Thursday, September 25, 2008

How it all started

An unabashed liberal! Head long into socialism and proud of it!

I was discussing with the girls why I do not support Obama, or respect the Democratic party, it came down to freedom. Freedom is an absolute and is the basis for any successful person or society. To take from one to provide for another by definition, injures the freedom of, well both quite frankly. And beyond the esoteric of the argument, millions have lived in misery based on its, socialism, communism, collectivism, false prophesy. The "social justice" of the Democratic party is just socialism by another name. I will bring you Any Rand's book, Capitalism, the unknown ideal.

Your party's primary goal is to maintain the right of a woman to have an abortion. This is an absolute anathema to the teachings of the Catholic church. Both sides of this argument have their points and most meet in the middle, but when one is not sure (as to when life begins), as McCain said at Saddelback, do we not error on the side of conception? And if you have a baby, and it is yours to care for, you will take getting pregnanct more seriously. (this issue, self sufficiency vs. state assistance, as I reread your letter about the topic, is in fact the basis for most of our differing viewpoints.)

In regards to the war. Our President, with the approval of Congress, led us into a war against a country which flaunted multiple UN resolution, had previously attacked a neighbor and would not satisfy concerns regarding WMD. In the post 9-11 world, our President declared that terrorism and state sponsors of same would not be tolerated. He stated this because the next attack could be in the form of a "mushroom cloud". Our President rightly decided that the world had changed and words must be followed by deeds. Remember sanctions had been present for many years. Now, after 6 years, we have a developing democracy in the most recalcitrant, dangerous area of the world. Right now everyone is down on President Bush. I think he and his Presidency will be judged as transforming.

Lastly, you know I just started writing and all this came out so thanks for your thought provoking E-mail, as a conservative who wants to spend (for example) less money on poor children because there are less poor children, I think "social justice, collectivism" has done much harm especially to the A-A community and as Obama stated, sometimes we act "as if things have never changed". I can understand your pride in seeing an A-A candidate, but I must profess it is only the "liberal" A-A candidates which seem to make the cut. I could not understand how someone as bright as you obviously are could support such a liberal candidate, but now that you have taken the time to explain your views, I do. I will work on you.

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