Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That is a bunch of Bullshit Rich(ie)

The whole premise of the "left" and the Obama Presidency is spreading the wealth. His first speech cited the favorable treatment given the wealthy. The government is running the auto and financial industries and trying to take over health care.

Well... here in all its glory is income redistribution with its corruption and inefficiency. Its name is Acorn. It is small but would have been bigger had it not been exposed.

This...Acorn, Freddi Mac, California Bankruptcy is what he wants and where we are heading, despite what you unwitting fools, professing otherwise, are supporting.

Liberty and freedom can be lost in many ways, including government support of corrupt organizations.

We are going broke, we cannot afford every program that some leftist thinks may "do good" and in truth they cause harm.


Baxter said...

ACORN is not small, it is infinitesimally tiny. If you want to find waste and abuse of that scale you will find it in any government, federal or state, run by any party, or any large corporation as well. It simply is not something worth discussing. We all have bigger fish to fry.

riegels rant said...

Yea Baxter and the fish the big O is trying to fry are the American people...he is surrounded by left wing radicals at every turn...his advisory staff comes from either ACORN or SEIU give me a break. ACORN is small but you take 10 small radical groups and put them together and you have one big mess, which is where we are apparently headed...massive debt...more debt with his health care program (event though he says it will not add a dime to the debt...yea right)unemployment on the rise. I would agree that there is abuse in every Admn, but does that make it right...hell NO. Thought this guy was going to fix all of that...Transparency I believe was the word...BS...jam it down your throat attitude, take from the rich...re-distribute the wealth...remember Baxter I can guarentee you that his goal is three fold...take over health care...take over education...take over energy...and if that happens you will be F'd...and we will see how you like singing MMM