The Democrats are out of control. Where do they get the authority to limit pay for executives at companies that did not get any TARP money? I hope this is challenged in court because the Dems will get a rude awakening.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Cash for Clunkers
The tax cut program called cash for clunkers (that is right, it is a tax cut) is immensely successful, only held back by bureaucratic red tape.
Tax cuts cause immediate economic benefits. Too bad the "O" did not "get it" prior to bankrupting us with the ill fated and ineffectual stimulus.
Tax cuts cause immediate economic benefits. Too bad the "O" did not "get it" prior to bankrupting us with the ill fated and ineffectual stimulus.
The photo op
"It's easy to dismiss this as a photo-op," said Karen Finney, former Democratic National Committee spokeswoman, "but we can't know what impact the image of these men sitting together may have on someone." Yea right!
This article is from a british publication:
The teachable moment in this whole foot in mouth affair by Barry is that he is a race baiter at heart. If they think for a second that the American people are going to forget this one polarizing statement by Barry by taking a few photos of the Three Stooges with Officer Crowley they are vastly mistaken.
This is from Crowley's fellow officers:
Here is another very well written article from Preofessor Thomas Sowell, also an African American scholar.
This article is from a british publication:
The teachable moment in this whole foot in mouth affair by Barry is that he is a race baiter at heart. If they think for a second that the American people are going to forget this one polarizing statement by Barry by taking a few photos of the Three Stooges with Officer Crowley they are vastly mistaken.
This is from Crowley's fellow officers:
Here is another very well written article from Preofessor Thomas Sowell, also an African American scholar.
Do as I say not as I did
Continuing along the lines of Terry's post about Senator Sessions let us examine the Race Baiter In Chief's record as far as his behavior as a Senator towards Supreme Court nominees.
From the AP: With the Senate returning next week from recess, Obama said he hopes it begins the confirmation process without delay and he expects his nominee to be on the bench when the Supreme Court begins its new term in October.
In the interim, Obama said he expects “rigorous evaluation” of his nominee but added: “What I hope is that we can avoid the political posturing and ideological brinksmanship that has bogged down this process, and Congress, in the past.”
Was he referring to his own behavior as a Senator when he mentioned the past?
From the Chicago Tribune 2006: Jan. 30–WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama said he would vote Monday to filibuster Judge Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, but he conceded the effort would be futile and criticized Democrats for failing to persuade Americans to take notice of the court’s changing ideological face.
Did I just read "ideological face"? Quick look back to his recent quote about "ideological brinkmanship". I guess it takes one to know one.
Senator Barry stated that both Roberts and Alito were qualified and had impeccable credentials yet he voted against both of them. He even voted in favor of filibustering Alito. Was he not politically posturing?
So please don't give me any more BS posts about Senators voting against Sotomayer. Her beliefs and rulings are in question. She stated at a legal forum at Duke University that "The court of appeals is where policy is made".
What? This statement shows a radical view of the role of the judiciary that is certainly not supported by the US Constitution. Given her membership in a racist organization, her racist statements and rulings and her view of the role of the court, nobody needs to defend a no vote of this nominee. The only good thing is that she is replacing another non qualified jusice in Souter who only got on the court because he didn't smoke marijuana. Remember he was like the third choice for the first President Bush at the time.
From the AP: With the Senate returning next week from recess, Obama said he hopes it begins the confirmation process without delay and he expects his nominee to be on the bench when the Supreme Court begins its new term in October.
In the interim, Obama said he expects “rigorous evaluation” of his nominee but added: “What I hope is that we can avoid the political posturing and ideological brinksmanship that has bogged down this process, and Congress, in the past.”
Was he referring to his own behavior as a Senator when he mentioned the past?
From the Chicago Tribune 2006: Jan. 30–WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama said he would vote Monday to filibuster Judge Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, but he conceded the effort would be futile and criticized Democrats for failing to persuade Americans to take notice of the court’s changing ideological face.
Did I just read "ideological face"? Quick look back to his recent quote about "ideological brinkmanship". I guess it takes one to know one.
Senator Barry stated that both Roberts and Alito were qualified and had impeccable credentials yet he voted against both of them. He even voted in favor of filibustering Alito. Was he not politically posturing?
So please don't give me any more BS posts about Senators voting against Sotomayer. Her beliefs and rulings are in question. She stated at a legal forum at Duke University that "The court of appeals is where policy is made".
What? This statement shows a radical view of the role of the judiciary that is certainly not supported by the US Constitution. Given her membership in a racist organization, her racist statements and rulings and her view of the role of the court, nobody needs to defend a no vote of this nominee. The only good thing is that she is replacing another non qualified jusice in Souter who only got on the court because he didn't smoke marijuana. Remember he was like the third choice for the first President Bush at the time.
Also from Terry
A grain of truth, except conveniently forgetting the rise in our standard of living, history of full employment and other advantages of capital markets.
Having said that, hey Terry, gonna be out with a pitchfork protesting Carbon Credits?
Having said that, hey Terry, gonna be out with a pitchfork protesting Carbon Credits?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The other somewhat recent red herring post from Terry
I was a little bit occupied with other matters to comment on Terry's post where he tried to link a recent statement from Leon Panetta to the Nancy Pelosi scandel. Terry, you need to be more careful about what you read on the left wing blogs. They have a nasty habit of taking an unrelated statement and then making gigantic leaps in order to make their case. Sort of like Ward Churchill writing bogus articles and than using the bogus articles as sites for his alleged scholarly articles he wrote while teaching at UC Boulder. Pure BS.
