Sunday, December 6, 2009

Does this statement apply in reverse for the other party?

"Blame a lack of oversight as the anti-regulation party held all levers of political control. Don't blame the minority. With power comes responsibility, and the blame falls entirely on today's GOP."

Can we use the "levers of political control", "don't blame the minority", "with power comes responsibility" as criteria on the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled House and Senate. Oh that's right - everything was inherited, so it's "different". How's that hope and change workin for ya? Everything is going so well! Wow we've got another government entitlement (Health Care) coming, Cap and Trade, Card Check, More Taxes abound for anything that moves or doesn't move. This is great! As an employer - blaming it on the last guy works for a nano second, plus it's wimpy. No profiles in courage at work for those who control power now. Hopefully O will man up someday - no voting present in his new job.

1 comment:

Baxter said...

Yes – works both ways. The Democrats control everything today and they are fully responsible for their actions or inaction. For example, if they couldn’t deliver Health Care Reform, it would be their failure. They control the White House and both houses of Congress. There is no excuse for an inability to deliver legislation.

The fact that they inherited a mess is rather relevant, don’t you think? Do you blame the firefighters that show up to extinguish a three-alarm blaze? Or do you tap your foot five minutes in and criticize their methods? How about if you gave the matches to the guy that lit the fire? Wouldn’t it be ironic if you then spent your time bemoaning the Fire Department and took utterly no responsibility for your role?

I have been an employer as well. I would have had idiots for shareholders if they judged my work absent comparison to conditions upon my arrival. The more that I had to undo, the longer it would take. I think it is rather “wimpy” for the Republicans to complain when they are reminded of what they wrought.

So, has everything been going well – prior to 2009 – with health care? Is paying 50% more than our peers while covering 15% less a good track record? Might that cause some brave souls to champion reform?

I prefer direct carbon taxes to cap and trade, but the latter certainly beats the status quo. What is your recommendation for addressing climate change and our gross dependence on foreign energy? Why didn’t the Republicans implement any meaningful changes when they controlled everything?

What advanced industrialized country pays less per capita in taxes than we do? Who owes more to foreign lenders than we do? What did the Republicans do about our massive deficits – trade and budget – when they had all the power?

I could spend all night asking similar questions that you surely would not answer. Like I said – with power comes responsibility. Fair minded Republicans – if such breed exists – should “man up” and acknowledge the folly of their recent governance.