Friday, May 29, 2009

Follow along if you can kids:
As Dick Cheney said, our government-run torture regime doesn’t motivate would-be terrorists or increase attacks on our troops. Terrorists don’t care about stuff like that. They hate us for our freedoms!
But - heaven’s no!! - we can’t release photos of torture because those pictures will increase attacks on our troops and homeland.
Like listening to the sound of one sociopath playing patty-cake.


Baxter said...

Two of your best posts, Terry!

terry said...

It's you and me against those Bastards Baxter, I love you, and I mean that in a GOOD WAY!! ha

Jim G. said...

Terry, you are full of shit!!!

Now I know you are smart and modestly (at best) informed.

You know that the discussion by the former V.P. was concerning EI on three terrorists which resulted in the prevention of a terrorist attack on L. A. (would have taken out the Lakers though). The discussion also pertained to the losing of Gitmo.

What the discussion did not address because it was not involved was Abu Ghraib!

The President of the US personally apologized for the treatment of these prisoners. This is not what the speech Mr. Cheney gave addressed.

Yes, it was a mistake. Yes, the administration took responsibility. Yes, it soured opinion of America in the middle east, whack job...what the former VP was arguing was that the "O"'s current actions are making our country less safe!

Let's discuss reality and the truth, not leftist distortions you lifted from some whacko web site of pictures released long ago.

Baxter said...

I ask again, if torture ("EI") is so important, how come Bush stopped using it years ago?

So, how are we less safe now for not using it?

Unfortunately, it appears now that Abu Gharib was not a few rogue soldiers, but rather, the treatment was encouraged from higher up. More to come...