Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This Republican has Ditched the Kool-Aid


Jim G. said...

Read the article.

First, don't just post the link, copy and paste it because unless you are a subscriber, you can't get at it.

Yes, Bush was bad (as has been said like a billion times (still $189 billion less than our deficit spending this month)) because he was not Conservative enough. Yes! we have said there is bad and there is Oh my God we are barreling into bankrupts at $190 billion a month deficit spending bad, which is "O"-socialist bad.

Baxter said...

Read the article. I certainly don't agree with Joe most of the time, but his honesty (for a Republican) is refreshing. I watch him and Mika a lot in the morning.

I am glad that you acknowledge Bush was bad. He was the most conservative president in our lifetime and yet, not conservative enough? Back to the definition of dense...

The scope of Obama's deficits has EVERYTHING to do with inheriting the Bush economy. Yes, O is great. Not great enough to undo Bush in < 5 months.