The Republicans of late have been very poll centric, arguing that Americans opposed the Healthcare bill (they haven't talked as much about polls showing that 1/3 of Republicans want to secede from the Unites States or that 1/4 of Republicans think Obama might be the Antichrist). Of course, they failed to mention that many of those opposed to the bill felt it was not liberal enough. In fact, Jon Kyl used a 59/39 opposed poll to make his point to Wolf Blitzer yesterday and Wolf called him on it. The same poll showed 52% supported the bill or felt it wasn't liberal enough.
The latest poll - conducted after passage by the Republican leaning Gallup Organization - shows that America supports passage of the landmark legislation by a wide margin. The financial markets seem to agree as well, having steadily moved up on Monday and Tuesday.
See you at the voting booth in November.
We'll see how that poll turns out.
Hags -
Nothing succeeds like success. Had the Dems been unable to secure the legislation despite their large majorities, they might have lost the House in November. Now, I think think the loss count will be well under 26 in the House and 5 in the Senate - Reagan's numbers in 1982.
We'll see. In a representative democracy, you get the government you deserve. I'm quite comfortable with that.
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