Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's very interesting that when the vocal dissent against George Bush was categorized as " You were anti- American, you are not a Patriot.
Now when you disagree with Obama somehow you are called a Racist.
What we really need in this country is an open and honest discussion about health care, jobs, terrorism, Afghanistan.
This labeling liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican just stops true understanding and learning and it is like I don't need to listen to you because I know all bout you because I labeled you.


Hags said...


Nice post. I think your point is important, and I think I have been guilty in the past.

I've committed to being more civil when posting or debating. I won't say I'll be nicer, because I plan on being as direct and candid as ever, but I think all the name calling needs to stop.


Baxter said...

I agree.

I think Carter's comments were not helpful. That said, there is a significant racist element in the opposition. The remaining racists in our country are certainly not voting Democratic. I think the Birthers, in particular, contain a large racist contingent.

Does that mean the opposition is racist? Of course not. Most in the opposition are good folks who are philosophically opposed to the Democrats. As President Clinton pointed out, there was a virulent opposition movement against him from Day One.

GWB had his haters too. They were far smaller in number and much less organized. Further, there wasn't a cable network dedicated to opposing him at every turn.

I am all for civility. However, I'm not holding my breath for it's appearance unless we are visited by the likes of OK City or 911 .

Jim G. said...

What a bunch of BS

The crazies of the left have the "news" presenters on their side.

Granted Fox commentary is slanted but their news is not.

Most media starts with a bias favoring collectivism.

Besides Rich(ie) sucks.

Baxter said...

The news presenters favor collectivism? You mean those who draw their paychecks from CBS, Disney and GE? Multinational corporations?

Okay, and the network owned by a notorious right-wing partisan is the place to go for straight news?

Ignorant, through-the-looking-glass bullsh**. Have you no regard for reality?