Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obama and Birth Certificate/Cap and Trade Bill/Health Care

I have been getting emails for the last several months in regards to the Big "O" and his problems with producing a birth cirtificate, not really sure what the status of this situation is, but wouldn't everyone that has a brain think that it could be solved so simply by the Big"O" just producing his original birth cirtificate...I mean what seems to be the problem here, of couse that is if he can produce a birth cirticate proving that he is a US citizen...I guess we need to go back to that stand up guy thing...Come'On O be a man and show us that you are US citizen...and by the way why don't we demand it under the freedom of information act...YIKES back to that stand up guy thing.

OH yea how many of you think that the clowns in the House read that 1300 page document on the Cap and Trade thing...seeing as how they got it about 12 hourse before they voted on it...OMG does it not scare anyone that these people are going to control our lives...tell me how successful they have been on the post office, medicare, medicade, Social Security, all the Stimulus money, and the proposed health care plan OH does anyone know how much that is going to cost YET, and have all of you written your represenatives in the congress and the senate to ask them if they are going to get on the same health care program they are asking the American people to accept...if not I might suggest that you do so


Baxter said...

Birth certificate is old news - State of Hawaii produced it and all was quiet until some conspiracy theorists challenged it's authenticity. The wing nut subculture hurts only themselves as they chat back and forth in their sore loser chat rooms.

Next time you see a Republican congressman, ask him how many bills he has read start to finish. Then ask how many executive summaries. If it is former President Bush, ask him how many bills were read to him...

smrstrauss said...

Re: "wouldn't everyone that has a brain think that it could be solved so simply by the Big"O" just producing his original birth cirtificate..."

If he lost his original birth certificate, as many of us do, all that he can post is the document that Hawaii currently issues. Hawaii no longer sends out copies of the original birth certificate. It only sends out the Certification of Live Birth, which is the one that Obama has posted and shown to Factcheck and Polifact.

Some say at this point: "surely if Obama asked for the original, Hawaii would send it to him." No Hawaii has a policy of sending out on the Certification of Live Birth.

The way to see the original is to petition the governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, to change the regulations to make the birth files of a president public documents. Then anyone can see it.

riegels rant said...

Hey Baxter if the left has the right ideas and the right have the best ideas when they are in come government always seems to fail at what ever project they take on...could it be that there are a bunch of pencil dicks running our about this...we privitize the complete government and everything they do...would there be some with their hand in the cookie jar...sure...but not nearly the waist that is currently and has been going on

Baxter said...

Lotsa waste, Reigel, but government allows for civilization. I support a lot of privatization - most of which has already occurred.

Believe it or not, I think that the pols on both sides of the aisle mean well. I do not think that they are corrupt and most of them would do a lot better financially in the private sector.

Government is less efficient than the private sector - usually. Generally, I think that government should set the rules and get out of the way, save for enforcement and regulation of the rules.

On balance, the Dems seem to be the good guys these days. Get used to them - they will be running things for a while.

riegels rant said...

You have got to be kidding me...most government people would do better in the private sector...they would get their hats handed to them. First of all they would have to show up on time, then be creative, learn how to improve efficiency, lower costs, make a budget that is real and that works and if it does not be accountable to people that care vs Congress who could not sell pussy on a troop train. And OH by the way they would have to reduce their benefits, and take a pay cut seeing as how they earn more money than the average joe in the private sector 71K vs 62K. In regards to enforcing the rules...lets start with Transperency thing that seems to have dropped through the cracks, then move on to Fannie and Freddie, and the Tim the Tax cheat, then and right now the Goldman Sacs profits that seems to be linked to a lot of BS...the beat goes on and on, and it is revolting...and in my opinion the only reason the Dems will stay in office is that they will make so many dip shits in this country dependent on the government that they would have to vote for them so they can keep their hands out and be supported by the the way did you get and read the book Common Sense??