Terry, nowhere in the statement by Leon Panetta was there anything stated that Nancy Pelosi was not advised about the aggressive tactics used in questioning terrorists. Read the statement yourself first before you jump on the bandwagon. Panetta spoke about a program that was never actually put into action. The program he spoke about was totally unrelated to the aggressive tactics used to question terrorists. Not once did he counter the previous statements he made in the Pelosi scandel.
I want to know why her lies before the American public are not being investigated. We deserve a full hearing as to what exactly she knew about the agressive tactics used and when she knew them. The American public deserves to know that the Speaker of the House is a big lying botox user.
Terry, nowhere in the statement by Leon Panetta was there anything stated that Nancy Pelosi was not advised about the aggressive tactics used in questioning terrorists. Read the statement yourself first before you jump on the bandwagon. Panetta spoke about a program that was never actually put into action. The program he spoke about was totally unrelated to the aggressive tactics used to question terrorists. Not once did he counter the previous statements he made in the Pelosi scandel.
I want to know why her lies before the American public are not being investigated. We deserve a full hearing as to what exactly she knew about the agressive tactics used and when she knew them. The American public deserves to know that the Speaker of the House is a big lying botox user.
Jeff Sessions and Sotomeyer
Jeff was U.S. Attorney for he southern District of Alabama, he unsuccessfully prosecuted three civil rights workers including Albert Turner a former aide to Martin Luther King on a very tenuous case of voter fraud. The three had been working in the Black Belt counties of Alabama which after years of voting white, had begun to swing toward black candidates as voter registration drives brought more black voters to the polls.
Sessions focus on those counties to the exclusion of others caused an uproar among civil rights leaders, especially after hours of interrogating black absentee voters produced only 14 tampered ballots out of 1.7 million votes cast.
The three were acquitted in four hours.
This is the man who voted no to Judge Sotomeyer because he is afraid she will let her ethnic background get in the way of "Justice."
Way to go Jeff!! Your background" white male in one of the most racists states in United States" did not affect you.
Sessions focus on those counties to the exclusion of others caused an uproar among civil rights leaders, especially after hours of interrogating black absentee voters produced only 14 tampered ballots out of 1.7 million votes cast.
The three were acquitted in four hours.
This is the man who voted no to Judge Sotomeyer because he is afraid she will let her ethnic background get in the way of "Justice."
Way to go Jeff!! Your background" white male in one of the most racists states in United States" did not affect you.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Massachusetts Health Care Plan
Why is no one focusing on what the Massachusetts Health Care Plan has done to the Economic condition of Massachusetts?
Spending for the Commonwealth Care subsidized program has doubled, from $630 million in 2007 to an estimated $1.3 billion for 2009, which is not sustainable.
What do you rationally think will happen when our government tries to roll something like this out nationally? They are estimating the cost to be a trillion. So can we expect the cost to skyrocket to 2 trillion within two years? They have already raised taxes in Massachusetts to try and contain the budget problems and have increased deductibles which has an effect of those who cannot afford the deductible payments are exactly in the same situation when they has no insurance.
John Conyers, the ultra liberal congressman from Detroit, MI made the statement that leaves "we the people" wondering what these guys are doing in congress?
Watch this video if you want to really start worrying about the future of this country. Congressman voting for spending trillions without even reading and understanding what they are voting for. It is despicable.
Spending for the Commonwealth Care subsidized program has doubled, from $630 million in 2007 to an estimated $1.3 billion for 2009, which is not sustainable.
What do you rationally think will happen when our government tries to roll something like this out nationally? They are estimating the cost to be a trillion. So can we expect the cost to skyrocket to 2 trillion within two years? They have already raised taxes in Massachusetts to try and contain the budget problems and have increased deductibles which has an effect of those who cannot afford the deductible payments are exactly in the same situation when they has no insurance.
John Conyers, the ultra liberal congressman from Detroit, MI made the statement that leaves "we the people" wondering what these guys are doing in congress?
Watch this video if you want to really start worrying about the future of this country. Congressman voting for spending trillions without even reading and understanding what they are voting for. It is despicable.
What President Obama can learn from the Godfather
Excellent column on new foreign policy approach.
The poll numbers keep falling
After all the lies Barry told during his press conference and his racist comment about the
Gates arrest controversy, Barry's approval index as fallen to negative double digit territory. According to the latest Rasmussen poll of likely voters Barry's index now stands at -11 which is the difference between those who strongly approve of his performance against those who strongly disapprove.
Strongly disapprove now stands at a whopping 40%. One must wonder what the racial make up is of the 29% who strongly approve of his performance. I believe there is a floor number who would still strongly approve of Barry's performance if he committed multiple felonies.
Only 26% of those polled rate Barry's answer to the question about Gates and Officer Crowley "excellent" or "good", while 46% rated it as poor. One has to wonder what the 26% was free basing at the time they were polled.
Gates arrest controversy, Barry's approval index as fallen to negative double digit territory. According to the latest Rasmussen poll of likely voters Barry's index now stands at -11 which is the difference between those who strongly approve of his performance against those who strongly disapprove.
Strongly disapprove now stands at a whopping 40%. One must wonder what the racial make up is of the 29% who strongly approve of his performance. I believe there is a floor number who would still strongly approve of Barry's performance if he committed multiple felonies.
Only 26% of those polled rate Barry's answer to the question about Gates and Officer Crowley "excellent" or "good", while 46% rated it as poor. One has to wonder what the 26% was free basing at the time they were polled.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
So says Rich(ie)
He who pays the piper names the tune...What else would you expect?
The above written by our kind blogger extraordinaire Rich(ie) in response to government control of multiple businesses.
So I ask you Rich(ie)...Isn't that the deal with health care?
He who pays for the care of your body controls it... don't they?
The above written by our kind blogger extraordinaire Rich(ie) in response to government control of multiple businesses.
So I ask you Rich(ie)...Isn't that the deal with health care?
