Monday, January 26, 2009

It is bad enough that the left is trying to tell auto makers how to make cars, now they are trying to manage the population likes a crop.

You are right Richie, this is not Socialism, it is Stalinist communism.

Alarmist you say?

Nancy Pelosi, defended placing abortion funding in the stimulus bill as a potential economic benefit and not for job creation.

This is truly profound. The government is now actively managing the population. The government now sees new citizens as a burden rather than contributors.

I have a chill. Detaining enemies of the state palls in comparison to this barbarism. Then again, when a candidate can state that a girl is "punished with a child", without recrimination, this is what should be expected.


Baxter said...

You are really reaching! This must be a case of contrived indignation.

I think the stimulus bill should be just that - nothing for family planning or NEA or anything else. Stimulus only - we can agree on that.

If you think government aid for family planning (including pregnancy termination) is barbaric, then you are indicting most of Western Civilization. Your views on the topic rest comfortably with Ahmadinejad's Iran and the nascent Talib states that Bush left us in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Jim G. said...

But Richie, the stimulus is much more than what you describe.

Therefore, worst President ever, I'm sure you will agree. Worst congress also.

And, so you think it is OK for the government to stimulate the economy via abortion?

You think it is OK for the government to manage the car industry and the banking industry and of course the real estate industry and medicine and retirement planning and ... well the promised pork vacant bill smells very piggy. What a joke! We, conservatives talk about enslaving the poor so they will remain a voting block of the left, what has the Magic "O" done to dispel this insightful opinion?

Terry, you are quiet, you seem only to talk about the little guy when convenient.

How about abortion for economic stimulation?

How about focusing on planes and bathrooms when already thousands of jobs have been lost on the "O"s watch?

How about we get back to free market capitalism, let these inefficient, poorly run companies die and be replaced by better more intuitive companies? How about we get you and the government out of the way?

Before you say one thing, please answer, has the first trillion done a damn bit of good?

Baxter said...

The Good Doc is awfully tough on a president that has served but ten days. At best, his criticism is premature.

If low income women choose abortion and receive government assistance, that is fine by me. You + I have agreed there are rational times to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Read Freakonomics for more on the topic with respect to the consequences of Row v Wade. That said, this item doesn't belong in a stimulus bill.

Though it leaves a lot to be desired, the referenced bill will give great relief to the economy. The federal government needs to be counter-cyclical.

Bush was averaging roughly -20K lost jobs per day and growing. I don't know that Obama gets credit for those in his first week and a half...