Sunday, May 17, 2009

A post in reply to Rich's comment about the previous Post.


Untruthfulness, lying, fibbing, no matter how often you tell them remain...Untrue. Who said we were unconcerned about the debt?
What we did say, was that the deficit in the setting of the growing economy was not as bad based on a percent of GDP.
However, we have always wanted to limit the growth of government and government spending, but the class warfare promoted by the Democrats and their demagoguery prevented any meaningful reductions, To say otherwise is a bunch of bull.
You also always forget the crash, 9/11 and lots of other stuff. You also forget time and time again to mention the Republican take over of 94.
In truth this boils down to the Conservatives wanting less government, lower taxes, deregulation and the rule of law and the Democrats wanting otherwise. You seem to believe there is some nirvana with government collections at 20% of GDP. OK, you support higher taxes, we get it! But to imply that we Conservatives want a large debt is crazy, we want less spending, repeat after me, less spending. And...we have excoriated the Republicans for spending too much but have also stated many times...the Democrats will put the thing into overdrive which by gosh...THEY HAVE. For you to compare the current road to Bankruptcy with the deficit as a percentage of GDP compared to the previous administration is laughable. He is mortgaging our children's future to pay off political supporters and deincentivize the achievers in this country. I have stated my financial actions which mirror many others.

Could I ask you to please answer one I know this will be hard...but don't blame Bush or attack the author, just answer one question...When does this stop? Honestly, if he gets all his taxes and spends all his money, do you really think the beast won't just come back and ask for more. Even if all your erroneous assumptions are true and the economy recovers and jobs are created, when does the genie get put back in the bottle? Are we not on a headlong path into bankruptcy unless we curtail spending? Let me remind you as your formulate your answer, the "O" could not even get 17 Billion cut at the height of his popularity.

Heaven help us!


Baxter said...

The Good Doc recently asked what was magical about 20% of GDP in government revenues (Clinton brought in 20.6%). Well, GWB would have had a surplus over his term if he had just brought in 20%/GDP. Instead, we enjoyed massive deficits, just as I predicted. Magic! See?

If Republicans want all those noble things, why didn't they do them when they had a monopoly on power? To blame the Dems when in the wilderness is ridiculous.

Why did the GOP kick Pay/Go to the curb?

Why add prescription coverage entitlement without adding the revenue to pay for it?

The Democrats - the adults in the room - will stop it. Obama will materially reduce the $1.3T deficit he inherited after the Bush economy collapsed. Over eight years, Obama will bring the budget to a surplus trajectory, if not into outright surplus. Yes, taxes will be higher.

This is an area where Obama doesn't have a choice. The bond vigilantes will see to it. Once we are solidly in recovery, no one will buys our bonds if they do not see a secure method of repayment. Rates will materially rise absent a solid plan.

Yes - inflation will be the next problem. I look forward to it. Deflation is a far scarier prospect.

Jim G. said...

The man will not answer a question.

No wonder he loves Billy Boy.

And he visits that river in Egypt a lot...Massive deficits?! You ain't seen nothing yet.

The Republicans did try to limit spending but did not have the Senate votes to get the deal done.

So...again...when this magical thing happens and the deficit is erased...(which it will not) the trajectory is still bankruptcy if spending is not curtailed.

So your logic is that the massive stimulus/spending orgy set in motion will be stopped by the bond market??? The bond market will not cause entitlement reform of lower cost of living increases or stop union power. It has not in other countries.

You will not answer the question, because first of all, you don't answer questions and second in this instance because any logic applied leads to the inevitable conclusion that he is leading us down a road to insolvency.

Baxter said...

I answered your question; "Over eight years". I also told you how - they are the adults in the room, the Keynesians, they will correct our inherited fiscal mess. Not counting our two supply side presidents, that is what has historically been done (at least in relative terms).

You did not answer any of mine.

When, during the GOP monopoly, did GOP try to reduce spending and was blocked by Democrats? Please be specific.

Why didn't they reduce spending through reconciliation, just as they recklessly cut taxes?

Your previous, disingenuous claim that Bush's tax cuts were revenue neutral are revealed as BS by the huge drop in government revenue as a percentage of GDP. Clinton's high take by the same measure demonstrates the success of his tax structure.

Entitlement reform is on it's way. Obama will actually address the solvency issue of SS rather than simply trying to dismantle it. This is the new Era of Responsibility.

You are complaining about union power? What power? They have been in decline your whole lifetime, which is hopefully being corrected.

Your "tax cuts cure everything" and "911 is to blame for our myriad failures" philosophy has been thoroughly discredited. Your side needs to balance a budget for once before they should ever again tout tax cuts.

If the GOP cared about balanced budgets as much as tax cuts we would not be in the mess we are in. There are even some yahoos who warn of insolvency four months into a new presidency while forgetting the $10T debt the GOP piled up. Puleeeze!