he brought up that would actually cut medical costs.
Understanding the Age of Obama By Victor Davis Hanson
Are you confused by all that has changed since President Barack Obama took office in January? If so, you're not alone. Perhaps, though, this handy guide to Age of Obama "logic" might be of some assistance.
1. The Budget. Wanting to cut $17 billion from the budget, as President Obama has promised, is proof of financial responsibility. Borrowing $1.84 trillion this year for new programs is "stimulus." The old phrase "out-of-control spending" is inoperative.
Are you confused by all that has changed since President Barack Obama took office in January? If so, you're not alone. Perhaps, though, this handy guide to Age of Obama "logic" might be of some assistance.
1. The Budget. Wanting to cut $17 billion from the budget, as President Obama has promised, is proof of financial responsibility. Borrowing $1.84 trillion this year for new programs is "stimulus." The old phrase "out-of-control spending" is inoperative.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
President Bush's Middle East Policies are now having an impact in Iran
Anyone who has been watching the news lately can see that President Bush's stated belief that Middle Eastern Muslims both Arab and Non-Arab, deserve to be free and his policy of promoting democracy where possible, most notably in next-door Iraq, had a great deal to do with Iranians' conviction that they, too, can hope to be free. We are now seeing unbelievably large protests in the streets of Tehran against an election result that many, many Iranians believe to be fraudulent.
Instead of giving these dissidents hope our current President is mostly silent and when he does speak it is slowly and mostly meaningless gobbledy goop due to the fact that he is afraid of possibly offending the current Islamic fundamentalist regime. He talks about torture being wrong and Gitmo being a recruiting tool for Al Queda yet he sits silently while protestors get shot by the Iranian military. What a gutless President we have.
Let us contrast him with what President Reagan had to say in 1981 when the Polish government tried to crush the Solidarity movement. http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/speeches/1981/122381e.htm
"As I speak to you tonight, the fate of a proud and ancient nation hangs in the balance. For a thousand years, Christmas has been celebrated in Poland, a land of deep religious faith, but this Christmas brings little joy to the courageous Polish people. They have been betrayed by their own government."
"The men who rule them and their totalitarian allies fear the very freedom that the Polish people cherish. They have answered the stirrings of liberty with brute force, killings, mass arrests, and the setting up of concentration camps. Lech Walesa and other Solidarity leaders are imprisoned, their fate unknown. Factories, mines, universities, and homes have been assaulted."
"The target of this depression [repression] is the Solidarity Movement, but in attacking Solidarity its enemies attack an entire people. Ten million of Poland's 36 million citizens are members of Solidarity. Taken together with their families, they account for the overwhelming majority of the Polish nation. By persecuting Solidarity the Polish Government wages war against its own people."
"I urge the Polish Government and its allies to consider the consequences of their actions. How can they possibly justify using naked force to crush a people who ask for nothing more than the right to lead their own lives in freedom and dignity? Brute force may intimidate, but it cannot form the basis of an enduring society, and the ailing Polish economy cannot be rebuilt with terror tactics."
"I want emphatically to state tonight that if the outrages in Poland do not cease, we cannot and will not conduct "business as usual'' with the perpetrators and those who aid and abet them. Make no mistake, their crime will cost them dearly in their future dealings with America and free peoples everywhere. I do not make this statement lightly or without serious reflection."
Contrast this clarity and resolve to the ambivalent response from our current cajoneless President. He can always apologize for being a man and acting like the leader of the greatest nation in the world later since he is so good at apologizing overseas for so many other things that this great nation of ours is guilty of in his warped eyes.
Leaders lead and the rest follow and if our President is incapable of being a leader than it is time for him to step aside before it is too late. Iran will have nuclear warheads atop missles before Barry Hussein wakes up and smells the fact that he is being played by our enemies.
Instead of giving these dissidents hope our current President is mostly silent and when he does speak it is slowly and mostly meaningless gobbledy goop due to the fact that he is afraid of possibly offending the current Islamic fundamentalist regime. He talks about torture being wrong and Gitmo being a recruiting tool for Al Queda yet he sits silently while protestors get shot by the Iranian military. What a gutless President we have.
Let us contrast him with what President Reagan had to say in 1981 when the Polish government tried to crush the Solidarity movement. http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/speeches/1981/122381e.htm
"As I speak to you tonight, the fate of a proud and ancient nation hangs in the balance. For a thousand years, Christmas has been celebrated in Poland, a land of deep religious faith, but this Christmas brings little joy to the courageous Polish people. They have been betrayed by their own government."
