Friday, June 5, 2009

Words have meaning

So our current POTUS has stated that the US is not a Christian nation. He then went on to talk about his Muslim roots, which were off limits during the election. He also went on to say the the US is one of the largest Muslim nations. Huh! Not even close. Where does he get his information from? This guy is really out of control. There are many more Jews than Muslims in the US. Why didn't he add that into his latest trip on the apologypalooza tour? He could truthfully say that we are one of the largest Jewish nations.
He then goes on to say that Iran should be allowed to pursue peaceful uses of nuclear power. Yea sure that is what they are doing. They are sitting on a large lake of oil and they need nuclear power. Why is it that Iran can have nuclear power but the US cannot build any more nuclear power plants? Don't you find this a little ironic? Especially given the fact that they now have an estimated 5,000 centrifuges.
If Barry Hussein believes that they only want nuclear power plants than he should be impeached today.

With North Korea and Iran testing Barry on a daily basis I can honestly say that the world is far less safe since he took office. It appears that they view him as being without cojones. No wonder, given the way he has been going around begging for forgiveness for the US and it's past actions, as if we have something to be sorry for. This is what we get when we are stupid enough to elect a "blame America first" radical liberal. We need to impeach him before he does too much destruction.

Michelle Obama gave us a true view into their collective brain when she made the statement about being proud of being an American for the first time. When we have a President that views this beacon of freedom that he was chosen to lead as the problem rather than the solution you have a dangerous precedence that does not bode well for this nation's future. All he is doing is pouring gasoline on a fire.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Mark - you must be one of the right wingers who is upset that Obama did not take the Cairo speech as an opportunity to further alienate the Muslim world. Why is it that the Republicans all want to stick their thumb in the eye of the rest of the world? Individually, you are nice people. Collectively, you represent the very worst of America.

America is a politically secular nation. This is important for Muslims to know. We do not want them to believe that we are Christian crusaders, an impression that Dubya unintentionally created. Additionally, how can we keep promoting secular democracy as a model if we aren't such ourselves?

Obama is wisely creating an opening for rapprochement with the Iranians. They may be electing a "reformer" as president next week. OF COURSE they have plans for nuclear weapons that have gained steam over the past eight years. Our new administration can nip this in the bud. Our proposal does NOT permit the Iranians to ever possess enriched uranium, plutonium or useful nuclear waste. It is a modified version of a Russian proposal that the Iranians have thus far rejected.

You may end up having to find something else to get mad about.