Saturday, December 13, 2008

Here we go again

Mark, a question for you as a conservative voice of reason. Any opinion on how long it will take for corruption and government mismanagement (of course with associated improper economic distortion) to mess up the "new" green economy?

What a joke. They just won't learn. If we want it, we would buy it. Autos, Health Care, Education, Infrastructure; government touches it, it balloons and grows inefficient, then they start blaming the lack of resources, try and make it bigger and mess it up even more. Then there is a crisis. And don't forget the corruption and improper union influence.

Green Is the New Color of Lobbying -


Baxter said...

The conservatives need to simply be quiet, sit back, and watch how government is supposed to run. You had your chance the past eight years and you fu**ed up. Big time. It's over - what a relief.

Jim G. said...

So what you are saying is the "O" gets to decide the next winner? Green is the way to go? Not nano technology, or the human genome or whatever a free society decides? The "O" representing the government knows best?

You keep ignoring your boy Barney (does Dallas) who sat by as the Fred/Fan mess grew so they could secure the votes of their low income constituents.

We spent too much, AND AGAIN I POINT OUT WE ACCEPT AND REGRET OUR MISTAKE, but you butt holes got nothing coming down the tube (Barney can only hope) except failed recipes of the past.

Who asked you anyway?

Baxter said...

Yes - our government needs to decide that green is the way to go. The system needs to be structured such that we become independent of foreign energy and cease contributing to global climate change.

Carbon taxes simply make sure that the costs accurately reflect the true expense to our national security, sustainability and the environment.

Obama gets to decide? Yes - along with Congress. Why? Elections have consequences.