Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Is It Bad When Your Side Fires One Across Your Bow?
"If ubiquity were the measure of a presidency, Barack Obama would already be grinning at us from Mount Rushmore. But of course it is not. Despite his many words and television appearances, our elegant and eloquent president remains more an emblem of change than an agent of it. He's a man with an endless, worthy to-do list—health care, climate change, bank reform, global capital regulation, AfPak, the Middle East, you name it—but, as yet, no boxes checked "done." This is a problem that style will not fix. Unless Obama learns to rely less on charm, rhetoric, and good intentions and more on picking his spots and winning in political combat, he's not going to be reelected, let alone enshrined in South Dakota." You can read the entire article here:
Personally, I am not hoping that Mr. Obama becomes more effective at advancing his domestic agenda. I don't think his ideas, generally speaking, are good for the country. I do hope, however, that Mr. Obama becomes a more effective leader internationally, because our national interests are at risk. As Mr. Fineman points out, Mr. Obama's empty rhetoric and backward looking statements about the mess he inherited have worn thin. The world has some real hot spots and the U.S. needs to decide what it is and what it is not going to do, and then do it.
The President certainly can talk about everything. But what is also certain is that neither he nor the country can actually do everything.
He needs to focus, he needs to decide, he needs to clearly communicate our plan, and then he needs to hold firm. So far he has shown little talent for any of those steps.
I hope he gets better, and soon.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Now when you disagree with Obama somehow you are called a Racist.
What we really need in this country is an open and honest discussion about health care, jobs, terrorism, Afghanistan.
This labeling liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican just stops true understanding and learning and it is like I don't need to listen to you because I know all bout you because I labeled you.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Clinton/Webb vs Kyl on MTP regarding the eminent creation of a nuclear Iran shows the un falling belief of the left on sanctions.
Ask a lefty for directions and you are likely to get an hour discussion of how difficult the journey will be and never actually get directions.
Regardless of the opinion of the "International community", we need to protect our interest which includes the protection of Israel.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The lying left wing main stream media
This is simply too important an error, however, to forgive and forget.
Though huge numbers of Americans are no longer surprised when big media outlets botch facts or quotes, the Post's paraphrase ascribing to O'Keefe unsavory racial motives is no ordinary mistake.
Unsurprisingly, various left-wing blogs and people like Terry jump on it, using it to dirty O'Keefe up. But much more damaging is that the racial claim went viral when the AP repeated it on Saturday--meaning it likely made it to hundreds of newspapers across the country, as well as web sites like Yahoo and Google.
Even granting normal allowances, it's hard to see how this error was simply accidental. Fears has at least a decade of experience under his belt. People who have dealt with him in the past described him as "competent," "solid," and "knowledgeable."
Which raises the obvious question: How does such a capable veteran reporter attribute to someone words he never uttered? In fairness, paraphrases can be a little tricky, especially if establishing facts are added for clarity. But the plain reading--and only reasonable interpretation--of the paraphrase is that O'Keefe referenced ACORN's efforts to register minorities to vote.
While the Post correction was narrowly tailored to say that O'Keefe "did not specifically mention" ACORN's voter registration drives of minorities, Fears was much more blunt in the phone interview. "I think it was unfair to imply that James O'Keefe referenced Latinos and African-Americans in his statement to me," Fears explained. "He did not."
To his credit, Fears did not attempt to justify the mistake and readily admitted that O'Keefe never made any racial comment of any kind.
Even granting Fears the benefit of the doubt, how did his error get past his co-writer and one or more editors--especially for a front page story? Did no one else's eyebrow go up at someone citing racial motives for an investigation? Or were the people responsible for editing the piece so jaded that they believe conservatives are naturally racist?
This is not likely to be the last mainstream media mistake that unfairly smears O'Keefe. Because the enterprising 25-year-old has delivered absolutely devastating goods on ACORN, many on the left have decided to respond by destroying the messenger. How doing so changes the contents of the videos themselves is unclear, but it likely will bring some people perverse pleasure to vilify someone whose work they dislike.
The question now is whether the mainstream media plays along or actually takes a moment to verify information before (again) unfairly tainting O'Keefe's reputation.
