Friday, September 18, 2009

You play with feces aka Acorn, you can't help but get some on your hands aka Barry and the Democratic Party

Truly this is the dumbest adminstration in history. The blind Clintonesque like arrogance that is being exhibited by the mighty czar of the teleprompter and his band of thugs is utterly shocking.

Now they are left to use the race card which I predict will drive Barry's approval ratings ever lower.

Is it just me but do you almost feel sad seeing the old peanut farming anti-semite cry racism and try to make himself seem relevant? Good thing for Barry. Jimmy is going to fall to the second worst President ever since Barry is quickly grabbing the mantle, and we are only 9 months in.


terry said...

It's hard to defend Acorn.

Baxter said...

This is a petty issue, used by FNC to rile up their base. Until 2009, ACORN received less than $.02 per person of federal tax dollars per year.

I have no problem throwing ACORN under the bus. Nonetheless, it all amounts to precious little.