Friday, May 1, 2009

Where does our Presidnet get hi history facts?

No wonder Rich likes Barry so much he does just about the same amount of research before he makes an important statement. I pointed out the other day that during his press conference Barry made this statement.
"I was struck by an article that I was reading the other day talking about the fact that the British during World War II, when London was being bombed to smithereens, had 200 or so detainees. And Churchill said, "We don't torture," when the entire British -- all of the British people were being subjected to unimaginable risk and threat."
From an an expert Churchill historian. The best line in the entire artcle in my opinion is this one.
"While Churchill did express such sentiments with regard to prison inmates, he said no such thing about prisoners of war, enemy combatants or terrorists, who were in fact tortured by British interrogators during World War II."

His research shows that prisoners of war were tortured by the British. So it appears that our President gets his history lessons from left wing bloggers who make things up in order to support their political views. Lets all count the days until the Barry adoring media does some actual research and ask some actual questions of this President instead of the fawning sofball type questions that he got the other night. What is the over under as to the number of days it takes the NY Times to point this obvious mistake by Barry out? What do you think the over under would have been for the NY Times if President Bush had made the same error?


Mark R. said...

Ooops I made some spelling errors in my title. That certainly will not do for our preofessional blog!

Mark R. said...

For those of you who might have been educated in the Washington DC public school system the fourth word should have been spelled President and the sixth word should have a "s" added to make it "his".

Baxter said...
