Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Conservative definition #1

Conservatives have no issue with Science and Religion.

We can comprehend both. I can understand Evolution and understand how others may believe in Creationism. The vast majority of Conservatives understand that Evolution is science and Creationism is faith. Some cannot...and even those who most of us disagree with are welcome in our system belief.

What Conservatives must do is reassure, remind and reeducate that our belief system is based on personal freedom and responsibility which logically extends to a welcoming of all faiths.

Admitting fault, yes, we have allowed the perception of religious intolerance. Unfortunately the cards have been stacked against us, having acknowledged that point, it is similar to the tax protests. The media does not look for a representative sample.

Not long ago, Liberal was a dirty word. Now so is Republican. Well folks, I'm from the Republican wing of the Republican party and we are taking it back from those who wish us to become more understanding of less personal freedom and self responsibility.


Baxter said...

Unfortunately, Jim, your base disagrees.

This week, when Mike Pence was asked if he believes in evolution, he answered, "I believe that God created the heavens, earth, the seas and all that is in them." He would not stand up for evolution. I think he believes in the science - he is no dummy - but his base simply prevents him from acknowledging the obvious.

Why would anyone want to belong to that party? Haven't the yahoos taken over?

Mark R. said...

Rich, he stated what he believes. He did not say that you are not entitled to be an atheist. Do not put words into the man's mouth. It appears that there is no room for a Christian in your party. I know that there is room for atheists in my party. In my country you have freedom to believe whatever you want when it comes to religion and that includes believing in nothing at all.
The only reason the Republican party has been taking a beating is that they have moved away from Conservatism and towards Liberalism. President Bush's Compassionate Conservatism was a total failure. When Republicans act like Democrats and spend taxpayer money like drunken sailors they will lose. Arlen Spector is just so full of BS that at age 79 I believe that senility is setting in. The Republican party is moving ever leftward! How Spector can make that obviously self serving false statement about the Republican party moving farther right, remember he came in with Reagan, when the Republicans ran the Maverick as their Presidential candidate strains any semblance of credibility that he might have had. Now that he is in the nest with the vipers they have stripped him of his seniority. Serves him right. Switch to the party with no honor and no common decency and you sew what you reap.
As to religious freedom. Why would a Christian stand up for evolution? Why does this creep you as an atheist out so much? I don't get it. In this country everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs. If it was not for the quest for religious freedom the US would have been founded much later. To me it is much more intolerable the way anyone who disagrees with liberals gets attacked. Poor Ms. California states that she believes that marriage is between a man and a woman and gets continually viciously attacked and smeared. What has happened to this country? A conservative speaks on a college campus and gets assaulted by pies. So much for liberals being the tolerant people in this country. What makes these liberals so bitter and unhappy? Why do they have to try and destroy anyone who disagrees with them? Is it that they cannot logically debate the person they attack so instead they act like little spoiled children?
The only way the Republican party is going to make it back is to tell Jeb Bush he is full of it and get back to what Conservatism means. Jim is absolutely spot on correct. Your third paragraph is well stated. Republicans must go back to being the party of small government. Once Barry has dug this whole deep enough for even the biggest Pinko kool-aid drinker to see, than the people will see through the flash that the Emperor has no clothes. The majority of Americans will eventually see through the constant left wing media force field that they are trying to erect around Barry and realize that he has really screwed things up in a major way in a very short time.
The Republicans must be the party that defends the Constitution. The argument about abortion should go back to the Constitution instead of being one about right and wrong. It is not a Federal issue. Gay marriage the same thing. It is legal if a State votes for it. If it is on the ballot and gets defeated than the people of that State have spoken. If it wins than it is legal. Conservatives have to push back the unrushing tide of arrogant liberal elitists trying to use government to run everyone's lives. This is the way the Republican party will come back. Polls are moving in this direction more and more every day. They are still somewhat seperating Barry the person from his policies but that will come to an end soon enough given time in office.

Baxter said...

Mark - You are helping to make my point. If there is no room for atheists in your party, that makes yours the Christian Party, no? Or, are Muslims okay too? They seem to be about as tolerant as you are.

Pence is allowed to believe as he likes about creation. I will gladly point out that this respected Republican does not believe in evolution. That is a position worthy of the "anti-science" moniker. I think that is noteworthy and will turn most people off, save for fundamentalists.

By the way - I don't consider myself an atheist. Perhaps agnostic, as it is Thursday. I am simply confident that all of the established religions are anachronistic, man-made organizations with no clue as to the Truth. Is there anything out there? A "way of the world", origins unknown? Perhaps and who knows...