Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Congress and the Senate

OK everyone how do you feel about this thought. Here we have thousands of people getting laid off or loosing their jobs due to the downturn in the economy. All of these people went to work everyday, paid their bills, worked hard etc. At the same time our Senators and Congressmen were up their on Capital Hill supposedly watching over our financial institutions, the crooks on Wall Street etc. OOOPS what happened, well I will tell you a couple of things that have not happened. How many of those people that were involved with Fannie and Freddie have gone to jail for cooking the date none...Oh yea how many have lost their jobs...ahhh many have had their benefits or salaries cut...ahh none do they feel the pain that a lot of people are feeling...don't think so. Their answer is to put us more in debt, raise our tax's and have government get more involved with our everyday life...maybe what these individuals need to do is get out of the cherry bowl life they are leading and listen and feel what the everyday American is feeling. I personally am waiting for the revolt in this country by the people to say enough is enough.
Riegel's Rants

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