Hags said my previous headline was mean spirited, so I changed it. He was probably right.
She has marginalized herself politically. It is hard to imagine her even attempting the presidency at this point. It will now be easier to dodge the arrows, which are coming in from every direction.
I am still waiting for another show to drop; embarrassing emails, Todd revealed as a cad, or the arrival of a legitimate scandal. I can't imagine that she gave it all up in a simple fit of pique.
I guess we can agree that it was best for all concerned.
Listen to what she said. The truth is always obvious in these type of announcements.
She quit because she thought she had become a burden to her state.
She is young and I think will not do well in the next election cycle during which she will run for POTUS, but who knows what the next 8 or 12 years will bring.
What job would suit her? She was mayor of a town of 7,000 and she was a governor of a small state (48th in population) for just over half a term. For serious people, she has damaged her resume beyond repair.
So long as Sarah is the face or the Republican Party or the GOP base, it is a win for the Democrats. She brings no more votes to the table than does Newt Gingrich or Tom DeLay. And she turns so many off in the center as well as the left.
Winners never quit and quitters never win.
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