He who pays for the care of your body controls it... don't they?
Funny thing
Terry accuses me of imbibing adult beverages for writing about treating everyone equal, yet this fool, writes a nationally syndicated column which can only be described as ultra racist and nary a peep. At what point does implying racism become racist?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Democrat admits the real goal of health care reform
We finally have proof and it is not about getting insurance for the uninsured.
Watch this one.
Watch this one.

Boat Launching Procedures.....
I just bought a new boat and decided to take her for the maiden voyage this past weekend.
This is my first boat and I wasn't quite sure of the exact Standard Operating Procedures for launching it off a ramp, but I figured it couldn't be too hard.
I consulted my local boat dealer for advice, but they just said "don't let the trailer get too deep when you are trying to launch the boat".
Well, I don't know what they meant by that as I could barely get the trailer in the water at all!
Anyhow, here's a picture. See for yourself.
Tell me what I am doing wrong?
I just bought a new boat and decided to take her for the maiden voyage this past weekend.
This is my first boat and I wasn't quite sure of the exact Standard Operating Procedures for launching it off a ramp, but I figured it couldn't be too hard.
I consulted my local boat dealer for advice, but they just said "don't let the trailer get too deep when you are trying to launch the boat".
Well, I don't know what they meant by that as I could barely get the trailer in the water at all!
Anyhow, here's a picture. See for yourself.
Tell me what I am doing wrong?
The preconceived beliefs of Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
All the proof anyone needs that Professor Gates automatically assumed that Crowley was persecuting him because he is Black only needs to watch this You Tube video of Gates in action.
I really missed the part about Newts contract with America that Professor Gates talks about. Did any of you actually hear or see anywhere in writing that Newt Gingrich believed what Gates is ranting about? So this is something like the Christian services that our current President attended every Sunday.
It is men like Gates and the Reverend Wright that are now as much to blame for any raicial divide in America as any white supremist. The facts are that many White Americans voted for a man of color to become the President of the US. Did a lot vote for him because he is black? I am sure the answer is Yes. The White Guilt that Dr. Shelby Steele speaks about is real.
On the other hand what was the percentage of blacks in this country that voted for John McCain? Which group is overly racist now using Judge Sotomayer's analysis that just looks at the numbers? The answer is obvious. The statement by Barry against the White police officer demonstrates that even he, a man who has benefitted greatly from anti discrimanatory quotas is still deep down in side a racist against Whites.
He has also nominated a racist for the Supreme Court. Her writings and speeches are clear to the fact and her outrageous mistatements under oath before the judiciary committee in an attempt to obfuscate the facts were disingenuous at best and possibly even outright lies.
As the man that the left believed would really bring together the races in this country, Barry is failing miserably. But then what should a reasonable person truly have expected from someone who started on the lap of William Ayers and points to Reverend Wright as his "Father Figure"?
I really missed the part about Newts contract with America that Professor Gates talks about. Did any of you actually hear or see anywhere in writing that Newt Gingrich believed what Gates is ranting about? So this is something like the Christian services that our current President attended every Sunday.
It is men like Gates and the Reverend Wright that are now as much to blame for any raicial divide in America as any white supremist. The facts are that many White Americans voted for a man of color to become the President of the US. Did a lot vote for him because he is black? I am sure the answer is Yes. The White Guilt that Dr. Shelby Steele speaks about is real.
On the other hand what was the percentage of blacks in this country that voted for John McCain? Which group is overly racist now using Judge Sotomayer's analysis that just looks at the numbers? The answer is obvious. The statement by Barry against the White police officer demonstrates that even he, a man who has benefitted greatly from anti discrimanatory quotas is still deep down in side a racist against Whites.
He has also nominated a racist for the Supreme Court. Her writings and speeches are clear to the fact and her outrageous mistatements under oath before the judiciary committee in an attempt to obfuscate the facts were disingenuous at best and possibly even outright lies.
As the man that the left believed would really bring together the races in this country, Barry is failing miserably. But then what should a reasonable person truly have expected from someone who started on the lap of William Ayers and points to Reverend Wright as his "Father Figure"?
Speaking of control. Nothing is too much for the left.
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. pay czar, now preparing to vet the compensation at businesses receiving major federal aid, will push to renegotiate contracts that he views as excessive or seek other ways to reduce overall outlays, said people familiar with the matter.
The role of the government in setting pay is reaching a pivotal moment. Seven banks and industrial companies that received significant bailouts must submit proposals for their compensation packages by Aug. 13.: Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., American International Group Inc., General Motors Co., Chrysler Corp., Chrysler Financial and GMAC Financial Services Inc.
The role of the government in setting pay is reaching a pivotal moment. Seven banks and industrial companies that received significant bailouts must submit proposals for their compensation packages by Aug. 13.: Citigroup Inc., Bank of America Corp., American International Group Inc., General Motors Co., Chrysler Corp., Chrysler Financial and GMAC Financial Services Inc.
The Health Care debate
This administration continues to lie about the numbers of Americans who are uninsured in trying to make their case. Of the 47 million Americans that Obama stated had no self insurance he has overstated the amount by over 10 million according to the Census Bureau report "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007." The report was issued in August 2008 and contains the most up-to-date official data on the number of uninsured in the U.S. He stated they were all Amercians well in actuality out of the 45.65 million uninsured 9.73 million are foreigners. There was also 9.1 million making over $75,000 per year who choose to not purchase health insurance. So now we are under 27 million uninsured Americans.
