Friday, May 28, 2010

Areas to examine of this graph, from the government showing the deficit, spending, and health care.

The deficit decreases as spending decreases, starting in about 1994, when the Conservatives took over Congress.  Spending hyper accelerated, as did the deficit, in about 2006 when the Democrats regained power.

Health care is not breaking the bank, total spending is.


Baxter said...
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Baxter said...

Don't forget the 1993 Budget Bill that passed without one Republican vote. It controlled the rate of spending increases, maintained Pay/Go and raised taxes on the high end. Then, we had a surplus.

The GOP dropped Pay/Go, cut taxes, and added unfunded entitlements. Then, we had a deficit. George W Bush was president through January, 2009 and he authorized every nickel spent. The GOP Congress caused massive deficits which obviously did not go away the moment they left. The Democratic Congress enacted no new spending initiatives until the Bush collapse.

Even the God Doc does not believe his erroneous post.

Jim G. said...

the budget bill so pissed off America that the Democrats were voted out of office in 94 and so began a period of fiscal sanity.

It is not, NOT the Conservatives who constantly complain about ANY spending cuts.

The graph is what it is.

The only problem is they lost their way and began to spend too much and got their asses kicked as they deserved.

Your side is the most corrupt, incompetent, antibusiness bunch we have even know. We may not survive them.

The post is from the government, I did not "make it up" you numb nuts.

Baxter said...

Sadly, Jim, you are right about the Budget Bill that balanced the budget. And don't think the politicians didn't notice. Hard choices - raising taxes and controlling spending - are not big vote getters, particularly when the other side demagogues your statesmanlike behavior. Why do you think it is so hard to balance the budget and return to the surplus of the Clinton years?

Speaking of incompetent, your "post" or chart is not from the government. It is from a private website, You obviously need to stick to medical charts, as you misread this one. If you want to analyze the budget you need to look at spending AND revenue. Thats how budgets work, my partisan friend.

Fiscal sanity? Remember, Bush and the GOP Congress doubled the national debt in his two terms. When Clinton left town, so did the surpluses. Fiscal sanity? If Bush had maintained Clinton's revenues as a percentage of GDP, he would have had net surpluses. But he didn't, he massively cuts taxes on the top end. Fiscal sanity? When is the last time a Republican balanced his own budget? Over 50 years ago. Fiscal sanity, indeed...

Eric Martin said...

Numb nuts! Good one. Numb nuts! It's so dignified.

Please keep these sage tidbits coming. Never mind that we are actually experiencing a deflationary spiral set off by trillion dollar default swap bets on unregulated mortgage bonds secured by adjustable rate home loans to poor people.

The deficit. Fear of inflation. That's the ticket.

Seriously. Stay out of the stock market.

I told you.

Jim G. said...

Dignified? Now we have to be dignified?

He is a numb nuts. What else would you call someone who denies we are headed for "Greece" by promising too much, who's solution is to promise more?

Asset deflation? Yes.

While your analysis may be correct, as are bits and peices of the book Rich(ie) has me reading, is not the problem that we have no reserve to shoulder future calamities?

Baxter said...

Who is promising more? I support the Debt Commission - a proposal the GOP reneged on - and hope that it recommends age hikes for entitlements, among other deficit reducing measures.

Comparisons to Greece are not appropriate, as Krugman explained. I am glad you are reading Bartlett's book - you are filling in some barren territory.

I have specified how I would balance the budget in this blog, something that the conservatives have been unable to do. What do you call people that constantly demand reduced spending but do not have the stones to specify said cuts?