Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This makes me LOL!

So, I subscribe to The Nation for balance (OK, mostly comedy). So, after not hearing from these bozo's for months they send this crap.

Dear Nation Reader,
Did you know that AT&T contributed the legal maximum to the Bush-Cheney campaign, twice? I didn't. But I do know that there's a cell phone company that shares your progressive values, and I'm hoping if you're not already a Credo Mobile customer that you'll quickly become one by following the links below.
All best,Peter RothbergThe Nation

"I've been a member for 14.5 years now. I love that my phone company is politically progressive and environmentally and socially responsible. I feel good paying my phone bill, knowing that it isn't going to some Big Fat Cat. Instead, the money I pay to CREDO is aligned with my beliefs and speaks for me. It's a win-win for me, CREDO and the planet! Thanks for doing what you do, CREDO!" - Lou P., CREDO Mobile customer

Honestly, my side hurts from laughing...stop it!

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