Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chicago Machine Politics and the Coming Admistration of Thieves

I have been sitting back for the past few weeks reading some of the posts with amusement and now I can already say that I told you so! Obama is crooked just like Blago, Ryan, Hastert, Daly, Rostenkowski, etc. The media did the American public a major disservice by running interference for our future President and shielding us from his past. We have already seen that Obama's and Axelrod's stories about Blago are different. I doubt we will ever learn the whole truth since the press is so far in the bag. What we do positively know that has been underplayed is the relationships between the convicted felon Tony Rezco and Obama and Blago. I tried to tell everyone how crooked and arrogant Chicago Machine Politicians are and now we are already being entertained by them and Obama has not even taken the oath of office.


Baxter said...

Mark -

You are too quick on the draw! This is a Blago scandal, not an Obama affair. You have NOTHING on our president-elect.

The absence of an Obama corruption scandal is due to his innocence. Why would you ever assume it's simply because the press hasn't uncovered some unknown crime?

The Republicans spent over $200m investigating Bill n' Hill and all they could come up with were hummers that Bubba lied about.

Mark R. said...


You are so nieve if you believe there was no fire behind all of the smoke. They just couldn't get enough evidence to convict them beyond a reasonable doubt.

You also had Clinton underlings will ing to go to prison rathe than spill the beans.