Why don't we take some of the 787 billion in stimulus money that has not been spent yet since it is obvioulsy not working the way the great teleprompter reading genius stated it would and put it into a pool so that the government can provide health insurance to these 27 million uninsured who presumably cannot afford to purchase it. Wouldn't this be better than having the corrupt US government try to take control of every American's health care, especially given that the vast majority of Americans are happy with what they now have? How much can it cost to insure 27 million people? It must be less that 1% of the amount of the first stimulus bill that was rammed through.
Why don't we take some of the 787 billion in stimulus money that has not been spent yet since it is obvioulsy not working the way the great teleprompter reading genius stated it would and put it into a pool so that the government can provide health insurance to these 27 million uninsured who presumably cannot afford to purchase it. Wouldn't this be better than having the corrupt US government try to take control of every American's health care, especially given that the vast majority of Americans are happy with what they now have? How much can it cost to insure 27 million people? It must be less that 1% of the amount of the first stimulus bill that was rammed through.
Op-Ed Columnist
An Incoherent Truth
Published: July 26, 2009
Right now the fate of health care reform seems to rest in the hands of relatively conservative Democrats — mainly members of the Blue Dog Coalition, created in 1995. And you might be tempted to say that President Obama needs to give those Democrats what they want.
But he can’t — because the Blue Dogs aren’t making sense.
To grasp the problem, you need to understand the outline of the proposed reform (all of the Democratic plans on the table agree on the essentials.)
Reform, if it happens, will rest on four main pillars: regulation, mandates, subsidies and competition.
Three liberal, stupid ideas and a conservative one. However, it turns out the competition is between the government and private industry (guess which one is going to be less effective and ultimately cost more?)
Honestly, how can the liberal brain be so wacky?
An Incoherent Truth
Published: July 26, 2009
Right now the fate of health care reform seems to rest in the hands of relatively conservative Democrats — mainly members of the Blue Dog Coalition, created in 1995. And you might be tempted to say that President Obama needs to give those Democrats what they want.
But he can’t — because the Blue Dogs aren’t making sense.
To grasp the problem, you need to understand the outline of the proposed reform (all of the Democratic plans on the table agree on the essentials.)
Reform, if it happens, will rest on four main pillars: regulation, mandates, subsidies and competition.
Three liberal, stupid ideas and a conservative one. However, it turns out the competition is between the government and private industry (guess which one is going to be less effective and ultimately cost more?)
Honestly, how can the liberal brain be so wacky?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
"The police acted stupidly."
"Let's stick with the facts."
"I am a post racial candidate."
Some who had hoped that the election of a black man to the Presidency would finally put to rest, or at least significantly ease any residual racial tension, are very disappointed by the actions of these two black men.
The officer was clearly doing his job.
Gates clearly overreacted.
"O" clearly fanned racial flames.
His words have meaning... and what he said, is that due to continuing anxiety and sensitivity of A-A, they need to be treated differently when being questioned, WHICH IS WHAT I THOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT STOOD AGAINST!
Now that he is in deep dudu, the media must orchestrate his rehabilitation. On THIS WEEK, they all but bent over backward to excuse his words and explain what a great job he did Friday explaining his mistake. The anger of Ms. Brazil was barely contained. What he did was inexcusable and at some point we must say to all people, even Ms. Brazil, enough! We have made progress...we have long ago rejected prejudice...time to move forward! And...where racism persists we stand firmly behind any group...but...racism is a serious charge to be raised under serious circumstances with serious please after all the work and sacrifice and understanding...please...perhaps a little both directions!
Too many black men are in jail and that is terrible but this incident in no way teaches us why. This incident was a lot of things, but clearly not a teachable moment except in how to not move forward. This was about an arrogant old man pitching a fit and throwing out the race card, which is bad enough (and I just wish the black community would call him on it) but worse, it was our POTUS descending into old arguments and prejudices instead of leading.
Our previous President talked about the soft prejudice of low expectations and believed that all people could be free (even those living under religious or other tyranny).
Miss him.
"Let's stick with the facts."
"I am a post racial candidate."
Some who had hoped that the election of a black man to the Presidency would finally put to rest, or at least significantly ease any residual racial tension, are very disappointed by the actions of these two black men.
The officer was clearly doing his job.
Gates clearly overreacted.
"O" clearly fanned racial flames.
His words have meaning... and what he said, is that due to continuing anxiety and sensitivity of A-A, they need to be treated differently when being questioned, WHICH IS WHAT I THOUGHT THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT STOOD AGAINST!
Now that he is in deep dudu, the media must orchestrate his rehabilitation. On THIS WEEK, they all but bent over backward to excuse his words and explain what a great job he did Friday explaining his mistake. The anger of Ms. Brazil was barely contained. What he did was inexcusable and at some point we must say to all people, even Ms. Brazil, enough! We have made progress...we have long ago rejected prejudice...time to move forward! And...where racism persists we stand firmly behind any group...but...racism is a serious charge to be raised under serious circumstances with serious please after all the work and sacrifice and understanding...please...perhaps a little both directions!
Too many black men are in jail and that is terrible but this incident in no way teaches us why. This incident was a lot of things, but clearly not a teachable moment except in how to not move forward. This was about an arrogant old man pitching a fit and throwing out the race card, which is bad enough (and I just wish the black community would call him on it) but worse, it was our POTUS descending into old arguments and prejudices instead of leading.
Our previous President talked about the soft prejudice of low expectations and believed that all people could be free (even those living under religious or other tyranny).
Miss him.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kudos to Dubya,8599,1912297,00.html
Cut & paste the above link to read an excellent article. After reading Time's piece on the final days of the Bush Administration, I hold GWB in higher regard. His approach to the Scooter Libby pardon and pardons in general was very principled. I am now confident that Bush had nothing to do with the Plame affair - before I thought that he was at least an accessory after the fact.
Our 43rd president will probably not fare well in history - however - he just went up a notch or so in my book. Perhaps, historians will be kinder when they see the man in the context of the linked article. I hope so.
