Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gosh, Even Liberals Are Decrying Obama's Ineptitude Regarding Iran

Baxter recently described Krauthammer as being over the top in his criticism of Obama's foreign policy strategy regarding Iran and the resultant willingness of Turkey and Brazil to side with Iran. Here's what it looks like when one of Bax's team wrings their hands over Obama's naivety and ineptitude.


I admit it is a lot softer language, but the bottom line is the same: our side is losing.

Obama believes in a different US than I do. His focus is on apologies and seeking forgiveness for all our misdeeds. My focus is to continue what our country has done for over 100 years: spread freedom and keep America and its allies safe.

Get involved, contribute and vote Obams and his team out. He and they are bad for America.

All the best,



Baxter said...

Thanks for the link, Hags. Friedman, along with Krugman, is my favorite columnist.

I don't think your post title accurately characterized TF's column or his views. The "decrying" was directed squarely at Lula and Erdogan.

I like Lula - he has done a tremendous job in Brazil. He has satisfied his socialist base while strengthening the country's capitalist foundation with heavy does of Keynes. His rhetoric, at times, has bothered me, particularly as it relates to Chavez. I agree with Friedman - Lula's Iranian act was disgraceful.

I think that Erdogan's behavior was far more in character. I do not trust his intentions or that of his Islamist party. I have a dirty little secret - I'd like to see Turkey's military shut down Erdogan and reassert Ataturk's secular system - even if it means a temporary setback for democracy. The Islamists are not fascists just as Fidel Castro was not a communist - until he was.

If America is going to maximize it's leverage in the world, spread freedom and stay safe, we need to undo much of what GWB/Cheney have done. There is nothing wrong with apologizing when one is wrong, particularly if it is paving a path for newfound cooperation and a rekindling of old alliances.

What's the moral to the story? Don't do things you'll need to apologize for, whether you are Turkey, Brazil or the USA.

Mark R. said...

Wow that is a huge surprise that the two biggest idiots in journalism today are Rich's favorites.

When is Rich going to give up on Keynes? Is he totally blind to what is happening economically in Europe? Keynesian economics sure is getting the US out of this recession isn't it?

As they say "the proof is in the pudding".