Monday, December 8, 2008

Reality check.

The government has no idea how to make a car.

The government has not idea how to build infrastructure, or run health care.

I supported this stupid bail out as a means to untie the system, not to take over private enterprise. I take it back!

Let them go bankrupt, they are anyway. They will be replaced by something better.

If we wanted Eco-cars we would be buying them. We won't at $1.50 gas.

Free enterprise is no longer part of the discussion and it should be (in fact it should be the only discussion)


Baxter said...

So much for consistency...

Government doesn't know how to "run" infrastructure? Who is it that usually builds, or oversees construction of, roads, bridges, sewer systems, subways, light rail, etc?

To let our auto industry go toes up in the face of 553K job losses per month is incredibly out of touch. Are you rooting for a depression? I acknowledge that yours is the "Party of Hoover + Bush".

We need a tax policy that brings back $4/gallon gas, with offsetting payroll tax cuts (both employee + employer sides). With crisis comes opportunity - this is our chance to wean ourselves from dependence on foreign energy. It would also create huge tax relief. A comprehensive carbon tax would be an excellent start and, of course, would encourage the development of "eco-cars" and all means of alternative energy.

Viva free enterprise - as envisioned by Keynes.

Mark R. said...

Funny how your boys who were just elected have already written off Keynes. The reason they are bailing out Detroit is because of the unions. They will never be competitive as long as the government continues to force them to make cars that American do not want. If every American wanted a green car we would all be driving Priuses.
So you want $4 gas back. The only reason things are not getting a lot worse ids that inflation is being checked right now. Once we go back to $4 gas then the cost of getting foodstuffs to the market will increase substantially which will result in massive inflation. It will sure be tough to buy groceries from the proceeds of unemployment when everything costs so much more.
I found it almost hilarious to read Terry's defense of the costs of the American auto industry. Have you given much thought to the reason why VW an most of the other foreign car makers are building factories in states where the UAW is not? These companies are sick and tired of paying workers so that they can support the UAW that does nothing for them anymore but instead just exists to contribute to other left wing causes.
While we are on union support of left wing causes I am sure that no one will be surprised to see that one of the largest contributors to the campaign to defeat the marraige amendment in California was the California Teacher's Union. Why don't they put these union funds back into education issues instead of left wing causes like gay rights?
Face it Rich and Terry you are both enablers of the most corrupt party in our beloved country. A party that just exists to satisfy special interests and keep their elitist views in the rest of our faces. The party of Trial Lawyers, and just about every anti-American organization that exists in this country. The Democrats are now also home to illegal immigrants, convicted felons, and Islamic radicals. What party does the only Muslim in Congress belong to? Keith Ellison's ties to CAIR and other radical groups is quite extensive.

Baxter said...

Who has written off Keynes? It seems to me that Obamanomics is Keynesian to the core.

Don't complain about $4/gallon gas - try to dwell on the 5% + increase in pay for workers and decrease in payroll costs for employers, thanks to offsetting cuts. How else do you propose independence from foreign energy? Drill, drill, drill will not get the job done. Just ask Boone Pickens - arch-Republican.

Your anti-union views have some merit, but you don't offer a non-Dickensian alternative. Ironically, our manufacturers should pay the lowest blue collar wages and the service workers should receive the highest. A truck driver or chef is not competing with the Chinese. The manufacturers are. I would like to see significant wage gains among the under $12/hr crowd. The UAW needs to read the writing on the wall and realize that the party is over. Ultimately, our domestic manufacturers will be competitive or they will go away.