Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I don't have time

As Liberals tinker with peoples lives and lively hood because "they can", I ponder the statement by the "O" during his speech about the auto makers.

"I don't want to run an auto company, I don't have time" (more or less).

Not, "It is not the proper function of government to run an auto company"


"We suck at running every thing else and would suck at running a auto company"


"If only I had time", we Liberals, we can do anything.


Baxter said...

The auto companies have to be rescued thanks to the economic COLLAPSE that the present administration inherited from the previous folks. It is an extraordinary event.

You were all for Bush jumping in to rescue the financial system (me too), why not when Obama prevents rust belt meltdown?

If something doesn't effect you obviously and directly (such as the financial crisis) it suddenly is not in government's purview. That would surely be different if your medical office were in Kenosha and your patients were autoworkers. You'd still be talking about "putting out the fire". You would be impatient with the conservatives for failing to understand the implications of their dogmatic positions.

Jim G. said...

God, sometimes liberal thought is dense, really dense.

That is the point Rich!

I as a private citizen can scream all day but it is not the governments job to run private enterprise.

You kinda like Capitalism except not...

Baxter said...

Dense is the man who remains a supply side Republican after the past eight years. What would it take for the dense man to change his economic views?

Keynesian economic policy trumps Laissez faire every time and the automaker rescue is consistent with the principles of the beloved JMK.

If we went the Laissez faire route we would today be in the Great Depression II. Even the dense man knows that would be bad...