Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Prosecution of CIA Interrogations Does


Give the link a look. It really is remarkable that the perspective of the Attorney General and others can be so skewed. A couple of quotes that may entice you to read the link.

"The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put his finger on the problem when he said: "The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles.""

"The ostensible reason for releasing al-Megrahi was compassion for a man terminally ill. It is ironic that this was said in Scotland, for exactly 250 years ago another Scotsman-- Adam Smith-- said, "Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.""

The point is that certain truths, unpleasant as they may be, have been evident to intelligent and prudent men for a long, long time. It is a good thing to aspire to a kinder and gentler world. It is an even better thing to survive and make it happen.

There are bad guys, and we need warriors who can defeat them.



Jim G. said...

Hags, who is the man, speaks the truth.

The left all seem to come from the same template, collectivist thinking, central planning and an unwillingness to confront evil.

Said again, unpleasant things should happen to those who do unpleasant things. The left never answers the question, what should we do with a terrorist who has information which could prevent a terrorist attack. They just hide behind the skirt of...it doesn't work. Well it did, says the former V.P. And if so, what sends a stronger message to the world, we do not torture (we don't) or we will do anything, anything, to prevent a future attack.

Baxter said...

Its funny - the right wing tries to claim superiority in it's respect for the founding fathers and the constitution, yet they regularly advocate violating the fourth and eighth amendments. I guess the right wants to follow the constitution only when oit is convenient.

Those principled folks on the left and in the center simply want to follow the constitution without asterisk or reservation. We want to follow the constitution, period.

Baxter said...

By the way - like Obama - I would have preferred this investigation not begin. There is simply no upside and all the world knows that this administration does not support past practices.

We have bigger fish to fry. This is a DISTRACTION.