"The men who rule them and their totalitarian allies fear the very freedom that the Polish people cherish. They have answered the stirrings of liberty with brute force, killings, mass arrests, and the setting up of concentration camps. Lech Walesa and other Solidarity leaders are imprisoned, their fate unknown. Factories, mines, universities, and homes have been assaulted."
"The target of this depression [repression] is the Solidarity Movement, but in attacking Solidarity its enemies attack an entire people. Ten million of Poland's 36 million citizens are members of Solidarity. Taken together with their families, they account for the overwhelming majority of the Polish nation. By persecuting Solidarity the Polish Government wages war against its own people."
"I urge the Polish Government and its allies to consider the consequences of their actions. How can they possibly justify using naked force to crush a people who ask for nothing more than the right to lead their own lives in freedom and dignity? Brute force may intimidate, but it cannot form the basis of an enduring society, and the ailing Polish economy cannot be rebuilt with terror tactics."
"I want emphatically to state tonight that if the outrages in Poland do not cease, we cannot and will not conduct "business as usual'' with the perpetrators and those who aid and abet them. Make no mistake, their crime will cost them dearly in their future dealings with America and free peoples everywhere. I do not make this statement lightly or without serious reflection."
Contrast this clarity and resolve to the ambivalent response from our current cajoneless President. He can always apologize for being a man and acting like the leader of the greatest nation in the world later since he is so good at apologizing overseas for so many other things that this great nation of ours is guilty of in his warped eyes.
Leaders lead and the rest follow and if our President is incapable of being a leader than it is time for him to step aside before it is too late. Iran will have nuclear warheads atop missles before Barry Hussein wakes up and smells the fact that he is being played by our enemies.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Legacy Project On Hold?
To view, cut and paste this link to your browser.
To view, cut and paste this link to your browser.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Crisis Managers vs. Naysayers
Crisis Managers vs. Naysayers
By Steven Pearlstein
Friday, June 12, 2009
By Steven Pearlstein
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bond, James Bond
Guess Rich(ie) is right, too bad he is like Dr. Strangelove, riding the missile to oblivion
Who Spends the Most Democrats or Republicans
Here are a few facts for your amazement and amusement.
All of the data is presented in real terms using chained 2000 Dollars from 1929 through 2009. The source for all spending, GDP, income and tax figures is the Congressional Budget Office. Data about the make-up of congress is from One Simple Idea. In addition, the data is grouped by congressional session (2 years).
The two largest spending hikes were enacted during FDR’s administration with Democratic majorities in both houses. Of course the largest was from 1943 to 1945 due to World War II when spending jumped 266% to 40% of GDP. The second largest was from 1933-1935, at the start of the Great Depression. The Republicans fill the next two spots. Hoover (1931-1993), also at the start of the Great Depression and Eisenhower (1953-1955) as the Cold War started, both times with Republican majorities in congress, raised spending 56% and 49%, respectively. FDR rounds out the top-5 list with a distant 19% increase. Obama and the Democratic majority have enacted an 8.5% increase in the first year of the congressional session. They could be in the top five by the time this session is over.
To be fair though, we have to examine total spending rather than just spending hikes on a percentage basis. If we exclude the World War II years (1943-1947), Obama and our Democratic congress will top the list of spenders at 21.8% of GDP. However, the next three top spenders were Republican presidents with Democratic congresses. Reagan (1981-1985) at 21.1%, GWH Bush (1991-1993) and then again Reagan (1985-1987) are next on the list, each at 20.9%. Clinton and a Democratic congress (1993-1995), round out the top-5 at 20.8%. Ford (1975-1977), Eisenhower (1953-1955), and GW Bush (2007-2009) were also members of the “20% Plus” club. Mean spending as a percent of GDP since Eisenhower (1953) has averaged 19%. Carter (1977-1979) and a Democratic congress would be the only new member of the “19% Plus” club.
The longest consecutive streak of spending cuts relative to GDP was from 1995 to 2001. Clinton, with Republican majorities in both houses, cut spending as a percent of GDP from 19.8% to 17.8%. Those were the good old days.
All of the data is presented in real terms using chained 2000 Dollars from 1929 through 2009. The source for all spending, GDP, income and tax figures is the Congressional Budget Office. Data about the make-up of congress is from One Simple Idea. In addition, the data is grouped by congressional session (2 years).