Cut & paste the above link to read an excellent article. After reading Time's piece on the final days of the Bush Administration, I hold GWB in higher regard. His approach to the Scooter Libby pardon and pardons in general was very principled. I am now confident that Bush had nothing to do with the Plame affair - before I thought that he was at least an accessory after the fact.
Our 43rd president will probably not fare well in history - however - he just went up a notch or so in my book. Perhaps, historians will be kinder when they see the man in the context of the linked article. I hope so.
Obama Care
I am sure that all of us know what the cost of your present health care is, either on an individual or family basis and on a monthly or yearly can anyone tell me what the cost per person or family will be of Obama Care...lets face it fokes...if it is free then lets remember a great saying...YOU PAY PEANUTS YOU GET lets find out what the cost is......
By the way does anyone think that Obama is covering his ass on this Gates thing...AHHHHH YEAA
Riegels Rant
By the way does anyone think that Obama is covering his ass on this Gates thing...AHHHHH YEAA
Riegels Rant
Friday, July 24, 2009
Terry's view taken to the Sports World
I believe that we need to revamp Professional Golf. It unfairly rewards white males from priviledged backgrounds who had access to private country clubs. Also according to our soon to be Supreme Court Justice it is racist because people of color are far underrepresented. Doesn't matter if the system has been in place for as long as it has it is racist for fact. Therefore the PGA must conform to society as a whole and use quotas to restructure the field of every future tournament according to race and ethnicity. Each professional golf tournament must also enact stiff handicapping rules to make sure that each and every golfer has an equal chance of winning the tournament before they tee off. Women must make up over 50% of every field as they do in our society and they also must be allowed to golf from the front tees. The field must also include seniors so as not to unfairly discriminate against them. Finally every day of the tournament the handicaps need to be reworked so that those who did well on the previous day will have to bear a greater burden by having the amount of strokes either reduced in the case where they are receiving them or they must give more strokes to those who did not play as well as their handicap level.
This new law will of course be pushed to all levels of the PGA including teaching pros since there are far to few teaching pros of color. Those pros who are better than others will and have a greater number of students will have to forfit a higher percentage of their students to the pool that will be created to provide students for the new teaching pros that will now be added to the profession. Of course a certain number of white male teaching pros will be relieved of their jobs because they have been discriminating against people of color for so long solely based on the fact that the PGA membership does not reflect the make up of the US society. Of course a certain percentage of the new pros must also be illegal aliens.
This new law will of course be pushed to all levels of the PGA including teaching pros since there are far to few teaching pros of color. Those pros who are better than others will and have a greater number of students will have to forfit a higher percentage of their students to the pool that will be created to provide students for the new teaching pros that will now be added to the profession. Of course a certain number of white male teaching pros will be relieved of their jobs because they have been discriminating against people of color for so long solely based on the fact that the PGA membership does not reflect the make up of the US society. Of course a certain percentage of the new pros must also be illegal aliens.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The solution seems...well...Republican
All of which demonstrates what can happen when the political class has its credit-card pulled by the electorate. It’s a shame it takes a fiscal crisis for this kind of discipline to be imposed, and the victories here are a long way from permanent. But if Mr. Schwarzenegger can drive more tax and spending reform in his last year in office, he can vindicate the fiscal promises he made when he first ran for Governor.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Terry's Final Word on Health Care to Republicans
The number of people in other industrialized democracies who go bankrupt as a result of medical bills=0
The number of people in other industrialized democracies who lack access to routine medical care=0
the number of people in other industrialized democracies who feel trapped at their jobs for fear of losing their families health insurance =0
To adapt the Republican position on health care requires believing that every other country is WRONG. It also requires that every poll taken by Americans themselves is wrong that they love this health care system we have in this country.
Instead of trying to solve the problem Republicans like to " cherry pick " stories of people who were denied treatment while ignoring the very same kind of stories here in this country.
Under our free market system elderly people are priced out of the market hence the need for medicare, the poor can't afford hence the need for medicaid. Every health insurance bill passed was to address the needs and shortcomings of the system.
Medicare's problem is due almost entirely to rising health care costs. I am sure when medicare was passed no one knew costs would rise dramatically.
the dirty little secret free marketeers is this. The purpose of of an INSURANCE POLICY is to collect moneyfor policies without having to PAY OUT. Since everyone is going to need health care, this is an impossibel task. Dr. Jim your turn?
The number of people in other industrialized democracies who lack access to routine medical care=0
the number of people in other industrialized democracies who feel trapped at their jobs for fear of losing their families health insurance =0
To adapt the Republican position on health care requires believing that every other country is WRONG. It also requires that every poll taken by Americans themselves is wrong that they love this health care system we have in this country.
Instead of trying to solve the problem Republicans like to " cherry pick " stories of people who were denied treatment while ignoring the very same kind of stories here in this country.
Under our free market system elderly people are priced out of the market hence the need for medicare, the poor can't afford hence the need for medicaid. Every health insurance bill passed was to address the needs and shortcomings of the system.
Medicare's problem is due almost entirely to rising health care costs. I am sure when medicare was passed no one knew costs would rise dramatically.
the dirty little secret free marketeers is this. The purpose of of an INSURANCE POLICY is to collect moneyfor policies without having to PAY OUT. Since everyone is going to need health care, this is an impossibel task. Dr. Jim your turn?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
If the dope...the "O", had truly done what he said he would have accomplished his goals. If he had changed "politics as usual", he would have won the health care argument.
If he, the dope, had said, in agreement with Rich(ie), that the current system was bad and things had to change and then offered HSA's and tort reform, I would have at least listened.
