Thursday, April 29, 2010


"I want smart", that was Terry's cry when supporting the great "O". He is so smart, he will figure out our problems.

Smart is letting people be free: free to buy, sell, own, worship, not, win, lose, fail. Smart is enforcing the law and setting fair rules. Smart is hard because freedom and responsibility are sometimes hard to explain and harder to execute especially when a political party specializes in class warfare.

"spreading the wealth around is"
No, that is just stupid. Spread means, by force take from one and give to another. Spreading creates nothing. There is no government multiplier, to believe there is, is stupid.

Now we must endure the continuing idiocy of our Socialist/Communist president who while he may be believed to be smart, has never created anything or worked in the rough and tumble of the real world. does not say understands that the head of the government cannot make such pronouncements, should not believe this and knows it is stupid to say it and even stupider to believe it.

OBAMA: I want to be clear. We're not -- we're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.

So how much is enough?

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