The two largest spending hikes were enacted during FDR’s administration with Democratic majorities in both houses. Of course the largest was from 1943 to 1945 due to World War II when spending jumped 266% to 40% of GDP. The second largest was from 1933-1935, at the start of the Great Depression. The Republicans fill the next two spots. Hoover (1931-1993), also at the start of the Great Depression and Eisenhower (1953-1955) as the Cold War started, both times with Republican majorities in congress, raised spending 56% and 49%, respectively. FDR rounds out the top-5 list with a distant 19% increase. Obama and the Democratic majority have enacted an 8.5% increase in the first year of the congressional session. They could be in the top five by the time this session is over.
To be fair though, we have to examine total spending rather than just spending hikes on a percentage basis. If we exclude the World War II years (1943-1947), Obama and our Democratic congress will top the list of spenders at 21.8% of GDP. However, the next three top spenders were Republican presidents with Democratic congresses. Reagan (1981-1985) at 21.1%, GWH Bush (1991-1993) and then again Reagan (1985-1987) are next on the list, each at 20.9%. Clinton and a Democratic congress (1993-1995), round out the top-5 at 20.8%. Ford (1975-1977), Eisenhower (1953-1955), and GW Bush (2007-2009) were also members of the “20% Plus” club. Mean spending as a percent of GDP since Eisenhower (1953) has averaged 19%. Carter (1977-1979) and a Democratic congress would be the only new member of the “19% Plus” club.
The longest consecutive streak of spending cuts relative to GDP was from 1995 to 2001. Clinton, with Republican majorities in both houses, cut spending as a percent of GDP from 19.8% to 17.8%. Those were the good old days.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Kind of like Pay-Go lite
Mr. Obama's comments yesterday are a perfect illustration of just such a claim. In the months since Congress approved the stimulus, our economy has lost nearly 1.6 million jobs and unemployment has hit 9.4%. Invoke the magic words, however, and -- presto! -- you have the president claiming he has "saved or created" 150,000 jobs. It all makes for a much nicer spin, and helps you forget this is the same team that only a few months ago promised us that passing the stimulus would prevent unemployment from rising over 8%.
John Roberts Apparently Agrees with Baxter
The Truth? You Can't Handle the Truth
This Republican has Ditched the Kool-Aid
The stimulus and lack of entitlement reform
I know that the "Liberals" will somehow blame Bush for spending $190 Billion more than the government takes in each month, but, at some point they have to take responsibility for the deficit.
Pay-Go, is just another word for tax increases. Let me remind our lefties that when the "O" tried to reduce the budget by $17 Billion, there were howls of protest from his own party.
Conservatives did not support the stimulus, in fact, Conservatives did not even support the initial TARP program.
We are heading for insolvency or huge, overwhelming tax increases. There are no "adults" in charge.
The "O" is dismantling the most successful economy the world has ever known in an effort to redistribute to those more deserving.
Terry as you pontificate your disdain for those who wish to make a profit rather than critically (and much more importantly) look at the dismantling of our economy by the "O"-socialist you voted for, I hope you are ready to look your grandchildren in the eye as he bankrupts their future.
Rich, you can fabricate what ever lies you wish, but there are no plans to limit spending, there are no plans to grow the economy, how are we going to stop spending $190 Billion more each month than we take in?
Pay-Go, is just another word for tax increases. Let me remind our lefties that when the "O" tried to reduce the budget by $17 Billion, there were howls of protest from his own party.
Conservatives did not support the stimulus, in fact, Conservatives did not even support the initial TARP program.
We are heading for insolvency or huge, overwhelming tax increases. There are no "adults" in charge.
The "O" is dismantling the most successful economy the world has ever known in an effort to redistribute to those more deserving.
Terry as you pontificate your disdain for those who wish to make a profit rather than critically (and much more importantly) look at the dismantling of our economy by the "O"-socialist you voted for, I hope you are ready to look your grandchildren in the eye as he bankrupts their future.
Rich, you can fabricate what ever lies you wish, but there are no plans to limit spending, there are no plans to grow the economy, how are we going to stop spending $190 Billion more each month than we take in?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fallen Lehman Brothers Chief Executive Richard Fuld sold his $13.3 million mansion to his wife for just $100 last November, according to Florida real estate records.
The 62-year old executive, who could face civil lawsuits after overseeing the storied investment bank's collapse into Chapter 11 proceedings last September, transferred ownership of the 3.3 acres seaside home to Kathleen Fuld on November 10, records show.
The couple had jointly bought the home for $13.75 million in March 2004, as first reported by Cityfile.com.
Fuld has been blamed for Lehman's collapse on September 15 after it was weighed down by bad assets leading to the largest-ever U.S. bankruptcy when it was unable to find a buyer to come to its rescue.
He was widely criticized for not acting quickly enough to save the 158-year old bank.