But no, the dope just offers the usually liberal spittle. Honestly, how can he, Rich(ie), and all the liberals talk about how our country's health care system is so different yet not acknowledge the difference in Malpractice.
Just another liberal. I had hoped for better.
If he, the dope, had said, in agreement with Rich(ie), that the current system was bad and things had to change and then offered HSA's and tort reform, I would have at least listened.
But no, the dope just offers the usually liberal spittle. Honestly, how can he, Rich(ie), and all the liberals talk about how our country's health care system is so different yet not acknowledge the difference in Malpractice.
Just another liberal. I had hoped for better.
Monday, July 20, 2009
How come nobody pointed out that yesterday was the 40th anniversary
I thought I would take a moment to bother you all to remind everyone that July 19th was the 40th anniversary of the infamous Chappaquiddick incident in which an inebriated Senator Ted Kennedy marked a reunion of his brother Bobby's "Boiler Room" girls by driving one to her death off the Dyke Road bridge.
This manslaughter might have been forgiven if Kennedy hadn't decided to evade responsibility for the accident and cover it up by failing to report it, trying to co-opt one of his aides to cop to being the driver, and then leaving them to try and fix it for him for over seven hours.
Worse, Mary Jo Kopechne, whose drowned body was found in a position trying to eke out the last molecules of air within the submerged car, was left to drown by the self-involved Senator, who chose not to seek immediate help.After proceedings by a Kennedy-friendly judicial system in Massachusetts, Kennedy was found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and had his driver's license suspended. (what a gigantic joke and miscarraige of justice, how this man did not go to jail for at the least involuntary manslaughter and still remain a US Senator from the Democratic Party is definitely one of the reasons I will never be a Democrat) But perhaps the crowning event was Kennedy's appalling nationally-televised apologia, which I remember viewing on TV, and which still reigns as probably the worst and most self-indulgent political pitch ever. He may be "the Lion of the Senate", but I will never forget Chappaquiddick.
This manslaughter might have been forgiven if Kennedy hadn't decided to evade responsibility for the accident and cover it up by failing to report it, trying to co-opt one of his aides to cop to being the driver, and then leaving them to try and fix it for him for over seven hours.
Worse, Mary Jo Kopechne, whose drowned body was found in a position trying to eke out the last molecules of air within the submerged car, was left to drown by the self-involved Senator, who chose not to seek immediate help.After proceedings by a Kennedy-friendly judicial system in Massachusetts, Kennedy was found guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and had his driver's license suspended. (what a gigantic joke and miscarraige of justice, how this man did not go to jail for at the least involuntary manslaughter and still remain a US Senator from the Democratic Party is definitely one of the reasons I will never be a Democrat) But perhaps the crowning event was Kennedy's appalling nationally-televised apologia, which I remember viewing on TV, and which still reigns as probably the worst and most self-indulgent political pitch ever. He may be "the Lion of the Senate", but I will never forget Chappaquiddick.
Some more good cheer about are new friends the Iranians
You will not believe this practice. In Iran it is illegal to execute a virgin. But since the Iranian regime appears to like executing young boys and girls for crimes against their radical form of Islam they sometimes run afoul of the above mentioned law. So you would think these young girls would avoid execution right? Remember we are talking about our new fast friends the Iranians who we are willing to throw Israel under the bus for. What do you think the answer is?
Barry and Israel
Obama's approval rating in Israel goes from 31% to 6% in one month.
From the article the new prevailing attitude in Israel towards Barry is as follows:
“President Barack Obama last Monday met for the first time with leaders of selected Jewish organizations and leaks from the meeting now make one thing very clear. The only free country in the Middle East no longer has a friend in the leader of the free world. Obama is the most hostile sitting American president in the history of the state of Israel. “
Obama's approval rating in Israel goes from 31% to 6% in one month.
From the article the new prevailing attitude in Israel towards Barry is as follows:
“President Barack Obama last Monday met for the first time with leaders of selected Jewish organizations and leaks from the meeting now make one thing very clear. The only free country in the Middle East no longer has a friend in the leader of the free world. Obama is the most hostile sitting American president in the history of the state of Israel. “
Recently elected Democrats from higher-income areas also have been cautious about legislation that would make it easier for labor unions to organize, and about legislation imposing tough new rules on banks. Republicans have savaged the new Democrats for supporting legislation to stem global warming by capping greenhouse-gas emissions, then forcing polluters to purchase and trade emissions credits -- a "cap and tax," the GOP says.
But planned tax increases are likely the source of the toughest intra-Democratic tensions. The president wants to allow George W. Bush's income-tax cuts to expire in 2011 for families earning at least $250,000 and to stop the estate tax from being repealed next year. Mr. Obama also campaigned on putting an additional payroll tax of two to four percentage points on incomes above $250,000 to help put Social Security back on solid footing. As the president confronts a surging budget deficit and presses his ambitious agenda, all those tax increases may be necessary to make ends meet.
All together, Democratic plans could push the top tax rate to 47%, the highest level since the tax code was rewritten in 1986.
But planned tax increases are likely the source of the toughest intra-Democratic tensions. The president wants to allow George W. Bush's income-tax cuts to expire in 2011 for families earning at least $250,000 and to stop the estate tax from being repealed next year. Mr. Obama also campaigned on putting an additional payroll tax of two to four percentage points on incomes above $250,000 to help put Social Security back on solid footing. As the president confronts a surging budget deficit and presses his ambitious agenda, all those tax increases may be necessary to make ends meet.
All together, Democratic plans could push the top tax rate to 47%, the highest level since the tax code was rewritten in 1986.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Health Care Reform & Taxes
I am very impressed that Team Obama insists that health care reform will be paid for. Unlike GWB's prescription drug plan, any new entitlements will be provided for in new revenues or cost savings rather than simply adding to the deficit.
