Friday, April 17, 2009

So much for the impression that Barry made on Sarkozy

Some key exerpts from the article:
Mr Sarkozy was quoted yesterday as telling an all-party group of MPs that Mr Obama was inexperienced and indecisive. “Obama has a subtle mind, very clever and very charismatic,” the French President said. “But he was elected two months ago and had never run a ministry. There are a certain number of things on which he has no position. And he is not always up to standard on decision-making and efficiency.” (he should have said that Barry has never run anything and is clearly underqualified)

Mr Sarkozy was also reported yesterday to have cracked a dubious joke about Europe’s “Obamamania”. According to L’Express news magazine, he mentioned Mr Obama’s planned visit to Normandy for the D-day anniversary in June, saying: “I am going to ask him to walk on the Channel, and he’ll do it.”

This jaundiced view of Mr Obama may have been prompted by the US President’s heartfelt welcome at the G20, Nato and EU summits. “The President is annoyed by what he sees as the naivety and the herd mentality of the media,” wrote Claude Askolovitch, a commentator close to the Élysée Palace.

Welcome to our club Mr. Sarkozy!


Baxter said...

If you read the article, you would realize that the Sarkozy is jealous. He didn't like the media's coverage of Obama, and the dearth of his own.

I guess it is a lot like the Tea Parties!

Mark R. said...

Envy is the driving force behind the entire Democratic Party.

So let us stipulate that he is jealous. It still does not make the fact that he thinks Obama is unprepared and unqualified to be the POTUS disappear. These are opinions that are held by many in the world and especially in the US because they are facts. His time in office thus far has done nothing to change this view but in fact has reinforced it.

Baxter said...

You continue to confuse your opinion with facts. Your opinion is just an opinion no matter how strongly held.

Envy is the driving force behind the Democratic Party? What is the Republican driving force? Penury? Shortsightedness? Privilege?

Gimme a break already.