Though Fuld told U.S. lawmakers he took full responsibility for his actions and felt "horrible about what has happened to the company," he insisted he shared the blame with U.S. regulators and Congress.
Fuld, who was awarded $22 million in compensation in fiscal 2007. Just another Republican doing what is right (right for him of course) Capitalism works when based on TRUST, HONESTY, and DOING THE RIGHT THING., otherwise we need REGULATIONS and lots of them.
The 62-year old executive, who could face civil lawsuits after overseeing the storied investment bank's collapse into Chapter 11 proceedings last September, transferred ownership of the 3.3 acres seaside home to Kathleen Fuld on November 10, records show.
The couple had jointly bought the home for $13.75 million in March 2004, as first reported by Cityfile.com.
Fuld has been blamed for Lehman's collapse on September 15 after it was weighed down by bad assets leading to the largest-ever U.S. bankruptcy when it was unable to find a buyer to come to its rescue.
He was widely criticized for not acting quickly enough to save the 158-year old bank.
Though Fuld told U.S. lawmakers he took full responsibility for his actions and felt "horrible about what has happened to the company," he insisted he shared the blame with U.S. regulators and Congress.
Fuld, who was awarded $22 million in compensation in fiscal 2007. Just another Republican doing what is right (right for him of course) Capitalism works when based on TRUST, HONESTY, and DOING THE RIGHT THING., otherwise we need REGULATIONS and lots of them.
OK, you Liberal pricks, time to stand up or shut up.
Despite Rich(ie)'s loose association with the truth regarding TARP (the part where I supported the "bailout" of the financial industry, I didn't, I supported an unfreezing of the credit markets), TARP seems to have completed its task.
OK, liberals, turn off the spigot! What? Yes, end the program! The system has stabilized and TARP is no longer needed.
But...What has happened and is going to happen is that the program has morphed into a political entity which Liberals never let die.
Why do we Conservatives want to starve the beast? Because programs never end, they are just ever expanding.
Eat my hat time...the "O" flat stop TARP and returns the money to the taxpayers...he gets a big A+ from Jimmy.
Not to worry though, there is no felt in Jimmy's future.
OK, liberals, turn off the spigot! What? Yes, end the program! The system has stabilized and TARP is no longer needed.
But...What has happened and is going to happen is that the program has morphed into a political entity which Liberals never let die.
Why do we Conservatives want to starve the beast? Because programs never end, they are just ever expanding.
Eat my hat time...the "O" flat stop TARP and returns the money to the taxpayers...he gets a big A+ from Jimmy.
Not to worry though, there is no felt in Jimmy's future.
This makes me LOL!
So, I subscribe to The Nation for balance (OK, mostly comedy). So, after not hearing from these bozo's for months they send this crap.
Dear Nation Reader,
Did you know that AT&T contributed the legal maximum to the Bush-Cheney campaign, twice? I didn't. But I do know that there's a cell phone company that shares your progressive values, and I'm hoping if you're not already a Credo Mobile customer that you'll quickly become one by following the links below.
All best,Peter RothbergThe Nation
"I've been a member for 14.5 years now. I love that my phone company is politically progressive and environmentally and socially responsible. I feel good paying my phone bill, knowing that it isn't going to some Big Fat Cat. Instead, the money I pay to CREDO is aligned with my beliefs and speaks for me. It's a win-win for me, CREDO and the planet! Thanks for doing what you do, CREDO!" - Lou P., CREDO Mobile customer
Honestly, my side hurts from laughing...stop it!
Dear Nation Reader,
Did you know that AT&T contributed the legal maximum to the Bush-Cheney campaign, twice? I didn't. But I do know that there's a cell phone company that shares your progressive values, and I'm hoping if you're not already a Credo Mobile customer that you'll quickly become one by following the links below.
All best,Peter RothbergThe Nation
"I've been a member for 14.5 years now. I love that my phone company is politically progressive and environmentally and socially responsible. I feel good paying my phone bill, knowing that it isn't going to some Big Fat Cat. Instead, the money I pay to CREDO is aligned with my beliefs and speaks for me. It's a win-win for me, CREDO and the planet! Thanks for doing what you do, CREDO!" - Lou P., CREDO Mobile customer
Honestly, my side hurts from laughing...stop it!
I don't have time
As Liberals tinker with peoples lives and lively hood because "they can", I ponder the statement by the "O" during his speech about the auto makers.
"I don't want to run an auto company, I don't have time" (more or less).
Not, "It is not the proper function of government to run an auto company"
"We suck at running every thing else and would suck at running a auto company"
"If only I had time", we Liberals, we can do anything.
"I don't want to run an auto company, I don't have time" (more or less).
