Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Netherlands are upset and surprised by the Obama slur

This was sent to me by a good friend of mine who happens to be a tax lawyer in the Netherlands.
It is utterly amazing how many mistakes and untruths our President utters on a daily basis. I thought he was so smart. I am sure that they meant the Netherlands Antilles which has been autonomous from the European country the Netherlands since 1954!
Words do have meaning, especially the names of individual countries.


Jim G. said...

Show of hands.

Lead story on all three networks after Bush (or any Republican) makes such a SNAFU would be similiar.

One hand for yes, one finger for no.

Baxter said...

If I were a Republican - the party of Quayle, GWB and Sarah Palin, I would avoid this kind of topic altogether.

Mark R. said...

No lets bring it on. Party of Joe Biden, VP, open mouth insert foot on a consistent basis. Party of Robert Byrd, former, Ku Klux Clan wizard and now so senile that he needs a drewel cup. Party of John Murtha who couldn't pass elementary Geography based on his statement about where to move the troops from Iraq so they could be close to the action still.
Party of Barney Frank, the lisper who didn't even know that his boyfriend was running a male escort service out of the apartment they shared. Party of it depends on what the meaning of "is" is. I could go on and on all day with the ones we know about. How many more are out there that the media does not report because of their big time bias. The bias just keeps getting more and more blatant. Why do you think Fox News ratings are pummeling the left wing cable stations MSNBC and CNN combined by ever larger numbers? More and more people are realizing the fact.

Jim is exactly correct again!

Baxter said...

Fox News owns the right wing fringe. Perhaps they are all home watching TV while the rest of us are working.

All of the mainstream networks have to divide the normal folks up. Those on the left do gravitate towards MSNBC, the JV between Microsoft and NBC.

Obama's approval ratings are far higher than are his policies. The last time that happened, a retired actor was in the White House. The Dems kept saying that Reagan's ratings would suffer once the disconnect set in. It never did.

Jim G. said...

Fox News owns the right wing fringe. Perhaps they are all home watching TV while the rest of us are working.

Your kidding right?

Republican/Conservative are against increasing the size and scope of government because the want welfare?

You funny Mister.

Baxter said...

I was referring to the idle rich. You know - the class that wants inheritances to be treated TAX FREE so that you and I can pay taxes while they and their future generations sit around, watch Fox News and complain about tax rates.