A corporation is a fiction that relieves man of responsibility to his neighbor. It permits him to do in the name of a corporation what he would not do in his own name. It shields him from from his human conscience.
The best way to get management's attention is to punish management directly. Why shouldn't the the corporation's leaders be as responsible for what he does on the job as he is responsible for what he does driving home from the job. If he runs someone down , we do not permit him to blame the car, nor should he be permitted to lay responsibility for wrongdoing of his company on the corporate machine
When the CEO of a corporation and the Board of Director's knows they will suffer personally then corporate crime will come under control. When corporate heads are charged with only one responsibility to make a profit---- we guarantee crime!
If the battle against Wall Street corruption were to fine based on a percentage of the firms net worth, we would have fewer crimes.
The President of a Corporation would not walk over to his neighbor's house and sell him a worthless IOU, knowing full well that it will never be paid, but yet his firm is doing that daily to strangers. If he did that to his neighbor, he would be jailed, but under corporate name, not so.
Corporate law needs to change in this country that is what Occupy Wall Street is saying so the Faux news channel calling the demonstrator's scum is really disgusting. They know something is wrong. Clarence Darrow said "Justice cannot be defined, it is something that can be felt. But the feeling of justice requires the wrong to be righted."
By the way most of this came from Gerry Spence in his book "Justice For None" published in 1990