Jim, as usual we are on opposite sides. Judge Scalia does not understand the basic principle of the United States Constitution, let me repeat that a Supreme Court Justice does not understand the basic principle of the Constitution EQUALITY for all.
It is sad and appalling that a man like Scalia would not stand up for the equality of all Americans Gay and straight. My gosh a happy gay person is a threat to whose freedom, am I missing something Jim. You see Scalia votes for the right of people to not have rights. Scalia is the one who paved the way for corporations to to provide unlimited money toward elections without having to disclose anything. Scalia's defense of corporations like General Electric and Koch Industries who by the way he went and sho guns at their exclusive hunting camp, but he did not exclusive himself like Kagen did. Scalia's stupid statement "it's one thin for a society to elect change ; it is another for a court of law to impose change" Wow! Under his thinking then women would still not get the vote! Scalia and Thomas are an embarrassment.
Jim as far as my Roman Catholic Church my faith is not in the Pope or his male minions, but in the belief of the truest line from Peter to now and it simply has it wrong on gays, and divorced, and male priests only.
But I have faith in this: When you arrive at the pearly gates, the question won't be did you keep the commandments?
The question will be "Did you feed the hungry? Did you clothe the naked? Did you love your neighbor no matter their religion ( yes that's Muslims too) Did you give without expecting a return?