Monday, March 22, 2010

When does Socialism start?

Socialism is a creeping crud which is never requested. While it obviously saps the strength of a citizenship, some seem to take comfort in its false safety, yet deny its existence.
So now we have the government in control of health care (setting the rules and creating competing plans) as well as government control of college and student loans.
We have the government in control of the banking, financial, auto, energy, construction, defense industries with a quarter of the economic output of our economy feeding its appetite.
We are spending money we will never have.
So, when are you willing to declare Socialism my liberal/progressive (better known as Socialist) friends?
Do you value your freedom, including the freedom to fail, so lightly? You take comfort in their control?

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Doc -

If you truly understood the meaning of socialism, you would not mistake America or even Western Europe as socialist states. We have safety nets - Social Security, unemployment insurance, workers comp and now health care. Those are hardly shackles - quite the contrary. Just how free are people in America today with pre-existing medical conditions?

The right wingers have had some success screaming socialism. Many predisposed and impressionable folks have been taken in by the rhetoric. It is quite a feat to demonize the likes of Sweden and the Netherlands...