That said, I am not happy with the House plan which takes the top marginal rate from 39.6% to 44.6%. I think that is too high. I have often said that Clinton had it about right at 39.6%. Once you get over 40% at the federal level you are exceeding a 50% total income tax rate in many jurisdictions and I think that is the point of diminishing returns. Even the highest earners ought to be keeping half of their labor, profit or plunder. Asking for more is overreaching and will not likely increase net receipts if scored dynamically.
I have long thought that universal coverage utilizing health insurance should be funded through an excise tax on premiums. If government's expenses under universal care consume 15% of the health care pie, simply charge a 15% excise tax to fund said costs. Rather than have cost shifting at every turn, how about one big shift that honestly addresses our obligations? Further, if we have a public option we can incorporate a modified Oregon Plan that will allow funding to determine the scope of coverage rather than a simple blanket entitlement.
I know my proposal is not on the table, however, the tax on benefits comes close if it covers all of the added costs. I think that a modified Oregon Plan is in the offing for those receiving care on the public purse. After all, this is the new Era of Responsibility.
That said, I am not happy with the House plan which takes the top marginal rate from 39.6% to 44.6%. I think that is too high. I have often said that Clinton had it about right at 39.6%. Once you get over 40% at the federal level you are exceeding a 50% total income tax rate in many jurisdictions and I think that is the point of diminishing returns. Even the highest earners ought to be keeping half of their labor, profit or plunder. Asking for more is overreaching and will not likely increase net receipts if scored dynamically.
I have long thought that universal coverage utilizing health insurance should be funded through an excise tax on premiums. If government's expenses under universal care consume 15% of the health care pie, simply charge a 15% excise tax to fund said costs. Rather than have cost shifting at every turn, how about one big shift that honestly addresses our obligations? Further, if we have a public option we can incorporate a modified Oregon Plan that will allow funding to determine the scope of coverage rather than a simple blanket entitlement.
I know my proposal is not on the table, however, the tax on benefits comes close if it covers all of the added costs. I think that a modified Oregon Plan is in the offing for those receiving care on the public purse. After all, this is the new Era of Responsibility.
The Millennium and the Birth Control Pill
Around the millennium I played a game with friends...asking what, in their opinion, was the most important thing, concept, discovery, person, whatever of the previous 1000 years.
The answers ran from my of course correct, America, establishing the concept of freedom and individual liberty to a liberal's silly answer of the women's right to choose.
Bringing the topic to the smartest person in the world and mother of 5, including me, she answered...the birth control pill.
While it may not be quite as big as America, the concept is the same and she is of course right.
The answers ran from my of course correct, America, establishing the concept of freedom and individual liberty to a liberal's silly answer of the women's right to choose.
Bringing the topic to the smartest person in the world and mother of 5, including me, she answered...the birth control pill.
While it may not be quite as big as America, the concept is the same and she is of course right.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Obama Speech
We've got to say to our children, yes , if you're African American, the odds of growing up amid crime and gangs are HIGHER. Yes' if you live in a poor neighborhood you will face challenges that sometimes someone in a wealthy suburb does not have to face. That's not a reason to get bad grades. Thats not a reason to cut classes. That's not a reason to give up on education and drop out. No one has written your destiny for you. Your destiny is in your own hands, you can not forget that. That's what we need to teach all our children: no excuses.
A speech by Barack Obama to the NAACP.
A speech by Barack Obama to the NAACP.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
From IBD
A simple question for the Liberals, lead by Rich(ie).
What can't the government control? Honestly try and answer one question, what are inalienable rights?
The economy, gun rights, health care, banking, property rights, anything? What in your world can they not control?
This does not bother you, the obvious goal of the left, the control of the population?
The transfer of income from one segment to another?
Taking over a large segment of the economy, health care.
Do you value your freedom and our responsibility so little?
Terry, compassion is a wonderful sound bite and excoriating corporations is fun but what happens when they tell you how to pray? Paranoid you say? The won't let you buy health insurance (see article that follows) or a gun now. They decide to use the wealthy to pay for an insurance plan (where do they get the power?).
What can't they do? What are their limits?
What can't the government control? Honestly try and answer one question, what are inalienable rights?
The economy, gun rights, health care, banking, property rights, anything? What in your world can they not control?
This does not bother you, the obvious goal of the left, the control of the population?
The transfer of income from one segment to another?
Taking over a large segment of the economy, health care.
Do you value your freedom and our responsibility so little?
Terry, compassion is a wonderful sound bite and excoriating corporations is fun but what happens when they tell you how to pray? Paranoid you say? The won't let you buy health insurance (see article that follows) or a gun now. They decide to use the wealthy to pay for an insurance plan (where do they get the power?).
What can't they do? What are their limits?
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished II
Watching & listening to the Paulson testimony is very disappointing. I think the country - the world - owes this man it's heartfelt gratitude. Instead, he is getting grilled like some criminal. The Democratic chair of the committee Edolphus Towns has a sub-80 IQ. Dan Burton (R) of mellon-shooting fame got his licks in - all but calling Paulson a liar. I keep waiting for Darrell Issa to don a moo moo and pearls ala Klinger.
What a bunch of losers. This is a very low moment for our legislative branch.
What a bunch of losers. This is a very low moment for our legislative branch.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Fed. Who is watching the cash register?
These are the people who want to run health care, the auto and financial industry and our liberties.
Notice S. Palin's sister :), sitting in the background.
Notice S. Palin's sister :), sitting in the background.

In addition, the Democrat-controlled House has passed a 5.4% surtax on "millionaires" to fund health care. It's really an entrepreneur tax. This would be on top of the higher taxes the Democrats want on those with incomes over $250,000 and small businesses — the very engines of growth responsible for 80% of our new jobs.
