Friday, June 5, 2009

Remember who the enemy is and what they are like

Next time you left wing liberal weeneies are soiling yourselves crying and singing Kumbia over the waterboarding of three self admitted Al Qaeda terrorists refer to this story again and think about how weak they think you are over your whining about harsh interrogation techniques. Please tell me again how we have made these blood thirsty heathans who worship the Koran more wacko than they already were. Also please show me the actual factual proof that shows that Gitmo helped to recruit more terrorists. Since there is none and this line is just another left wing talking point with no basis in reality you will not be able to.

You left wing individuals who read this blog please tell me if you had a choice between getting waterboarded after you committed heinous acts or being a tourist and getting caught by some fun loving, misunderstood Al Qaeda types who think it is justified to seperate your head from your body, which situation would you choose?

Denise Miller said it best, "we need to find all of these islamic fundamentalist wackos and end their lives immediately". That is what they would do to you if given the chance, no questions asked. You don't even need to be an enemy combatant carrying a weapon on the battlefield.

Another example why liberalism is definitely a mental disorder. Some times you have to fight fire with fire. Maybe if we beheaded these Gitmo detainees instead of giving them better living conditions than what they had before they were captured we might really win this war against Islamic Radicals. I know we would get their undivided attention. They certainly would not go back to being terrorists after being released like so many already have.

Just another classic Barry blunder that is causing his once might popularity to keep moving south. Close that gitmo down. That is what we have to do. It will surely make us all safer.


Baxter said...

Brilliant idea, Mark! Lets throw out the baby with the bathwater. Let's bring the United States down to the level of "heathen" terrorists.

Tell me, Mark, which Christian sect are you in that advocates the summary beheading of enemies?

Mark R. said...


When are you going to answer the question?

Well it appears that your boy continues to strike out in his apology - begging tour. He can't get anyone to take any of the Gitmo residents off of our hands. But he is still committed to closing it down. Did you see the way he stumbled around trying to shine the best light on the fact that Merkel told him no way Jose? Gitmo for Barry is like the world was for Atlas. It has been estimated that 14% of the detainees released have returned to being terrorists. So lets examine this. 14% of the ones who we deemed to not be a threat. No we are left with the ones who we deem to be the worst. What percentage of these guys do you think will return to their chosen field of expertise, being blood thirsty terrorists? 100%, 95%, what do you honestly think?

74% of Americans polled are against closing down Gitmo. This is why Cheney is making such an impact and helping to erode Barry's once might popularity. All he needs to do is keep going around stating we are a Muslim country, apologizing for past US actions and continuing to try and push things through with no plan and no transparency as he promised. He is going to end up making Jimmy Carter look like a great President. One term Barry if he makes it that far.

Baxter said...


There was not a question to answer in your stream-of-consciousness blog.

It must be very difficult these days for American supporters of torture and summary beheading. I must say, those of us on the other side - Champions of the American Way - are really reveling in the moment.