Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sanford, Ensign or Issa?

Okay - who shall be on the short list for 2012 GOP presidential candidates? Mark Sanford, Governor of SC and head of GOP Governor's Association? How about rising star john Ensign of Nevada, a good guy when he's not banging the wife of one of his staffers? Or Darrell Issa - California congressman that was instrumental in the recall that installed Schwarzenegger (Issa wanted the job and cried in public when he prematurely withdrew). Now Mr Issa wants to pillory Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulsen for rescuing the banking system of the western world.

So - which one is it? Which GOP leader will go up against Obama? My, what a deep bench!


riegels rant said...

Baxter how qickly you forget...not unusual for a about two dick Willy clinton, who was banging anything that walked and probably still is especially when you have to look at Hillery...YIKES

Jim G. said...

Do non-sequesters count as posts?

News flash, Conservatives like sex!

It is going to be Romney, beating out Palin.

How about signing a smoking bill when you smoke?

Baxter said...

I actually feel a little guilty. I just watched Sanford press conference and he is obviously in a terrible spot (of his own making). It's hard to make fun of someone so down. No schadenfreude here - at least not anymore.

I agree that Romney is the likely pick at this point - especially if we remain in tough economic straights. Arguably, it is his "turn" in the Republican tradition. Huck may disagree with that. I think Sarah plans to run but events may intervene. She is living with several loose cannons and she qualifies for that title herself.

Obama demonstrated his lack of cynicism by signing the smoking bill. The "Republican approach" would have been to cut tobacco taxes and prohibit any federal action as an assault on states rights.

terry said...

Ah ! the party of "tell me how to live " again shows what hypocrits they really are. The small ideas, small tent party better never push the religion "Evangelican" "my way or the highway" "your doomed to hell" button again. Let's not forget wide stance guy either,Larry Craig I am resigning no I am not. And as for you Riegel, no President should ever be put under oath to answer questions about his sex life, and then try to overturn an election by the people of the United States. I do agree he lied under oath because he was more scared of Hillary than losing his job. Anyway is there anyone out there still a Republican, besides a few white guys from the south. This Republican party is lost again for another 40 years. I have said all along the party of Dr. Jim low taxes small government exists only his mind, it certainly does not fit the Republican party of 750 billion bailout "where is the money we can't find it now" Bush the man who left the biggest mess in history.