Tuesday, June 9, 2009

OK, you Liberal pricks, time to stand up or shut up.

Despite Rich(ie)'s loose association with the truth regarding TARP (the part where I supported the "bailout" of the financial industry, I didn't, I supported an unfreezing of the credit markets), TARP seems to have completed its task.

OK, liberals, turn off the spigot! What? Yes, end the program! The system has stabilized and TARP is no longer needed.

But...What has happened and is going to happen is that the program has morphed into a political entity which Liberals never let die.

Why do we Conservatives want to starve the beast? Because programs never end, they are just ever expanding.

Eat my hat time...the "O" flat stop TARP and returns the money to the taxpayers...he gets a big A+ from Jimmy.

Not to worry though, there is no felt in Jimmy's future.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

"Return the money to taxpayers"? Say what? Why would we compromise the plan that rescued our credit system and reintroduced stability? TARP goes away as banks have sufficient capital to repay the Treasury without again ending up undercapitalized.

Geez. Republicans are so reckless...