Hasn't anyone noticed that despite a 20% jump in spending over the last year, tax revenues have plunged 18% — largely because many of the "millionaires" Congress is going after are going broke?
So are the rest of us. Web site estimates the U.S. has lost over $108 billion in real GDP since the stimulus began.
Our poll and others show a deepening disgust with radical policies that have resulted in out-of-control spending, over-the-top debt, looming tax hikes and an ever-tightening grip on the private economy. Anything, in other words, but economic growth.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Channel Check 7/14/09 AM
Whats on the news channels this morning?
CNBC - Financial News, The Markets
MSNBC - Sotomayor Hearings
CNN - Sotomayor Hearings
Fox News - Double Murder in Beulah, Florida
I report, you decide...
CNBC - Financial News, The Markets
MSNBC - Sotomayor Hearings
CNN - Sotomayor Hearings
Fox News - Double Murder in Beulah, Florida
I report, you decide...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Let's all remember social justice-"housing style"
Behind The Meltdown: Many Americans are unaware of the causes of the greatest economic calamity of our lifetime. A new congressional report details how government politicized housing, wrecking the economy.
Health Care
The only way to solve the health care dilemma is via tried and true free market Capitalism.
Let me first admit this will be a shock, but it is better than the alternative.
Either the patient is involved in economic health care decisions or someone else.
That someone else is either an HMO or the Government.
The latter two, not being involved in the actual decision can effect economics by curtailing services or reducing reimbursement.
Already, you cannot have two things cared for at one visit (injections of both sore knee's for example).
The American people do not want this option, yet the option of directly paying for one's health care is never discussed in a significant way.
Let me first admit this will be a shock, but it is better than the alternative.
Either the patient is involved in economic health care decisions or someone else.
That someone else is either an HMO or the Government.
The latter two, not being involved in the actual decision can effect economics by curtailing services or reducing reimbursement.
Already, you cannot have two things cared for at one visit (injections of both sore knee's for example).
The American people do not want this option, yet the option of directly paying for one's health care is never discussed in a significant way.
Health Care
Someone has to pay for my health care.
I can
You can
Our children can
Seems like "O" is going for the third option.
I can
You can
Our children can
Seems like "O" is going for the third option.
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes, but the "O" is running up deficits that are huge by any metric (percentage of GDP, absolute size)
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes, but he also cut taxes to shorten a recession, the shock of 9-11 and bust.
But Bush ran up deficits and he cut taxes!! Yes as opposed to the "O" who is threatening the prosperous and prosperity in this country. Let's see, we have the "rich" paying income, health care and social security surcharges and it is not even August. The "O" is spending so much money we may never recover while at the same time inhibiting the economic engine which has made this country great. Hey "O", really think unemployment is going to top out at 9.5%?
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes, he should not have we admit that Republicans lost their Conservative ways but now we have the fox guarding the hen house redistributing "their money" back to its rightful owners with the mantra of "social justice".
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes! And Conservatives, and now it seems the awakening American people, realize that was bad but this is much, much worse.
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes, but he also cut taxes to shorten a recession, the shock of 9-11 and bust.
But Bush ran up deficits and he cut taxes!! Yes as opposed to the "O" who is threatening the prosperous and prosperity in this country. Let's see, we have the "rich" paying income, health care and social security surcharges and it is not even August. The "O" is spending so much money we may never recover while at the same time inhibiting the economic engine which has made this country great. Hey "O", really think unemployment is going to top out at 9.5%?
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes, he should not have we admit that Republicans lost their Conservative ways but now we have the fox guarding the hen house redistributing "their money" back to its rightful owners with the mantra of "social justice".
But Bush ran up deficits! Yes! And Conservatives, and now it seems the awakening American people, realize that was bad but this is much, much worse.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Yes! Virginia the CIA lies!
Of all the ridiculous pseudo-controversies I’ve witnessed in politics, the one between Nancy Pelosi and the CIA from earlier this year was surely the dumbest.
Pelosi alleged that she’d been misled by the CIA regarding the details of some illegal orders that CIA personnel had carried out.
The right then began to savage Pelosi, not based on specific information that she was wrong about this, but based on the lunatic notion that it’s just outrageous in general to claim that the CIA would ever lie to congress.
Even more preposterously, the political press decided to treat these attacks very seriously as if we’re a nation of naive children that doesn’t realize intelligence agencies sometimes help presidents cover up illegal activities.
Now the "truth" comes out Panetta says we did not disclose all activities. What a surprise to all the Pelosi haters!!!
Pelosi alleged that she’d been misled by the CIA regarding the details of some illegal orders that CIA personnel had carried out.
The right then began to savage Pelosi, not based on specific information that she was wrong about this, but based on the lunatic notion that it’s just outrageous in general to claim that the CIA would ever lie to congress.
Even more preposterously, the political press decided to treat these attacks very seriously as if we’re a nation of naive children that doesn’t realize intelligence agencies sometimes help presidents cover up illegal activities.
Now the "truth" comes out Panetta says we did not disclose all activities. What a surprise to all the Pelosi haters!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
You cannot ever accurately predict, you can only prepare.
A reasoned article refuting the liberal mantra of government management of...anything.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Best for All Concerned

Hags said my previous headline was mean spirited, so I changed it. He was probably right.
She has marginalized herself politically. It is hard to imagine her even attempting the presidency at this point. It will now be easier to dodge the arrows, which are coming in from every direction.
I am still waiting for another show to drop; embarrassing emails, Todd revealed as a cad, or the arrival of a legitimate scandal. I can't imagine that she gave it all up in a simple fit of pique.
I guess we can agree that it was best for all concerned.
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