Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fareed Zakaria GPS - Robert Gates

Gates was on CNN's excellent Sunday program. If you don't watch Zakaria, you ought to. Gates is the consummate professional. His thoughtful remarks yesterday should make you less concerned about the so called "apology tour". He also offered some confidence regarding nuclear proliferation and the USA's position in the world. 


Mark R. said...

First of all he is a team player and trying to protect his boss. Secondly, your use of the words "less concerned" about the apology tour is very interesting. Does this mean that you are concerned as well? Since this is a term that is meant as a measurement being "less concerned" could still leave one "very concerned". It all depends on the level of concern prior to becoming less concerned.

Baxter said...

I was being gracious. Anyone whoever held any concern whatsoever regarding a so called apology tour is obviously a feckless bore.
