Sunday, September 27, 2009


Can liberals just not make a decision or take a stand?

Clinton/Webb vs Kyl on MTP regarding the eminent creation of a nuclear Iran shows the un falling belief of the left on sanctions.
Ask a lefty for directions and you are likely to get an hour discussion of how difficult the journey will be and never actually get directions.
Regardless of the opinion of the "International community", we need to protect our interest which includes the protection of Israel.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Bush grossly mishandled the Iranian and North Korean accounts. Obama MUST turn this around. I honestly believe that a nuclear Iran will eventually have Hezbollah hand deliver a nuclear bomb to Washington and/or the Port of New York.

This issue concerns the survival of civilization. I know this sounds hyperbolic, but I think the stakes are that high. A nuclear bomb in New York has fall-of-Rome consequences for the whole world.