Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Could not have said it better, actually I have:),

Karl Rove: Welcome to the White House, Barack Obama -


terry said...

Please let's not take advice from Karl Rove, the captain of the Titanic. Move on Karl, with your trickle down economy,Wall street will govern themselves, Red and Blue states,Haliburton Ceo, never made a mistake agenda. I am so sick of these guys who ruined people's lives who were in the war and the lives of good hard working people in this country, who paid taxes, played by the rules and got F--. Karl Rove who got 5 deferrements from military service because he had other things to do is now asking for extended secret service protection after office. He is a COWARD and a DISGRACE. I am sick of the these guys and what they did to this country, to hard working men and women.

terry said...

Please before you jump on my rant. Dick Cheney got 5 deferments, and asked for extended secret service protection and is a COWARD. Sorry I just got ranting.

Baxter said...

That was a mediocre article - it is as thought Rove had a deadline and threw something together.

The observation that governing is harder than campaigning is obvious, tired and trite.

Jim G. said...

No it is not obvious, at least to the liberals.

Terry, we have an all volunteer army which overwhelmingly supports the war. Don't be silly (a kind word for dumb). The Vice-President has been the target of threats from the left almost from the beginning of this administration. Don't be silly, of course he needs S. S. protection.

terry said...

No Vice President in HISTORY has had to have Secret service protection extended except this jerk, I wonder why? I guess an all voulunteer army gets what it deserves, is that your answer? It has to fight a war this guy made up in his mind, as a way to favor his dad who was threatened by Sadam. So we have 3,000 dead and 30,000 wounded and thousands committing suicide after returning from extended tours in a country that will not fight for it's own freedom and we are paying half of them to stay out of the fight. Like Woodrow Wilson before him, Bush appears to believe that the nobility of his goals — expanding freedom and bringing an end to tyranny in our world — validates and will sanctify his decisions.

Like Wilson, he is a utopian. He fails to understand that idealism has its delusions and disasters.

The war Wilson led us into “to make the world safe for democracy” gave us Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and 70 years of the most barbaric empire in all history. The peace Wilson brought home led straight to Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich and a second world war far worse than the first.

The West’s road to hell has been paved with good intentions.

Jim G. said...

Pretending that you did not read what I wrote does not mean I did not write it. I said the army overwhelmingly supports the action. You also seem to enjoy rewriting history about a war which received bipartisan support at its beginning. Honesty, if the debate is going to be that Bush lied and thousands died to avenge his Daddy, we are not going very far. However, your point about utopia is well taken. 9-11, changed the equation, conveniently forgotten by the left. Yes, strong leadership will change the equation in the middle east hopefully prohibiting a full scale war or nuclear attack.

Bush's legacy is safe despite the left's revisionists.

Baxter said...

Earth to Jimmy:

Many on the right and most of the left feel that he is one of our worst presidents ever. The proof is in the pudding.

"Bush's legacy is safe" is only correct if you are referring to the legacy of utter incompetence and contempt for the world community. He failed on all fronts.

We both hope that Iraq paves the way to a better future in the Middle East. No matter what happens, it will not forgive the incredibly poor execution of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, our use of torture and the effective dismissal of our allies. His best case scenario will still rank him in the Bottom 5 of 44 presidencies.

terry said...

What part does an all volunteer army play in this?? Does that mean mean when you are President, these men and women volunteered to do whatever you say and a drafted army does not have to do what you say? I am confused. Where is the fact that Bush had overwhelming support for the war come from. Did you read a poll of soldiers? Let's forget the war (and that is a big thing to forget), what is done is done. Yes strong leadership will help in the middle east, why do you think Israel took this very opportunity to go after Hamas and get its dirty work done before Obama comes in power and tries to have an even handed approach to peace not an Israel does nothing wrong approach that Bush favors. Bush did nothing in 8 years to help Palestine. The reason we got attacked on 9/11 as Ron Paul has said is because of our unfair policy in the Israel/ Palestine situation. Answer this was Israel's response to Hamas equal in civilian deaths? Bush blew it on so many levels, Katrina,trying to privatize social security, {where would be now,} this guy lost money in the OIL Business, bought a baseball team that lost money,without the Bush name he would be nowhere. I am proud I voted twice to defeat him and History will prove me right,

Jim G. said...

Ummm. Terry

Those pesky facts.

Does that mean when you are President, these men and women volunteered to do whatever you say and a drafted army does not have to do what you say? I am confused. Where is the fact that Bush had overwhelming support for the war come from. Did you read a poll of soldiers?

Well, yes...they both do.

Yes, there are many polls showing strong support by the military for the war and the armed services overwhelmingly voted against "O" (OK, for Mc Cain).

Answer this was Israel's response to Hamas equal in civilian deaths?

No, but does it matter. Answer this in return, what would be the proportional response be for the U.S. if a terrorist organization in Mexico started lobbing bombs into Scottsdale and its government did not or could not stop it?

The reason we got attacked on 9/11 as Ron Paul has said is because of our unfair policy in the Israel/ Palestine situation.

Ron Paul is a concept that in reality received few votes. 9-11 was caused by ignorance and hatred fostered by dictators using the veil of religion to control their citizens (same as communism).

Again, a logical extension of your comments is a blame America mind set. Your side is now in control and God help us.

However, I again note that Gitmo will not be closing and the war effort will pretty much continue as is (the primary initial justification of your "O"'s candidacy).

Bush blew it on so many levels, Katrina, trying to privatize social security, {where would be now}

And I am sure the "O", with his magical powers will be able to save us when a similar nuclear bomb goes off. However, as much as you complain about our current president, you never acknowledge his willingness to apologize for his errors (which I saw him do in New Orleans).

Lastly, we are going bankrupt and entitlement reform is a necessary part of any fiscal reform. You have now put the responsibility for correcting our current state squarely on the shoulders of 5% of taxpayers.

So, I ask you this my liberal friend. When does your savior address this time bomb? Bush tried and you and your side ridiculed but never offered an alternative.

Ayn Rand's time has truly arrived.