Not, "It is not the proper function of government to run an auto company"
"We suck at running every thing else and would suck at running a auto company"
"If only I had time", we Liberals, we can do anything.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Perhaps there is hope. Justice Ginsberg (who I would have guessed to be firmly in O's pocket) says timeout to the Chrysler deal. Could it be that we might actually investigate the rule of law concerning bankruptcies?
Year Winner - Loser
2008 Barack Obama - John McCain
2012 Barack Obama - Sarah Palin
2016 Hillary Clinton - Jeb Bush
2020 Hillary Clinton - Liz Cheney
2024 Michelle Obama - George P Bush
2028 Michelle Obama - Meghan McCain
2032 Chelsea Clinton - Jenna Bush
2036 Chelsea Clinton - Tagg Romney
2040 Malia Obama - Bristol Palin
2044 Malia Obama - Barbara Bush
2048 Sasha Obama - Track Palin
2052 Sasha Obama - Patrick Hannity
Year Winner - Loser
2008 Barack Obama - John McCain
2012 Barack Obama - Sarah Palin
2016 Hillary Clinton - Jeb Bush
2020 Hillary Clinton - Liz Cheney
2024 Michelle Obama - George P Bush
2028 Michelle Obama - Meghan McCain
2032 Chelsea Clinton - Jenna Bush
2036 Chelsea Clinton - Tagg Romney
2040 Malia Obama - Bristol Palin
2044 Malia Obama - Barbara Bush
2048 Sasha Obama - Track Palin
2052 Sasha Obama - Patrick Hannity
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mark, my brother, though you may disagree and dislike (yes dislike the sanctimonious "O") as much as I do, it seems many are willing to give the "O" a chance.
Sooner or later the Bush derangement syndrome excuse is going to pass, and he will be left holding the bag, with North Korea and Iran slapping his outreached hand (as expected) and the economy hitting the crapper from the achievers of this country going on strike (tax avoidance instead of producing and earning) and it remaining so after the illusion of the stimulus passes (instead of business tax cuts which would already have taken affect and stimulated the economy) and the massive accumulating debt (which will in no way be reversed by a limited tax on high earners, instead requiring huge taxes on almost all) and even after the huge tax increases, it will not pay the debt (receipts are down $100 billion in April) so he will need to monetize the debt making our credit worthless.
And then healthcare rationing.
After all that... he is going to get his ass kicked.
Sooner or later the Bush derangement syndrome excuse is going to pass, and he will be left holding the bag, with North Korea and Iran slapping his outreached hand (as expected) and the economy hitting the crapper from the achievers of this country going on strike (tax avoidance instead of producing and earning) and it remaining so after the illusion of the stimulus passes (instead of business tax cuts which would already have taken affect and stimulated the economy) and the massive accumulating debt (which will in no way be reversed by a limited tax on high earners, instead requiring huge taxes on almost all) and even after the huge tax increases, it will not pay the debt (receipts are down $100 billion in April) so he will need to monetize the debt making our credit worthless.
And then healthcare rationing.
After all that... he is going to get his ass kicked.
Barry believes murdering an late tterm abortionist is much worse than murdering soldiers on US soil
The White House blasted a statement to reporters via email about five hours after news broke that third-trimester abortionist George Tiller was murdered on Sunday:
"I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence."
After two days of silence, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday on the shooting of two U.S. soldiers by a Muslim militant in Arkansas--but the White House didn't even email the statement to its list of national reporters. Rather, the White House appears to have quietly released this statement to a local AP bureau in Arkansas.
"I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long's family as they mourn the loss of their son."
Writes McCormack: "The contrast between Obama's statements is striking: He's 'deeply saddened' by the murder of a U.S. soldier, but 'shocked and outraged' by the murder of an abortionist? The murder of a U.S. soldier is a 'senseless' act of violence but the murder of an abortionist is a 'heinous' act of violence?"
I don't know about the rest of you but I believe they are both terrible acts that deserve at least the same amount of coverage and outrage.
I also believe that the murder of Tiller is an isolated incident that will not have any follow up murders but that the murder of the soldiers by a US born Muslim convert has much longer lasting implications for our future as a nation. How long before we have our first suicide bomber killing either a large number of Jewish worshipers or a larger group of military targets on US soil? For Barry to rate one much worse than the other shows us truly at what level his mind works and it is not an encouraging one as far as the future of our national security goes. I would definitely label this as an Islamic Extremist act of terror on US soil. More to follow you can bet on that!
The White House blasted a statement to reporters via email about five hours after news broke that third-trimester abortionist George Tiller was murdered on Sunday:
"I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence."
