Friday, May 22, 2009

Dick Cheney an American Hero

YouTube - Cheney's Speech Part 1

YouTube - (Part 2/4) Dick Cheney's Bush-Era National Security Speech at AEI (American Enterprise Institute)

YouTube - (Part 3/4) Dick Cheney's Bush-Era National Security Speech at AEI (American Enterprise Institute)

YouTube - (Part 4/4) Dick Cheney's Bush-Era National Security Speech at AEI (American Enterprise Institute)

How can one view this speech and not be impressed by the courage, thoughtfulness and patriotism of Mr. Cheney?

Mr. Obama's bluster, indecision, political posturing and general apology to the world for protecting our country to follow.

Please view the speech directly, not through the lens of the revisionist commentators.


Baxter said...

Dick Cheney is a cynical operator. Quiet and behind the scenes while in power, he pops his head out like a cuckoo clock as a private citizen.

He is fear mongering and he has no political downside. If we are attacked, he can say "I told you so" or "see, I'm just like Churchill. I warned you." If we aren't attacked, well then obviously the Bush Administration built a national security apparatus that even the Democrats could not dismantle.

If waterboarding is indispensable to our security, how come the Bush Administration stopped doing it in 2005?

Baxter said...

Jim G. said...

You know I read the things you reference.

and from the article.

While Mr. Bush got an advance estimated to be well into the millions for a look into 12 of his most important decisions, his payout is not believed to be as large as that of former President Bill Clinton for his memoirs, which drew a $15 million advance.

Mr. Cheney’s friends say he does not need the money and has made clear in his talks that he is eager to give a full accounting of his life in politics that will debunk his many critics.

Jim G. said...

You and the other Richie just cannot face the facts, instead you keep attacking the authors.