President Obama and the Democratic Congress created the economic environment in which more jobs were created - on net - in two years than in the preceding eight years of GWB. The economy is growing again - to the point now that further stimulus may be unnecessary. We should all be grateful for this exceptional performance. Objectively measured, the markets clearly approve.
In two short years, the Dow is up over 50%, the S&P 60%+ and the NASDAQ a whopping >90%.
You keep confusing macroeconomics with the geriatric need to bitch about the government.
Huh! Created more jobs on net then were created under GWB. I am sure you are spinning numbers to make Obama look better. The fact is that this is a jobless recovery spurred by aimless Government spending that has plunged this country into the largest sink hole by far that we have ever experienced.
The stock market is up because the Republicans took back the House and it appears like they have taken the keys back from Obamamessiah by taking his insatiable allowance away from him.
No spin, Mark, just facts.
Check the chart - you will see a nice, steady ascent in values. The GOP took the House 22 months into a 24 month chart. Talk about spin...
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