Unfortunately we have come to the point in this country that papers like the Post and the NY Times, Pravda, are so biased all the way up the chain of command that they have become journalistic jokes. They have lost all credibility and will continue their slide into irrelevancy.
Now the left wing in Congress want to craft a bailout plan for the newspapers as well. It makes sense because there is a definite quid pro quo taking place. The once great Chicago Tribune has become a liberal rag since Sam Zell aquired it. The front page is now a joke and there is hardly ever an article that is critical of Barry. How can they be so clueless to see that the reason they are losing so many subscribers is because the only good use of the Tribune today is to wrap dead fish with it.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Guess they feel they are to be treated better
Riegels Rant
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
That is a bunch of Bullshit Rich(ie)
Well... here in all its glory is income redistribution with its corruption and inefficiency. Its name is Acorn. It is small but would have been bigger had it not been exposed.
This...Acorn, Freddi Mac, California Bankruptcy is what he wants and where we are heading, despite what you unwitting fools, professing otherwise, are supporting.
Liberty and freedom can be lost in many ways, including government support of corrupt organizations.
We are going broke, we cannot afford every program that some leftist thinks may "do good" and in truth they cause harm.
Taxing Our Way into a Depression
The key lesson is that imposing higher taxes on a weak economy makes that economy weaker. "You cannot tax your way to prosperity" has to be a concept all of us can grasp. And, it is a concept we should all support.
I think it is entertaining that Democrats plan to begin collecting taxes for their healthcare plans next year, but they don't plan on providing the new benefits until 20012 (or is it 2013?). So, they will simply harvest money from the private sector for a while during a time when they want consumer spending to rise. Not good thinking.
I get the good-hearted desire to provide health insurance to all. But, when we get ready to pull everybody into the boat, let's not sink it.
Crazy Rich writes
The U.S spends twice the amount of other countries for significantly less care…got any answers?
Yes, Rich that would be a good idea, but unfortunately, due to government involvement and government regulation you can't. Most pricing is set by Medicare. As I have said time and again, the only way to reform health care is to re-involve patients in the cost of health care. It would fix the problem instantly by reducing cost and consumption.
And I laugh as the left trots out pharmacy expenses to show consumer involvement does not work, believing I guess, that the laws of economics can be rescinded.
Lastly, Crazy Rich, this is not what the left is proposing, in fact just the opposite. They want to determine prices and pay for services. Welcome to the conservative movement Crazy Rich, you little tea bagger you!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Work Together not Gerrymandering
I wonder now if that can ever return. I have come to believe that in order to solve a problem, you must first understand the root of the problem. When an Arlen Specter, or Joe Lieberman just change parties for only one reason then there must not be core beliefs in these people. It is just too easy to say they just want to be re-elected but maybe not?? You remember the word competition.
Do they or any of our politicians have spines.
I believe when the two branches of our government are controlled by lobbyists and special interests, the idea of making hard decisions goes out the window.
The legislative branch is really the only branch now not controlled by special interests.
Anyway to my point the root cause of why we are not having real Representative government. GERRYMANDERING, when you draw squiggly districts up in this country to in order to have your vote not counted that is just wrong.
An example I lived in Dupage county in the Chicago suburbs for over twenty years and as a Democrat my vote never counted in the countyit was was 85% Republican, and conversely in the city of Chicago if you were a Republican your vote did not count as the city is 89% Democrat.
Why can't the Supreme Court who was so concerned about the recount in Florida a few years back, get involved and draw a grid of say 5 square miles across America and have those be the districts we elect from.
Seems more true to our democratic ideals. What say you JIM
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sen. John Kyl offered amendment number 381.
LEGAL immigrants must reside in the U.S. for at least FIVE years in order to be eligible for the tax credit available through the states exchanges. He loves brown people.
Friday, September 18, 2009
How long will it be before "community organizer" is a political liability?
Some alleged great quotes from our last President
This is a dangerous world, and this cat isn't remotely qualified to handle it. This guy has no clue, I promise you.
And Joe Biden:
If bullshit were currency, Joe Biden would be a billionaire.
Remember when I said Barry has no wisdom?
