Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Infrastructure, yep, that is what will save us.

Cool hand Luke is going to find it much harder to govern than complain.

Oh, and gitmo, not closing.

Oh, and war, lets just finish what we started, so says the new administration.

Oh, and taxes, let's just keep things as they are.

Oh, and...

Barack Obama-san - WSJ.com

Today in Investor's Business Daily stock analysis and business news


Baxter said...

I guess he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't in Ganem's World.

Jim G. said...

I guess the policies of the worst president in history somehow becomes acceptable when a democratic president needs to deal with the issues. Somehow a woman with no government experience can be qualified to become a senator if she is a democrat.

The hypocrisy is deafening.

And your damning of Bush and Palin?

Baxter said...

Below average, both.

You haven't figured out that deficits during growth is one thing and deficits during recession is another?

I'm on record as supporting WJC for Senate in NY. He is quite qualified (unlike Dubya + Palin).