Friday, April 23, 2010

illegal immigration

Hummm...I guess like hyperspending and entitlement non reform (which, however, is possible in New Jersey), its just not a good idea to actually do anything about our problems.  The problem?  The one which is eating up our resources, especially health care?  The one where folks plug into a huge entitlement system?

Never enforce the law, no, better just to increase taxes, especially on the wealthy.  That is the ticket.

A purple state you say?  The one where 80% approve of the new law?  The one just passed?

Democratic Dementia:
Never address spending, just raise taxes.
Never admit raising taxes can have a negative impact on collections.
Never ask people to put skin in the game, just increase entitlements.
Never admit that an already strained system cannot handle "illegal immigrants".
Always deny that their country is Conservative

Let's be like Sweden!


Baxter said...

I wish I got a dollar each time I corrected you, Doc. I would pay lots of taxes and then I could retire.

Arizona voted for Clinton in '96 and elected Napolitano twice in a row. Yes - we are more purple than red. I didn't say blue...

Many studies show the illegal aliens contributing far more to the economy than they take in resources. There are also studies that indicate otherwise. I like people who want to work. I wish they would truly control the border - build a huge fence, have e-check, etc, and then let huge numbers come in legally. Mexicans historically assimilate well and demographically reflect 1950's America more than any other group. Sorry to be more thoughtful than argumentative here.

Dementia? You forget:

1993 budget bill addressed and controlled spending and did not receive one GOP vote.

Did the GOP control spending when they controlled everything? Or did spending go up pell mell under Dubya and the Republican Congress?

I am on record stating that we reach a point of diminishing returns as taxes go up. We are simply well below that point at the moment.

When have the Republicans required skin in the game? Did you notice they criticized the Democrats for cutting Medicare spending $500B in the Healthcare Reform law? Can you spell c-y-n-i-c-a-l?

Our country is conservative? Is that why we elected a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress with strong majorities? Is that why Democrats have won the popular vote in four of the last five presidential elections?

Talk about dementia!

Jim G. said...

Conservatives run things for a while, get whacked and replaced.

Next November, your sides turn.

Conservative ideas of limited government and acutally enforcing immigration are being given voice, especially by the Tea Party movement.

Oh, and speaking of deficits, kind of hard to agrue with the student video post above.

Baxter said...

"Conservatives run things for a while, get whacked and replaced"? What is your point?

You have lost the popular vote in four of the past five elections. The Democrats have controlled Congress far more than the GOP for the past 80 years. GOP control is the exception, not the rule and for good reason. You had monopoly control twice and it led the the Great Depression and the 2008 financial collapse. You guys are two for two.

Fortunately, the future doesn't belong to the likes of the Tea Party. We can look forward to higher taxes that will actually provide for current consumption and pay down the debt. What a concept!