Saturday, May 23, 2009


Richie (s) keep asking about torture and why we Conservatives so strongly support the former administration.

Let us be crystal clear. I do not support torture as retribution and as I have often stated, I would stand at the gates of any white house for which there was any suggestion that it was carried out for political reasons. Nor was this Abu Ghraib.

What causes us not to criticize the torture of 3 captured terrorists is that it was clearly done to prevent eminent American deaths. This fact is what was so eloquently described by the former VP.

The other Richie in the past described 9/11 as an act carried out by a limited group, not a "war"...horseshit!

What pisses us Conservatives off is that the Liberal minds who have taken over the Democratic party will not face that there are those who wish to destroy our country and no amount of "placation" will satisfy them and so they put politics above country and their head in the sand.

In fact, lets just speak plainly. The liberal hate America crowd supported and finally has its savior who is hell bent on apologizing for our way of life. He was marinated in the broth of the unrepentant terrorist and was never proud of this country and plans to "bring it down". However, realities are beginning to cause stress for the Golden Boy. Even the most liberal President ever is beginning to understand that protecting our country is messy and fraught with difficult decisions, made even more difficult by his lack of experience except in the Ivory Tower.

In retrospect, the Bush administration did an admirable job on the war on terror. And before you become apoplectic and write away consider (and this is another issue which both pisses off and amuses Conservatives) things are a lot harder when you are running the show.

So now our patriotic former VP has had enough, enough with planning legal action against those making difficult decisions in the post mortem of 9/11, enough with criticizing patriots who did, even in the rear view mirror, a wonderful job.

As Mr. Cheney said, this was not an act of retribution.

So....Richies, some questions, YOU TWO NEVER DIRECTLY ANSWER QUESTIONS, if you were in similar circumstances what would you do? And don't say it did not work, it did!

If you had a suspect with plans to kill thousands in LA, and your best option was "EI", would you care about the comfort of the terrorists or the citizens?

Why doesn't the "O" administration release the results of the "EI"?

Lastly, before you two start the babble about our reputation, our standards and recruitment again I refer to Mr. Cheney's speech. What American value ask us to stand by and have terrorists acts committed on our soil, against our civilian populations?

Would you have just stood by or would you have asked and obtained legal authority and acted?

Come on now, the clock is ticking. Act! What would you do?

Answer the questions!


terry said...

Dick Cheney when asked to serve, obtained 7 deferments. My classmates and a good friend died in Vietnam, Dick can spout Patriotism when it isn't his ASS on the line all he wants . He is a COWARD

Baxter said...

First of all, I do answer your questions directly - you just don't like the answers. You also use poor hypotheticals akin to, "Suppose 2 + 2 actually equals 5? What then?"

First - I do not question Dick Cheney's motives as Veep and I do not believe he is bloodthirsty. I do think he is a dark, changed man as lifelong Republican Brent Scowcroft has opined.

I think Cheney's motives today are entirely political. He and his team have been unceremoniously dismissed and their reputations are in the tank. He is trying desperately to rehabilitate his reputation, which will require quite a bit of revisionism.

I am not trying to placate the terrorists. They are lost. I don't want them to win the hearts and minds of their countrymen back home. We must retain our moral authority. It is far more powerful than torturing three men. It seems that the right wing really wants to give the rest of the world the finger and the Bronx Cheer. Talk Radio is full of contempt for Europe, Canada and all of GWB's creditors in China. It is a perfect recipe for losing our geopolitical preeminence.

Everything apology Obama uttered needed saying. It is the right thing to do. We are far from perfect - especially after the last eight years. The Arabs have a legitimate complaint - we have pretended to be an honest broker, all the while supporting all four corners of Zionism. We will not be able to foster peace in the region so long as our foreign policy is crafted in Tel Aviv.

I give the Bush Administration a low grade in the War on Terror due to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear progress. These facts largely outweigh all of our other efforts.

Your hypothetical presupposes that EI was the "best option". I reject that hypothetical. I do not believe it to be the best option. I also will note that we have not had a "ticking bomb" scenario. It is the extreme instance that you all try to use to justify pedestrian use. "Why not? It's only terrorists." That was your refrain in response to Bush's illegal warrantless wiretaps. The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment does not make allowance for cases of war or intelligence gathering. SCOTUS has ruled that torture is prohibited under the constitution, period. DO YOU CARE ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTION? Or are you one of the Republicans that wants to secede?

Why release the results of EI? Who cares what Cheney wants? He is a private citizen.

I, personally, would have done a far more effective job than Bush/Cheney in fighting the War on Terror. I would have had the civilized world on my side, rather than the sidelines.

Baxter said...

One more thing - please don't suggest that you are speaking for "conservatives" - you are not. You and Cheney are on the right wing fringe. There are many conservatives who wholly disagree with you: Brent Scowcroft, Jim Baker, Richard Haas, Colin Powell, Richard Armitage and GHW Bush (privately, I'm sure) to name a few. The whole Eisenhower/Nixon/Reagan/Bush Sr game plan incorporated our allies first and foremost. Because they are poor at diplomacy, Bush/Cheney eschewed this vital part of our security policy. Consequently, our position - our influence has suffered and we have a lot of fence mending to do.

riegels rant said...

Does anyone in their right mind think that sitting down with these people will bring them into the fold of understanding...AHHH don't think so, as we have been trying to do this with Korea, and Iran for the past several years...there answer...go F yourself as they push the button to another Test. When some one or another group of people are trying to kill you I would think you would do everything you could to find out their plans...that is the question