Saturday, June 5, 2010

Double Dip (no not Terry and Rich)

I want smart. GWB was way over his head. Cronyism!

Let's see what 2010 brings us:

First, apparently the White House feels it is appropriate to interfere with the citizens of Pennsylvania and their choice of Senator. Their defenders scream, this has always been done! Showing no examples.

Oil leaks. One cannot fault "o" for the accident but the cleanup, the prevention of the damage, after the governor of the state ASKED for help? You bet!

During the hurricane, there was this little LAW issue, the governor had to ask for help, didn't until a little too late. The equivalent of a nuclear bomb had gone off and folks were struggling. But oil leaking? Not too hard to respond. But how did the great Barry respond? After the Governor ASKED for help? Golf and his usual primary function as Demagogue in Chief. Instead of helping, he blamed.

On to immigration, we have an immigration problem correct? A state traumatized by illegal immigration passes a law. Does Barry read the law, do those in his administration who manage the issue, including the former governor of the involved state? Of course not! Why address an issue when you can... now here it is again...demagogue!

Lastly the economy. We are broke, we have no reserves. Conservatives can blame government intervention in the housing market, Liberals can blame the lack of oversight, but however we arrived here (actually we arrived here in 2008) we are here and it needs to be managed.

Now our friend Eric, of syntax and the stock market, says we are in for a big ass kicking.

Agree, but if the cause is deflation of housing prices and stock prices, surely a cure would be an improved business environment which would lower the unemployment rate (reducing government expenditures) and improve tax revenues. How? Tax cuts! Broad based tax cuts to free up capital and hiring.

But no, what Barry and his minions promote is another stimulus as it is again...demagogue "tax cuts for the rich".

Now argue as you might Dear Mr. Baxter the Stimulator, but the first one, the one where we borrowed money from ourselves to pay ourselves has been a spectacular failure. Your boys theme, that tax cuts would just cause folks to save the money has been completely wrong. That scenario, the people holding on to their money, has been brought to fruition with stimulus, health care, and new taxes.

As sure as day follows night, there will be a response.

Before you write, let's visit yesterdays employment numbers, that of only 41,000 private jobs created, the rest related to the census which will presumably return to the legions of the unemployed after August.

The Demagogue in Chief spoke, saying we cannot go back, cannot return to the calamity that caused the housing crisis (he really did) as if the housing crisis of 2008 would continue to limit employment opportunities in 2010. We must progress with "green" jobs, so says the Demagogue in Chief, without a smidgen of reality contained within that idea.

We should be creating a huge number of jobs except this administration is squarely in the way. We should be done with this recession but instead we are headed for a second dip.

November 2010, please come quickly.


Baxter said...

Tax cuts? Thats the best you got? That's friggin brilliant! Complain about deficits one day and call for tax cuts the next. Reagans massive deficits weren't enough for you? GWB's debt-doubling tax cuts didn't cure your itch? Tragedy comes in threes - is that it?

That had to be one of the dumbest, most tone deaf, uninformed posts I have ever read.

Keep reading Bruce Bartlett - it will cure what ails you.

Jim G. said...

Must have hit a nerve.


Jim G. said...

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Bill Maher labels Americans as stupid. Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) bemoans the average American’s comprehension gap. The Atlantic magazine explained the growing anger on Main Street: “It’s that you’re stupid.”

And while Paul McCartney rejoices that “after the last eight years, it’s good to have a president that knows what a library is,” President Obama himself whines that it has been “the toughest year and a half since any year and a half since the 1930s.”

That’s not leadership.

Great presidents, and even those not so great, never complained about the hands they were dealt. Just the opposite. They assumed they were in the big chair to meet big challenges, no matter how difficult.

Repulsed by the continued machinations of the political class, voters feel homeless.

Today 35.1 percent of adults identify themselves as Democrats, down 6.3 points from November 2008, matching the lowest level ever recorded in the eight years Rasmussen Reports has been tracking the data. And while 32 percent identify as Republicans, down 1.8 points, 32.8 percent don’t affiliate with either party. That’s up an incredible 8.1 points from the 2008 elections.

In the president’s own words:

“...more than anything else, success will depend not on our government, but on the dynamism, determination, and innovation of the American people.

“And now we have a choice as a nation...And I don’t know about you, but I want to move forward. I think America wants to move forward.”

Be careful what you ask for. America is clearly ready to move forward, away from the same old politics of Washington. Gallup just reported that Obama’s approval has dropped to 46 percent. And no president has been re-elected with an approval rating below 47 percent.

I thought a few months ago that things couldn’t get much worse for Obama. They have. A lot. Some of it he couldn’t control, but some of it he could have. And should have.

In any case, Obama needs to quit looking backward, trying to find historical parallels about how tough things are, and get about the job he asked for and the performance he promised.

Jim G. said...

Obama's quad of the deficit really has be burning.

tax cuts, broad based tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

and the removal of the Democrats as in 94, so the economy can again grow, as in 94.

Baxter said...

We have the lowest tax rates in the western industrialized world, we have $1.4T deficit (roughly the same as Obama inherited from Bush), and the answer is tax cuts? That is rank stupidity.

Deficit be damned? You don't have a plan that balances the budget without tax hikes and you want more tax cuts? Honestly - it is Alice in Wonderland thinking. Is there anything that can happen that will open your eye? A stubborn streak is not a sign of intelligence, as GWB illustrated.

Our country does not have many reserves and little room for error as suggested earlier. Do you take pride in that as a long time "starve the beast" advocate? You guys have burned down the house and you have the temerity to complain about the firefighters. We all remember the Bush Collapse. Obama and the Democrats will be reminding us all of that this fall. We have a choice - why would we want to go back?

Unfortunately, Bill Maher and John Kerry are right.