After two days of silence, President Obama issued a statement Wednesday on the shooting of two U.S. soldiers by a Muslim militant in Arkansas--but the White House didn't even email the statement to its list of national reporters. Rather, the White House appears to have quietly released this statement to a local AP bureau in Arkansas.
"I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long's family as they mourn the loss of their son."
Writes McCormack: "The contrast between Obama's statements is striking: He's 'deeply saddened' by the murder of a U.S. soldier, but 'shocked and outraged' by the murder of an abortionist? The murder of a U.S. soldier is a 'senseless' act of violence but the murder of an abortionist is a 'heinous' act of violence?"
I don't know about the rest of you but I believe they are both terrible acts that deserve at least the same amount of coverage and outrage.
I also believe that the murder of Tiller is an isolated incident that will not have any follow up murders but that the murder of the soldiers by a US born Muslim convert has much longer lasting implications for our future as a nation. How long before we have our first suicide bomber killing either a large number of Jewish worshipers or a larger group of military targets on US soil? For Barry to rate one much worse than the other shows us truly at what level his mind works and it is not an encouraging one as far as the future of our national security goes. I would definitely label this as an Islamic Extremist act of terror on US soil. More to follow you can bet on that!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Remember who the enemy is and what they are like
Next time you left wing liberal weeneies are soiling yourselves crying and singing Kumbia over the waterboarding of three self admitted Al Qaeda terrorists refer to this story again and think about how weak they think you are over your whining about harsh interrogation techniques. Please tell me again how we have made these blood thirsty heathans who worship the Koran more wacko than they already were. Also please show me the actual factual proof that shows that Gitmo helped to recruit more terrorists. Since there is none and this line is just another left wing talking point with no basis in reality you will not be able to.
You left wing individuals who read this blog please tell me if you had a choice between getting waterboarded after you committed heinous acts or being a tourist and getting caught by some fun loving, misunderstood Al Qaeda types who think it is justified to seperate your head from your body, which situation would you choose?
Denise Miller said it best, "we need to find all of these islamic fundamentalist wackos and end their lives immediately". That is what they would do to you if given the chance, no questions asked. You don't even need to be an enemy combatant carrying a weapon on the battlefield.
Another example why liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. Some times you have to fight fire with fire. Maybe if we beheaded these Gitmo detainees instead of giving them better living conditions than what they had before they were captured we might really win this war against Islamic Radicals. I know we would get their undivided attention. They certainly would not go back to being terrorists after being released like so many already have.
Just another classic Barry blunder that is causing his once might popularity to keep moving south. Close that gitmo down. That is what we have to do. It will surely make us all safer.
Next time you left wing liberal weeneies are soiling yourselves crying and singing Kumbia over the waterboarding of three self admitted Al Qaeda terrorists refer to this story again and think about how weak they think you are over your whining about harsh interrogation techniques. Please tell me again how we have made these blood thirsty heathans who worship the Koran more wacko than they already were. Also please show me the actual factual proof that shows that Gitmo helped to recruit more terrorists. Since there is none and this line is just another left wing talking point with no basis in reality you will not be able to.
You left wing individuals who read this blog please tell me if you had a choice between getting waterboarded after you committed heinous acts or being a tourist and getting caught by some fun loving, misunderstood Al Qaeda types who think it is justified to seperate your head from your body, which situation would you choose?
Denise Miller said it best, "we need to find all of these islamic fundamentalist wackos and end their lives immediately". That is what they would do to you if given the chance, no questions asked. You don't even need to be an enemy combatant carrying a weapon on the battlefield.
Another example why liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. Some times you have to fight fire with fire. Maybe if we beheaded these Gitmo detainees instead of giving them better living conditions than what they had before they were captured we might really win this war against Islamic Radicals. I know we would get their undivided attention. They certainly would not go back to being terrorists after being released like so many already have.
Just another classic Barry blunder that is causing his once might popularity to keep moving south. Close that gitmo down. That is what we have to do. It will surely make us all safer.
Another lie confirmed by our POTUS
Remember when Barry first shook King Abdullah's hand? There was all the fuss about the fact that Barry bowed. Of course Barry's people denied it and claimed he was just stooping due to his height. Well we all know for sure that this was a big lie since the photos of Barry's most recent trip to Saudi Arabia show him shaking King Abdullah's hand and easily not having to stoop to look him in the eyes.
Just another example of the constant BS coming out of this administration. It also shows that Barry hates to admit a mistake or that he has changed his mind. Witness how he wriggles when he is asked about adopting the Bush administration policies that he criticized so much during the election. The handshake kerfuffle is a minor but characteristic reminder that in Barry's case, actions speak louder than words.
