Sunday, September 6, 2009

As I follow this health-care, socialism debate, we are going to hell in a hand basket, pray for us mumbo jumbo spewed on FIX news.
I am reminded that there are people on the right who when were running for President don't believe in evolution, still don't believe Obama was born in the United States., believe he is Muslim, or a Muslim plant, I am thinking how do you argue with these people.
There is ignorance in the world, and you just can't argue with ignorant people.

Before any one goes nuts! I am not talking about anyone on this blog. The people on this blog are very intelligent and argue their points very well. I know I have taken my licks and hopefully given a few back.
But really how do you move forward in this country with these ignoramuses who send emails after emails with so many blatant lies. The truth cannot catch up. I like many of you get emails as an example that Bush was somehow involved in 9/11. Come on are you kidding!
These people at the town hall meetings are some of the most ignorant people I have ever seen. No one is changing the Constitution. We need health care reform if we are to be in the global economy in the future. I for one see no future in America in manufacturing, it's over, what product can you make in this country, that can't be made cheaper somewhere else. Look how a foreign car maker came over here and in a few short years took over the car industry ( Toyota) The financial wall street business how can we ever trust those guys again. Tell me what industry is the United States going to dominate again in the world. When the United States had no competition we were great. I am pessimistic about our future and ability to solve long term problems. We are all bout the NOW, how will it help me NOW. We are all about this next quarter, not the future of this country. Just like these companies that go over seas because our stockholders demand profit, baloney how about less money now but keeping companies in America. I am sorry this country needs a good dose of patriotism.


terry said...

I hit the publish post button and did not hit the spell check. So maybe I am one the ignorant people that just needs to shut up and stop ranting.

Jim G. said...

Don't worry baby, the "blog administrator" gave you a spell check and you are all good.

Now, back to the point.

Terry, you ignorant slut...

It is not the wing ideologues who define a party (although, yes, it makes great political fodder).

So let's look at Conservativism's great tenet, freedom. Freedom is a terribly simple yet exhaustingly complicated belief system.

It says: you are responsible for your actions and allowed what you chose within the law. The rest, Terry, is noise. Honestly all your ranting about Toyota and Wall Street always seems to minimize that important pillar of our society and as you do rant, you never answer who is to be the judge because it is an inherently unanswerable question.

Now let look at the left. Rich(i.e.) drones on about the deficit and taxes as if they are an end all, however, what the left is trying to accomplish (as their stated goal, and as opposed to Conservativism's-Freedom) is Social Justice. Terry, now just think about this a moment.

Rich(ie) regards it as sophomoric, well those's Sophomores are pretty smart. Social Justice AND ITS ENFORCEMENT, are inherently anti-freedom, they are by definition.

The protestors, which your side has chosen to minimize, understand that our FREEDOM is under assault. Freedom can be lost by taking away, AND BY GETTING, and therefore being dependant. They get the big picture, despite you and the left's attempt to minimize their effect.

Jim G. said...

Written by Terry a few posts back.

Anyone see a little contradiction.

"I am for a vigorous debate and a scaling down of full change in health care. I believe what we are seeing is democracy in action right now, I also believe Obama's style is to make good decisions when he sees all sides, hence that is why the bill did not originate from the White House. He let the Congress draft it. I believe he put deadlines on it because otherwise Congress will find a way not to do it."

I guess you mean, "unless Obama starts to lose"

Oh, and by the way, the ignorant slut thing was a play on the Dan Akroyd (sp) skit from SNL's weekend update. I really don't mean to imply that Terry is an ignorant slut (in fact he is a very classy dresser) :),

Now, were we to be speaking of the Rich(ie's), that would be a whole different deal.

terry said...

I got the ignorant slut remark it is one of the best lines on SNL. Anyway my long rant is simple some people just believe what they want even if proved wrong by the facts, and I am not talking about health care or socialism which has many facets. I am talking about Obama is a racist(ala Jones) Not born in the USA etc. it just sickens me. I believed up until this Presidency that racism was limited to just a few old diehards but what I have heard from people I run into on the street and engage in conversation is just unbelievable. The N word is alive and well. I guess I am too naive. And to answer Jim I never thought social justice and enforcement was such a wrong thing. I believe where one sees wrong and trys to right it, where one saw suffering and tried to heal it and where one saw a war and tried to stop it. These are good and decent things and not tilting the scale. (Teddy Kennedy)