Thursday, September 3, 2009

Van Jones?

OK Baxter. I just saw FNC's critique of this guy. Knowing that there are always two sides to every story give me your justification for having this guy in a position of power.


Baxter said...

The answer is, Van Jones has very little power. His portfolio exclusively concerns "green jobs". Glenn Beck is on a crusade to get Jones fired and fortunately, the administration is not taking his bait.

There are literally hundreds of jobs at his low rank. IMO, Beck will simply go after one at a time as long as he doesn't lose too many sponsors in the process (he has lost over 40, last I heard).

Anonymous said...

Why did you turn around the question to make Beck the villain? I did not see this on Beck. I don't watch Beck, too radical. This guy is an avowed communist, 9/11 "truther" and a rather accomplished race baiter. But it is OK to have him in government because he has only a "little" power?

Baxter said...

I apparently have not seen as much as you about the man. The communist thing, I believe, is history. I have seen him describe things correctly that may appear to be race baiting. He doesn't mince his words.

I would fire him in a minute if he is a "Truther." Not only am I not a conspiracy theorist, I think those who are have other "issues", including a stubborn resistance to the truth, plain ignorance or both (among other ailments of the mind).

Anonymous said...

Baxter, That, for you, was a major concession. It was the first time you have even hinted that the the anointed one is capable of a bad decision.