This is the buffoon that goes around the world apologizing for past US actions where no apology is necessary yet he can't even admit to the fact that he originally bowed when he first met King Abdullah.
What arrogance!
Just another example of the constant BS coming out of this administration. It also shows that Barry hates to admit a mistake or that he has changed his mind. Witness how he wriggles when he is asked about adopting the Bush administration policies that he criticized so much during the election. The handshake kerfuffle is a minor but characteristic reminder that in Barry's case, actions speak louder than words.
This is the buffoon that goes around the world apologizing for past US actions where no apology is necessary yet he can't even admit to the fact that he originally bowed when he first met King Abdullah.
What arrogance!
Another place where Obama has beaten Bush
The latest poll from Rasmussen is out and among likely voters the number that strongly disapproves of his job performance now equals the number who strongly approve his performance. Both are at 34%. In January the spread was 45% strongly approve and 13% strongly disapprove. So he has managed to fall from a positive spread of 32% to zero in less than 6 months. And this is with the fawning press giving him an unprecedented amount of slanted favorable coverage. He has fallen much faster than President Bush did. Given this latest speech in Cairo I predict that he will go negative in the very near future.
Please explain this one Rich since according to you he has done nothing but good things that we should all be proud of. He keeps falling at this rate and we will have impeachment hearings run by his own party.
Please explain this one Rich since according to you he has done nothing but good things that we should all be proud of. He keeps falling at this rate and we will have impeachment hearings run by his own party.
Words have meaning
So our current POTUS has stated that the US is not a Christian nation. He then went on to talk about his Muslim roots, which were off limits during the election. He also went on to say the the US is one of the largest Muslim nations. Huh! Not even close. Where does he get his information from? This guy is really out of control. There are many more Jews than Muslims in the US. Why didn't he add that into his latest trip on the apologypalooza tour? He could truthfully say that we are one of the largest Jewish nations.
He then goes on to say that Iran should be allowed to pursue peaceful uses of nuclear power. Yea sure that is what they are doing. They are sitting on a large lake of oil and they need nuclear power. Why is it that Iran can have nuclear power but the US cannot build any more nuclear power plants? Don't you find this a little ironic? Especially given the fact that they now have an estimated 5,000 centrifuges. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090605/wl_nm/us_nuclear_iaea_iran
If Barry Hussein believes that they only want nuclear power plants than he should be impeached today.
With North Korea and Iran testing Barry on a daily basis I can honestly say that the world is far less safe since he took office. It appears that they view him as being without cojones. No wonder, given the way he has been going around begging for forgiveness for the US and it's past actions, as if we have something to be sorry for. This is what we get when we are stupid enough to elect a "blame America first" radical liberal. We need to impeach him before he does too much destruction.
Michelle Obama gave us a true view into their collective brain when she made the statement about being proud of being an American for the first time. When we have a President that views this beacon of freedom that he was chosen to lead as the problem rather than the solution you have a dangerous precedence that does not bode well for this nation's future. All he is doing is pouring gasoline on a fire.
He then goes on to say that Iran should be allowed to pursue peaceful uses of nuclear power. Yea sure that is what they are doing. They are sitting on a large lake of oil and they need nuclear power. Why is it that Iran can have nuclear power but the US cannot build any more nuclear power plants? Don't you find this a little ironic? Especially given the fact that they now have an estimated 5,000 centrifuges. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090605/wl_nm/us_nuclear_iaea_iran
If Barry Hussein believes that they only want nuclear power plants than he should be impeached today.
With North Korea and Iran testing Barry on a daily basis I can honestly say that the world is far less safe since he took office. It appears that they view him as being without cojones. No wonder, given the way he has been going around begging for forgiveness for the US and it's past actions, as if we have something to be sorry for. This is what we get when we are stupid enough to elect a "blame America first" radical liberal. We need to impeach him before he does too much destruction.
Michelle Obama gave us a true view into their collective brain when she made the statement about being proud of being an American for the first time. When we have a President that views this beacon of freedom that he was chosen to lead as the problem rather than the solution you have a dangerous precedence that does not bode well for this nation's future. All he is doing is pouring gasoline on a fire.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
In his biography of Milton Friedman, Lanny Ebenstein quotes the Nobel laureate economist: "If taxes are raised in order to keep down the deficit, the result is likely to be a higher norm for government spending. Deficits will again mount and the process will be repeated."
With the benifit of 42 years, the only thing we should add to this insight is "will be" in place of Friedman's "is likely to" when it comes to higher spending levels.