When Barry is done we won't have any allies. Good bye Israel. Good Bye UK. Good Bye Eastern Europe. He is clueless!
You play with feces aka Acorn, you can't help but get some on your hands aka Barry and the Democratic Party
Now they are left to use the race card which I predict will drive Barry's approval ratings ever lower.
Is it just me but do you almost feel sad seeing the old peanut farming anti-semite cry racism and try to make himself seem relevant? Good thing for Barry. Jimmy is going to fall to the second worst President ever since Barry is quickly grabbing the mantle, and we are only 9 months in.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Funny how nobody seems to be discussing this excpet...Fox
If you do gooders think a government that cannot supervise such a program (due for over $8B) can somehow manage health care, you must be smoking Ganja with the activists. - Act From Which An Acorn Grew, And An Economy Died, Lives On
Please, Crazy Rich, wade right in justifying this...this I gotta hear.
Lest we forget
Let's take a moment to remember what they did. We, mostly the left, seem to have forgot.
YouTube - World Trade Center Attacks
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I am reminded that there are people on the right who when were running for President don't believe in evolution, still don't believe Obama was born in the United States., believe he is Muslim, or a Muslim plant, I am thinking how do you argue with these people.
There is ignorance in the world, and you just can't argue with ignorant people.
Before any one goes nuts! I am not talking about anyone on this blog. The people on this blog are very intelligent and argue their points very well. I know I have taken my licks and hopefully given a few back.
But really how do you move forward in this country with these ignoramuses who send emails after emails with so many blatant lies. The truth cannot catch up. I like many of you get emails as an example that Bush was somehow involved in 9/11. Come on are you kidding!
These people at the town hall meetings are some of the most ignorant people I have ever seen. No one is changing the Constitution. We need health care reform if we are to be in the global economy in the future. I for one see no future in America in manufacturing, it's over, what product can you make in this country, that can't be made cheaper somewhere else. Look how a foreign car maker came over here and in a few short years took over the car industry ( Toyota) The financial wall street business how can we ever trust those guys again. Tell me what industry is the United States going to dominate again in the world. When the United States had no competition we were great. I am pessimistic about our future and ability to solve long term problems. We are all bout the NOW, how will it help me NOW. We are all about this next quarter, not the future of this country. Just like these companies that go over seas because our stockholders demand profit, baloney how about less money now but keeping companies in America. I am sorry this country needs a good dose of patriotism.
Van Jones the racist, self-prophesed communist resigns
President Barack Obama's environmental adviser Van Jones, who became embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory statements, has resigned his White House job after what he calls a "vicious smear campaign against me."
"On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide." Excuse me but weren't all of these lies and distortions actually captured on video and shown for all to make their own judgement? If they are all lies and distortions then why did Jones twice apologize?
Howard Dean, former head of the Democratic National Committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that he thought Jones "was brought down" and that his resignation was "a loss to the country." This statement certainly shows what a crack pot Dean is. Why is it a loss to the country having an extremist who through his own statements and actions had demonstrated his contempt for the country he resides in resign? The fact is that a person like this has no business making any decisions that have anything to do with the United States.
Good riddance to Jones now lets have the rest of the anti-Americans we are paying with our tax dollars either resign in shame or get fired. This administration has done more in the short time they have been in office to fan the flames of partisan politics than any other administration in history with the exception of President Lincoln. No wonder Barry likes to compare himself to Lincoln it appears that he is trying to start another Civil War.
Van Johnson
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Van Jones?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A new point of discussion.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What Prosecution of CIA Interrogations Does
Give the link a look. It really is remarkable that the perspective of the Attorney General and others can be so skewed. A couple of quotes that may entice you to read the link.
"The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put his finger on the problem when he said: "The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.""
"The ostensible reason for releasing al-Megrahi was compassion for a man terminally ill. It is ironic that this was said in Scotland, for exactly 250 years ago another Scotsman-- Adam Smith-- said, "Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.""
The point is that certain truths, unpleasant as they may be, have been evident to intelligent and prudent men for a long, long time. It is a good thing to aspire to a kinder and gentler world. It is an even better thing to survive and make it happen.
There are bad guys, and we need warriors who can defeat them.