Sunday, April 4, 2010

So - if you aren't ready to eliminate those programs that Americans strongly support, you have to be HONEST and acknowledge the need to massively raise revenues.  We have a structural deficit.

Can you say Condescending?

When we repeatedly state how to manage the budget and then you state we don't and make comments like this...well then aren't we feeling pretty.

How to balance the budget, which by the way, college grads most of us, "understand".  By structural, you mean...we promised too much.

First stop digging a hole.
Stop funding the rest of the stimulus which has been a big, huge waste of money.
Don't implement health care "reform" which is going to really bust the bank.
Implement tax cuts to stimulate the economy, lower the unemployment rate, and raise revenue by growing the economy.
Raise the retirement age.
Reduce Colas
Institute market based health care reform to reduce costs by increasing patient participation in their care, including Medicare.

Now...that may or may not "balance" the budget (probably would) but it would not, as is happening now, take the deficit into hyper drive, due to the L/P/S drive to take over the American economy.

Your side is a joke. Like we did not see this coming from a mile away.

First it was, if we could just return to the Clinton era tax rates. Now, we need an excise tax on the wealthy to pay for health care. And best of all, now we need big tax increases to pay for the "supply side deficits" which until 2007 were a small part of GDP (and would have been absent if the L/P/S had let there be cuts in the proposed increases of programs-let me guess, you have conveniently forgotten your party's demagogue), without ever considering, "hey lets first quit digging a bigger hole".

Socialism, government control of industry, taking the productivity of the people to pay for governments control. Why are you "scared" of the word? It is what the "o" is doing.  Its true.

You also seem to be throwing in the towel on controlling the growth of government and its spending (or in your case appauding), which is in contrast to the purpose of the Tea Party Movement.

Through out history, idiots have deemed an "overreaction" to objections about loss of freedoms. But history has given us lots of Hitler's and other tyrants of the same ilk.

Our government is controlling a larger share of the economy, spending money of future generations, creating a ever growing workforce to support itself, attacking industry after industry and you are not worried?  Fool.


sara p said...

Ol' Sara IS worried. The politics is not as worrisome as what is in people's hearts, that leads to what they say which ultimately will lead to horrific actions. Anarchy might be the long term result. At that moment, notions of healthcare and/or Iranian sanctions will be on no minds.

Baxter said...

Doc – you have never mentioned the elimination of anything – it is all platitudes. How much would you cut? Give us a dollar amount. How long will it take to balance the budget if we take your approach?

On this topic, you are not pretty. You are butt ugly, having fallen out of the ugly tree and hitting every branch.

We have established that one can get a post-grad degree without the ability to spell. Why would we assume they understand budgeting, much less that of the federal government? Further, how can one understand the budget if they never take the time to look at it?

With respect to hole digging, your proposed solutions do not come close to balancing the budget, though you think they probably would. We could eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and we will still be in deficit. Your solutions are raising the retirement age (agreed), reduce colas (disagree), and implement market based healthcare reform including Medicare (agreed). Great ideas, but not exactly budget balancing when the wholesale elimination of the programs would not do the trick.

The last two supply side tax cuts greatly reduced relative revenue and that is what you are proposing in the face of our record deficits. Brilliant! With more ideas like that, we will become one big Paraguay in no time. It is suggestions like these that make it apparent your economic views are religious in nature, not intellectual.

Your side took us to $10T of debt, which you now try to minimize. You had a monopoly on power for six years, you pissed away the surplus and you took our newfound deficits into hyper-drive. What do you expect the budget to look like if you have massive deficits during times of growth and then you have a financial collapse? Wouldn’t things look about how they look right now? You have never answered this question. Our current deficits are a direct product of GWB and the GOP Congress. Obama is diligently cleaning up a mess that will not come clean quickly or easily.

Who is scared of the world? I want us to lead the world. I want to leverage our power to the maximum extent possible while we are the biggest bear in the woods. We can’t do that by being petulant unilateralists.

I am all for controlling the growth of government. However, being familiar with the budget, I recognize that controlling the spending side is simply is not enough. You have said we “promised too much”, and we did. We didn’t provide the resources to back up those promises when we made them. So what to do about it? We can pony up and pay the bills or scrap the programs. I support the former, while reforming the entitlements to significantly reduce their growth.

Just about everything I do is in contrast to the Tea Party movement, thank you very much. They are a very unattractive bunch – many if not most are benefitting from Social Security and Medicare, yet they feel they are “Taxed Enough Already”. Does that irony escape you? We have the world’s biggest debt and deficit, the lowest taxes of the western industrialized nations, and they think we are taxed too much? That’s the problem? It is ignorance with an attitude run amok and it may just be the effective end of your party.

Hitler, of course, was of the right, not the left. The Tea Party folks like to think they are taking up the mantle of our founding fathers – they are not. Their rhetoric most closely matches that of the Confederacy, which stands to reason considering the geographic base of the Republican Party and the fact that a third of your group look kindly upon secession.

Not me. Mark me down as a patriotic American that believes Lincoln was right. We are one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We should pay our bills and end the orgy of borrowing sooner rather than later. It will take new taxes to do that.