Budget projections only reinforce that point. At the end of last year, the Congressional Budget Office ran projections well into the baby boomers' retirement.
CBO assumed on the revenue side that none of the 2001 tax cuts continued beyond their 2010 expiration and the AMT's ensnarement of middle class went unmitigated.
As the table shows, by 2050, revenues reach 23.5% of GDP. On the spending side, CBO assumed not only that would there be no new spending, but that health care's skyrocketing rate would somehow be curtailed. Even so, federal spending reaches 28.1%of GDP.
Even under an egregiously aggressive tax system and optimistically parsimonious spending assumptions, revenues still can't keep pace. Lack of revenues is not the problem now, and it will not be the problem in the future.
With the benifit of 42 years, the only thing we should add to this insight is "will be" in place of Friedman's "is likely to" when it comes to higher spending levels.
Budget projections only reinforce that point. At the end of last year, the Congressional Budget Office ran projections well into the baby boomers' retirement.
CBO assumed on the revenue side that none of the 2001 tax cuts continued beyond their 2010 expiration and the AMT's ensnarement of middle class went unmitigated.
As the table shows, by 2050, revenues reach 23.5% of GDP. On the spending side, CBO assumed not only that would there be no new spending, but that health care's skyrocketing rate would somehow be curtailed. Even so, federal spending reaches 28.1%of GDP.
Even under an egregiously aggressive tax system and optimistically parsimonious spending assumptions, revenues still can't keep pace. Lack of revenues is not the problem now, and it will not be the problem in the future.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
You can attack the author all you wish, but the fact and conclusions are true (and in fact are what I/We have been saying all along).
Happy trails "O"
What's Keeping Obama Up?By Dick Morris
The Rasmussen poll conducted over the weekend of May 30-31 asked a key question designed to give us perspective on Obama's current popularity. The question was whether the current problems "are due to the recession that began under the Bush administration or to the policies Obama has put in place since taking office." In other words, who's to blame, Bush or Obama?
Happy trails "O"
What's Keeping Obama Up?By Dick Morris
The Rasmussen poll conducted over the weekend of May 30-31 asked a key question designed to give us perspective on Obama's current popularity. The question was whether the current problems "are due to the recession that began under the Bush administration or to the policies Obama has put in place since taking office." In other words, who's to blame, Bush or Obama?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What is wrong with some of the radical liberals that they would issue death threats over this?
Liberals must be spending too much time wishing they were radical Islamists issuing fatwahs. Issuing death threats to these college students for this. Some people need to really take a pill!
Liberals must be spending too much time wishing they were radical Islamists issuing fatwahs. Issuing death threats to these college students for this. Some people need to really take a pill!
"I think freedom means freedom for everyone," Cheney said. "As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay, something that we've lived with for a long time in our family."Cheney's daughter. Today he said gay couples should have "any kind of arrangement they wish." "I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish," he said, adding that regulations on marriage have traditionally been handled at the state level rather than the federal level, and should remain in states' jurisdictions. "Different states will make different decisions and I don't have problem with that."
Monday, June 1, 2009
we told you so
Following an opinion piece from the former Democratic Presidential candidate.
Now that the left is in charge, we are free to reduce spending on the one true legitimate function of government.
Also and more importantly note, he does not want to give the savings back to the people, instead preferring to plow the money into expanding our "Socialist" government. In fact, thinking about it in more depth, I find it amazing that it did not even cross his mind.
Now don't get us Conservatives wrong. We are all for efficiency and minimalist government and there is probably a lot, lot, of fat in the defence budget, but why not just give it back to the people or pay off the debt? But no...., we need to use it to expand the size and scope of that which reduces our freedom.
Lastly, Afghanistan? Pull out? I thought even the liberals understood that we cannot leave the breeding ground of 9/11. How long to the "O" lied and kept us in Afghanistan and people died?
Now that the left is in charge, we are free to reduce spending on the one true legitimate function of government.
Also and more importantly note, he does not want to give the savings back to the people, instead preferring to plow the money into expanding our "Socialist" government. In fact, thinking about it in more depth, I find it amazing that it did not even cross his mind.
Now don't get us Conservatives wrong. We are all for efficiency and minimalist government and there is probably a lot, lot, of fat in the defence budget, but why not just give it back to the people or pay off the debt? But no...., we need to use it to expand the size and scope of that which reduces our freedom.
Lastly, Afghanistan? Pull out? I thought even the liberals understood that we cannot leave the breeding ground of 9/11. How long to the "O" lied and kept us in Afghanistan and people died?
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